BOOK (88)

A Twisted Shade Of Green series, book one "Portrayal Of Lust and Revenge", is now at,, Paperback: $13.99  e-book/kindle: $3.99. Visit website for more details:  


Two opposites illustrate how love can conquer hearts of lust, revenge, and deception. Kali Mathias possesses an appetite of lust, and Glen Monroe has a raging spirit for vengeance. And together, Glen and Kali both have deceit souls within. But, love turns one date among two total conflicting hearts into one which requires each other to be alive in the midst of any storm. Through a new-found love, God taught Kali to know that not everything has a price tag; at least, not real love! God taught Glen to realize even love can conquer the grips of a sought-after heart’s revenge!

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This topic is really big right now. Any writer or reader familiar with books coming out these days has probably noticed a huge trend in shorter fiction. Short stories, novellas, even episodic or chapter-length works are releasing all of the time on Amazon and other book sellers. And it appears that there are two schools of thought in response.

One is comprised of a group of writers and readers who see no issues with shorter fiction. In fact, they encourage it! 

Writers enjoy publishing these works because they can write faster and move on to the next project on their ridiculously long to-do list. Not that writing such a story doesn't take a lot of plotting or research. Believe me, they still do. But, instead of cranking out a big novel every six months to a year, or longer, the turnaround time is a few weeks to, at most, a few months to completely polish one and have it ready for release. For some readers, they enjoy what the industry terms as an hour or "two hour fiction", a quick read on your Kindle while you're at the beach during your vacation, or when you finally get a moment alone at home. And I guess it depends on how fast you read too. LOL. A certain group of readers even enjoy the episodic, sort of Dickensian approach certain books are taking now.

There's nothing wrong with liking shorter fiction. Most writers who start out are practicing their skills by writing short stories. Even writing workshops or classes at universities usually will only expect a story turned in as the project because it's hard enough to write, but still deemed 'manageable' during the time that a semester runs. Only a Master's program would expect a full-length novel pitched as a dissertation. In some ways, shorter works are a tad easier to read or write because they just go faster. 

Why, I bet you've even seen more multi-author anthologies coming out these days. Writers will submit short stories to publishers for such anthologies. It's a good way to launch new authors before they come out with a larger piece, like a novel. A lot of seasoned authors, as well, are participating in charity anthologies. I know a few writers who enjoy a little break between their full-length novels, so they tackle shorter works during that time. I have submitted for several anthologies as well, and for those I've seen anywhere from 1,000 to 6,000 words, but sometimes up to 10,000 word stories accepted. It probably depends on how many authors are involved.

So, let's talk length. I have included a few good diagrams and tips below depicting the range of length on shorter and longer fiction. This is just to give you an idea of the industry standards. Shorter fiction exists as well. I have seen writing contests for one-sentence or one-paragraph fiction. That is called micro fiction. Flash fiction, which is different, is about a page long, and will sometimes be termed 'short-short'.

"That's weird, Marie."

Maybe. But the writer who can accomplish it is quite talented. I don't think I'm brave enough to try it. I'll stick with works that are a bit longer, at least for now. 




As you can see, it's looking like they really can't decide what should be counted as a novel or a novella. And every publisher has different requirements.

There's nothing wrong with writing short fiction. Right? 

Well, it's a matter of opinion. In fact, there's also a group of readers (and writers, for that matter) who never bother with shorter works. Stories or novellas aren't long enough, they say. And in some circles, they feel that only longer fiction is "true fiction".

Everyone has the right to their preferences in books – genres or lengths – but I can't agree with the former assessment. Length doesn't affect quality in any way. As long as the writer develops the characters, gives enough description of the setting and such, moves the plot along and offers a satisfying conclusion, should it really matter if the work in question is a short story or a novel? Apparently, for some people, it does matter. But that's completely fine. We're all entitled to our own opinions.

