In the past two months alone I've secured book deals for 6 authors. This past April, one of my authors secured a six-figure deal. Her book was sold in a bidding war and was bought by Simon & Schuster. 

I've discovered that there are two basic parts to getting a book deal with a publisher. One part involves your content. The other part involves what I call, "the business of publishing."

Here are some very quick tips to get you on the right path to a book deal if that is your desire.

First, let's talk about content:

1. Write a book that is differentiated from others in its category. In other words, bring something new to a conversation that is already happening. Don't rehash someone else's words or thoughts.

2. Think about trends in the media. Does your book encompass any material related to what is trending in the media?

3. Never approach an agent or publisher until your work has been professionally critiqued and edited.

For the "business of publishing," here is what literary agents and publishers look for:

I was sitting with Angelina Jolie's agent. I was pitching one of my client's books to him. He pulled out his phone, looked the author up on YouTube and said, "His numbers are way too small." Agents and publishers want to know your social media numbers. 

Create as much visibility as you can, both through social media, webinars, and in-person speaking. The greater your visibility and engagement with your audience the more leverage you have for securing a publisher for your book.

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