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  • Hi Judd,
    I just sent you a message. Please respond when you can.

  • Hi Judd,

    I've been trying to get ahold of you.  IWS charged me $50 on Aug. 2nd on paypal.  I didn't order any services from you and would like a refund.

    Harriet Skarie

  • Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to getting acquainted with the site. 

    God bless 


  • Thanks for the friend request Judd.  I did not know we could do that here.

  • Thanks Judd! I think you friended me before but I've been in such major personal upheavals that only now can I get back to you! Thanks again so much!

  • Happy Holidays

  • Thanks

  • Thanks for the invite, Judd!

  • Hi I just recently signed up for one of your promotions regarding reaching over 20,000 readers and I have yet to receive the promotion or a form to fill out regarding which book I'd like to promote.  Will you please contact me?

  • Thanks for inviting to join and adding me in your friend's list!

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