So, what's my approach? As a writer, I try not to fuss over length while I'm focused on a project. When I'm editing, I can worry all I want about length. But, during the composition of a work-in-progress, the story stands on its own. For me, it's all about the characters and what makes them tick. It's about the story, what drives me to tell it. Where is the tale set? How can I flesh out a character or even a scene a little better so that a reader can "see it" in his or her mind? What's next in the story? How do I keep the action going? And how do I wrap it all up in the end? These are subconscious, and conscious, questions that, I think, most writers try to tackle. However, during the writing process, it's not about length for me. Do I celebrate milestones with word count? "I made it to 25,000 words!" "I reached 50,000 words today!" Yes, of course, I celebrate it. Every writer likes to make progress. 

But we shouldn't place a huge emphasis on word count or manuscript length during composition. Why? Because it can affect everything. I know one writer who can't finish more than one chapter because he's always asking, "But, how long should my book be?"

And that's a problem. It's possible that some writers need the aforementioned word count guidelines to give themselves a goal. However, it can be extremely limiting at the same time. My answer on how long it should be? The manuscript will be however long it is. If it ends up a short story, then so be it. A novella or novelette? Great! A full-length novel? Nothing wrong with that. It is what it is. By the time you're done writing and polishing, you have a finished product and, as a writer, you should be satisfied with the results. You have to love your story or book as much as your readers do. If you don't fall in love with your characters, if the story doesn't "compel" you, then you're in the wrong profession. 

Enjoy writing your manuscript and, I assure you, you'll get more out of it. AND you'll worry less about book length. Be concerned about word count when you're ready to tackle editing and about to research possible publishers to submit the book to, not BEFORE you start a project or while you're writing.

Remember when I said it will ruin everything if you're concerned with length? It's true. Because if you listen to those naysayers who feel your story isn't "true fiction" due to its length, then you have spoiled the joy of writing for yourself. And that assumption? That's all it is, just a belief, not fact. Don't let one opinion discourage you from writing. You can see more about this and other issues in my article, "Don't Limit Yourself", also on the Writing in the Modern Age blog, and you can learn about how to cope with such adverse opinions in my guest post on Penny Estelle's blog. It is titled "Fighting the Naysayers".  

There are plenty of readers who LOVE short fiction. Just out of curiosity, let's count some of the famous authors who became known by their shorter works: Aldous Huxley, Anton Chekhov, Dr. Seuss, Elizabeth Gaskell, Honoré de Balzac, Herman Melville, J.D. Salinger, Jack London, James Joyce, Joseph Conrad, Joyce Carol Oates, Jules Verne, Louisa May Alcott, Roald Dahl, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Washington Irving, Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, Oscar Wilde, Franz Kafka, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Dickens and so many more! Obviously, the word count snobs never thought of that one, did they? LOL. And it should be about what's inside the book, anyway. 

In the end, does book length really matter? Not really. The point is that you write your story or novel to the best of your ability, then you sit back and are proud of your work. And what is the second goal of writing? To reach readers who appreciate our stories, who 'see' our characters the way they were meant to be seen, of course. If in the process, you give someone a wonderful experience for an hour, two hours, a day or however long it takes to read the book, then I'd say you've done your job as a writer.

So, get out there, pick up a pen and your favorite journal, or set up your laptop, and start writing! After all, who's stopping you? No one. Just you, and I hope by the time you've read this article, you won't be stopping yourself either. Write that book to wherever it takes you. You won't be disappointed by the experience. I hope I've helped to shed some light on the question 'does size matter in books?'. 

Have a great week, everyone. And, as always, happy reading  :)

(Sources: Wikipedia,,, Better Storytelling,The Famous, Ranker, Classic Shorts, Listverse)

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If you’ve ever self-published or considered it at least, it probably crossed your mind that a good book cover would probably help to “sell” the book. It’s true that presentation is everything; how the sales page appears with the book description and the cover are extremely important. Often, if the book cover isn’t up to par, some readers won’t take an author seriously. The cover is half the battle in marketing. The rest, well the rest is how you reach your audience. But, that’s a topic of discussion for another day.

There are so many options out there these days. It seems that everyone is trying to sell you something, book covers included. I’m not saying there aren’t talented cover artists. I am amazed at the quality of work in the industry. There are just as many unprofessional ones as well, who try to capitalize on the idea of creating a book cover. I won’t name any names, but I’m sure you’ve come across them before. They charge a lot of money, but the product just isn’t to your taste. And then there are the ones who don’t charge much at all, and you have to wonder what kind of quality you’re getting for so little. Are the covers they are touting actually theirs or are they using someone else’s work to sell their services? That’s why I won’t go to sites like to get a book cover. I'm not saying the vendors aren't legitimate, just that I won't take the chance if that is the case.

Getting a professional book cover can be an expensive endeavor. Cover artists can charge anywhere from $30-79 for a pre-made cover or charge you hundreds of dollars for something custom made. Granted, if you go the custom route, I have no doubt that you’ll get what you request. The problem is that I have read the disclaimers on some of these sites. A few artists will expect you to pay the basic design fee, but then you have to go out and purchase your own stock images. In the end, your cost has gone up considerably. I’ve spent a lot of time ruminating about using a professional cover artist for certain books. I got lucky with my publisher because they front that cost. But, when you self-publish, the stakes are a bit higher. Let me give you some options that I found. They look good, right?

And then there are the options on the higher end of the scale.

Do the prices get worse? Oh, yes. Big name publishers will pay their professional cover artists anywhere from $500-1200 per project. 

“Uh…yikes, Marie. That’s really out of my budget.”

No kidding. But, let's say one of the options could work for you. A lot of questions go into a purchasing decision.

  1. Is this the right service for me?
  2. By the time I am done using this cover artist, will I recognize anything from my original vision for the cover?
  3. Assuming a pre-made cover is chosen, does the cover correctly represent my characters and story?

It’s all good food for thought, and a decision like this isn’t to be taken lightly. With so many cover art services out there, it can seem incredibly daunting. If you decide to go this route, exercise caution but use your instincts. If a premade cover just calls to you, shouldn’t you at least consider it? Maybe the muse is trying to tell you something. And if it’s out of your budget, go for something similar. 

But seriously evaluate these different cover art services. Read the fine print. Do they have certain disclaimers you didn’t notice before? Are there hidden costs? Is the final decision yours? Some of the artists will go through three rounds with you when doing a custom design. I've worked with them before. They offer some possible covers or images for your approval and you pick the one or ones you like. Then they try to honor your wishes by incorporating other elements. They come back with a design, and you can approve it or say what needs to be adjusted. That is, hopefully, how most of them work, but you might want to stick with the ones that clearly outline their process just to be sure.

There is another option, however, that you may not have considered. You can design your own cover.

“What? I could never do that, Marie. I’m not an artist.”

Well, neither am I. I mean, I never had official training. But, after a few times around the block, I’ve managed to do well enough on my own because I’m working within my budget for now. If you’ve been following me for awhile, then you know I’m all about doing these different parts of publishing and marketing on my own. For example, I even design my own book trailers

I started attempting this DIY madness with book covers when I began self-publishing under other pen names in 2010. At that point, I used the distributor’s cover art wizard and manipulated certain elements within the image I’d purchased for the cover. Around 2014, I starting getting more creative, using the tools I had found online to accomplish the job, at least for my indie books. You can see a full list of my titles here. If you browse from the bottom of the list to the top, you can see the chronological order of my book releases, and what covers I used. 

I’m not perfect, but I think I have it down to a few great resources to use in order to come up with something to present to readers. So, I will offer a little advice.

If you’re going to try to design your own book cover, really think about what you want your cover to look like. Can you picture it in your mind or do you just want to look for inspiration in order to come up with something specific?

  1. Theme. Think about the theme of your book. What is it about? What is the genre? If it’s romance, do you want to exhibit ‘romance’ or a specific element within the plot? If it’s mystery, what do you want to show on the cover? A dead body, a gun, a criminal, a detective? Any of those, or a combination of different things? I start by defining what this theme for the book is. Every story has a theme, or a specific idea you want to convey within the text. 
  2. Study. “What, Marie?” That’s right. You need to study book covers within your genre, and decide if you want to conform to the standards or try something a little different. Obviously, if it’s any subgenre of romance, you’ll want to include some element of romance while honoring your vision for the story. If it’s erotica or erotic romance, you need to be careful about how much skin is shown because Amazon has rules about it. The rules are: “sexy, but not sexual”. Explore the covers in the genre. Even if Amazon is allowing it, that doesn’t you’ll be able to widely promote it because there are a lot of limits, on, say, groups or pages on Facebook and other social media sites. Some types of erotica have a bad rep. So, just be careful if that’s the genre for your book. 

If you’re focusing on another genre, the same rule still applies. Just see what's available, and know what you’re allowed to do. Always think about what symbols mean, and what negative connotations could be derived from them. Certain pagan symbols are often mistakenly associated with devil worship, for example. In any case, keep an eye on what’s out there. But, don’t be afraid to get creative either.

  1. Images.  Maybe you know exactly what you want on your book cover. That’s great! Perhaps you only want to explore images for inspiration. Either way, it’s never too early to start looking for an image that might capture the theme or idea of your cover. Sometimes I just look for images for character muses or to inspire me in even writing a book. I also use stock images in my book trailers. 

    But, let’s say you’re at the stage where you’re planning your cover. You’ll want to find a great site, a place that offers high quality images and is fairly affordable. There are so many stock image or photo websites. You’ll want to pay attention to the ones that give credit to the photographers or artists. Why? Because you’ll be paying for a special license to use them on the web or in print. Otherwise, you’re violating copyright laws and you do NOT want someone to sue you over this issue. And having said that, make sure that when you do decide on images and pay for them, give credit to the photographer on your copyright page for the book (i.e. image source – photographer, company or site you found it on).

As with cover artists, there are different ranges of fees for photos. I stick with the more affordable ones. Some sites want you to purchase a subscription, while others will allow you to do a custom price or a pay-as-you-go plan. I prefer to pay for each individual photo at a time. I can acquire them, and then add to projects. With certain sites, you can pay a specific amount for credits, then use the credits toward images. Those are good too, as long as they are within your budget. Here are some great sites that give you the ability to pay affordably for images. I know there are many more.

Here are a few expensive options, if that’s a route you’re willing to take. I found more in the past, but I usually avoid them. LOL.

“What about the opposite side of the spectrum, Marie? I’ve heard you can get free images.”

Tricky stuff...that is, of course, always an option. There are royalty-free no cost sites available as well. Here is the rub: can you really assure yourself of how legitimate they are? How do you know that someone didn’t steal an image and try to resell it? I leave the decision in your capable hands, but I can’t stress enough how you’ll still have to give credit to the photographer or contributor. I will list a few that are pretty safe, but I only use them for blog posts or a book trailer, when I'm looking for a specific image.

For myself, it’s always better to purchase a license to use something for a book cover rather than take it, shove it on a product and pretend I have the rights to it. Make sense?

All right. So, let’s assume you’ll purchase a stock image legally. Use the search boxes on these sites carefully. By that I meant that you may need to get creative in your search terms or keywords. It can quickly become frustrating when you can’t find what you want. Be prepared to spend time on this project, and take breaks when necessary for sanity. LOL. Take your time and breathe.

You also have to decide what size of image you need. Anything which is the size of your book cover or just a bit larger is always good because you can resize down to whatever you need. And cover software handles most of this for you. For cover images, I usually pick anywhere from 1300 to 2400 pixels. For other types of projects (graphic teasers, banners and bookmarks, I can go much smaller. 

Eventually, I always find the perfect image and experience that “gotcha!” moment. It’s good to use your instincts in this case as well. If you feel so-so about an image or don’t like it all that much, don’t feel obligated to use it. Do you want to hate your book cover? No, you want to be satisfied with the finished product.

  1. Layout. Let’s assume that you now have the image or images that you want to use. Now it’s time to get creative. Or…is it? Remember when I asked you if you knew what you wanted the cover to look like in the first place? Now is the time to really think about your images and how they’ll fit into that vision. And if you still don’t have a clue what the final cover will look like, that’s okay too. Maybe you’re a visual person and you need to see it on the page first. That’s when a few fun tools come in handy.

5. Designing the book cover. Most professional cover artists use special software, something that most of us can’t afford. Here are some links if you’re willing to go that route.

If you’re not willing to do that, some people use Photoshop.

There are also some free options. I know a few sites that let you edit images or transpose them onto backgrounds. Here are a couple I have used.

These tools are awesome because you can do so much with them! I often use them to cut out shapes or trim, even frame something. You can also change the lighting on a picture or include textures. Anyway, nothing is final and you can always save different draft files for each version. You can then start from scratch with your original image, knowing it’s still as perfect as it was. For a couple of those you can even change eye color so it truly looks legitimate (that one made my day!) Again, take your time with these tools. It’s so easy to get frustrated. Just breathe and learn how everything works. It’s okay to even use Microsoft Paint, but you will want to use it sparingly because it may not always look professional. (Update: PicMonkey is now asking for a subscription to save your work, but they do have great themes and photo effects.)

Now, how do you actually create a cover? Paint lets you resize items after the completed product, but if you want something truly authentic, there is a very cool tool you can use. Canva is my savior, and I have loved it since I found it several months ago.

With Canva, you can select a type of product or project to work with (the dimensions are already set for you or you can do a custom size). For this one, I usually choose ‘Kindle Cover’ under the ‘Create a design’ option. Yes, it’s time to be impressed. This will be the size you need to upload to Amazon KDP or any other bookseller.

If you’ve chosen ‘Kindle Cover’, you’ll see the page load into a white space where your book cover will go. Remember that ‘layout’ I was talking about before? Do you have an idea where you want your title to go? Do you have a series name or subtitle to add? And, of course, you’ll want to include your name as the author. There are ‘layout’ buttons on the left side of the page where you can select how each line of text lays on the cover. Be very careful about which elements you choose to use in Canva. Most are free, but some have paid options (like $1.00 or so). For the most part, I choose the free ones. In the ‘layout’ section, you’ll see sample book covers showing how the text looks on a cover. Be careful of the ones that look entirely centered with several lines of text in a column. Unless you’re willing to go with that option, you may not be able to change how the text lays because those elements are saved as templates.

Choose a layout that works for you and your vision for the book cover. It will automatically load onto the cover. Now you should change the font colors for the titles and subtitles, even the author name. Probably something bright like blue. Why? Because you’ll want to be able to see them when you load your images in. It might take a while to navigate around the page to select the different text elements. If you’ve ever designed your own greeting card using card software, it’s the same idea.

After that is done, select the full book cover using your mouse. You’ll see the dotted line outlining the size of the book cover. Then delete it. If it works correctly, you should still be able to see your text. If you mess up the preloaded text, you can add your own using the ‘text’ option on the left side of the page. Some are paid elements, while others are free. Be careful and use the free options if you don’t want to pay. 

Now go to each section of text and when you click on it, you should see some options like color, size of font, type of font and a little arrow. Click on the arrow, and then go down the list until you find an option that says ‘move forward’. That will ensure that your font stays above everything.  

You'll need to decide if you want a basic color background, a provided free pattern or if you want to use your purchased stock images as the background for your cover. To put a color background in the page on Canva, just go to ‘background’ on the left side and select a color. To use custom colors, use the plus (+) symbol. There are also background templates, but some of them require you to pay, as aforementioned. Once you have your background color, you should see an option that says ‘uploads’ on the left side of the website page. There is a green button which says ‘upload your own images’. Click that to find your images. As the file uploads, you’ll see a small thumbnail of your image down below. Click there and drag the photo to your page. On the cover space, you’ll be able to resize the image as large or as small as you want. This is where it gets tricky. As you manipulate things on the page, you’ll probably have to use the ‘move forward’ option on your text once more to ensure that you can move it over your new image.

If you need to manipulate how an image looks, such as wanting a shape like a circle, you’ll have to use those tools that I mentioned above and then upload that image in. Using PicMonkey, you can go to ‘edit an image’, upload the file then choose the frame symbol on the left hand side. Pick ‘shape cutouts’, then it will give you shapes to choose from. You can alter the size of the circle or whatever shape you choose using the bar on the left hand side. If you want an angle for the image, you can alter that as well. Once you’re done, save and then upload the image to Canva. Make sure you keep it as a PNG image or the outside of the circle won’t remain transparent.You can bring the image into your project on Canva by uploading the file when your ready, and then dragging it to the cover page.

Next, go back to Canva in your browser and move your text around to where you want it on the cover. Make it larger if necessary, or even change the font type or color.

Now you need to think about layout. Where does the book title sit as opposed to your series title or your author name? Do you want everything centered? How does the text relate to the image you want to convey? Is it crowding your picture? Adjust as necessary.  

Again, be prepared to spend a little time learning how to use these tools. If you have to, do a temporary project and play with the different options. 

Once you have your cover designed to perfection, save it using the download' button in the upper right corner. It will save using Canva’s own file name so you’ll have to rename it when you find it in your ‘downloads’ folder on your PC or wherever your downloaded files save. 

Another cool thing that Canva does is they save your projects so that you can go back in and edit them later. You just need to register for a free account. You’ll also see options to make your designs public, but don’t press that unless you’re willing to give up your rights to your cover.

(Note:  You can also use Canva for other photo projects like your Facebook author page or Twitter page.)

And there you have your cover! Before you do anything, check the final product to be sure you didn’t miss anything. You can use Windows Photo Viewer for that. Now is the time that you may notice white space that you didn’t see before, or issues with the layout (title isn’t centered and such). Print it out if you need to. Make sure you are absolutely satisfied with the final product. Send it to a friend or someone you trust for a second opinion. It is okay to have five or six versions of a cover before you’re happy with it.

Another technique I use is doing mockup covers. I take an image I found online so that I can decide on the layout. That helps me figure out what I want for a cover before I make any purchases.

I launched my own graphic design business back in June of 2016. Though the website is now closed, you can still find the premade covers I designed on my author website here on this page.

This is another helpful article on cover design:

By now, I hope you have a book cover that you love and can’t do without. It is my wish that I’ve helped you navigate the sea of decision in choosing whether to go with a cover designer or doing it on your own. Or, at least given you the steps to try it for yourself.

If you decide to have someone else design it for you, that’s great too! Personally, I think Sherry Soule at SwoonWorthy Book Covers is fantastic! The point is that you find a cover you are perfectly content with.

Have a great rest of your week, and, as always, happy reading! :)

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Being an author is hard. One must not only write books, but also take on different roles. They have to be editors, marketers, bloggers, advisers, and the list goes on. In the publishing journey, a writer learns that very few things are for free, or at least affordable. 

Book trailers are a great tool in promoting your own work. You can not only tie them to your Youtube channel, but also link them to author interviews or even press releases. They can really come in handy, anyway.

I have been publishing books since 2010, and in 2012, I received my first book contract. That book, titled Upon Your Return, a Victorian romance and book one of the Heiresses in Love Series, was released in February of 2013 through Summer Solstice Publishing. It wasn’t until the following September that I attempted this crazy thing called ‘a book trailer’.

But, what do we need book trailers for, huh? There seems to be a lot of people for them, and a lot against them. Some people don’t see the merit it in them, while others swear by them. The good trailers I have seen, though, have sold me on the books. Of course, the blurbs and covers don’t hurt either, right? LOL. Still, a good book trailer can go a long way towards helping you to market your books effectively. I’ve been designing them since 2013, and I haven’t had any complaints yet.

However, during my first foray into creating a book trailer, I crashed. Hard. As a starving artist, I desperately wanted to have a book trailer, but really didn’t know how to go about it. I was told someone had to design it for you. So, I looked around. I couldn't find anything less than $150-200 to create a book trailer. I thought that was normal. And I'm sure it is if you want something that is smashing. I did find a place that charged $5.00, but the low price made me wary. What? You might fork over that small bit of cash and see nothing from it.

So, after numerous months of mourning the fact that I didn't have my own book trailer, I decided to research it.  I had read somewhere that you could create your own if you had the right software.  I read up on it more.  

My first attempt was all right, if not a bit long. It ended up being between two to three minutes. People complained that it lagged, and I soon agreed. There were also copyright issues, as I didn’t realize that I couldn’t use just any old picture I found or an MP3 of my favorite song.

I learned my lesson, though. Now I know better.

We have to think carefully about these things. Have you thought about designing your own book trailer? You probably saw them on Youtube, or saw links to them on Facebook or Twitter. Didn’t you ever wonder where the images or music came from? They most likely came from reputable sources, were purchased legally.

So, to be fair, I’m including my first attempt here. You won’t hear any music, but you can sort of see what it was before if it plays correctly.

Attempt 1

Well, after several attempts, I managed to get something I’m proud to show you.

Final Attempt

If you're an author or business person, you may be wondering how in the world was this accomplished? I will tell you. There's no reason to keep secrets like this to oneself. I don't know how many times I've been clueless about something and felt so grateful when someone bothered to post an article about it online. So I will give you step by step instructions here.

1)    Pictures.

You want to find some great pictures for your video. As we all know, there are sites out there that let you purchase pictures for said price. Here are some great sites that give you the ability to pay affordably for images. I know there are many more.

There are some decent sites out there that offer free pictures as well. Some sites I have used are, Stock Xchng (,,, Fotolia, Photobucket , and

On any of these sites, you have to be pretty unique with your search terms or you won’t find what you’re looking for.  The best one I have found so far, and it does require a small investment ($20 for 20 credits, or less, depending on your budget), is 123RF. I also used Fotolia for a book cover recently, and that was a very positive experience. If you want a sneak peek of the kind of images you can find on free sites, though, please visit my website at I have used free, yet legal images for all of my self-published books thus far. Of course, I gave credit to the photographers. All the ones listed under Erica Sutherhome, Kathryn Layne and Heather Crouse were not only self-published, but royalty-free images were used. Purchased images were used for the ones under this name, Marie Lavender.

You should be able to find some decent pictures on any of the aforementioned sites. Have I missed any? Probably. But, you'll be searching for a long time if you just go on Google and say "free images". You will get the ones I found, but also clip art and things that are definitely not free. You could get yourself in a lot of trouble. Try looking for "royalty-free". You can, of course, do whatever you like. I still advise you to keep copyrights in mind. For myself, it’s safer to pay a small amount for something than to assume it’s free and regret it later. Sound good?

2) Adding Music

Let’s say you want to add music or sounds to your video. Some people do voice-overs. There are royalty-free music sites out there as well. Here is a list. Some charge a little, while others don't.

Here is the best one I've found, and I’ve used it for a few years now.

Carefully select your music. I usually spend a lot of time trying to decide what theme or feeling I want the music to convey. I narrow mine down to about five or six songs, then narrow it down further. Be patient. This takes time. Sometimes I wait until after I have the design before I look for music and then see what might work for the trailer. Purchase your music or bookmark it for future reference.

3)  Figure out your design or layout.  

What all do you want to say in your video or book trailer? What message do you want to convey? Think of this as you would if you were making your own book cover, only it’s in video format. What idea are you trying to show in the short time you’ll have to explain things? For mine, I opened a Word document and typed up everything I wanted to say. Don’t give away too much about your book, but you do want to give a good tease as you would in a blurb. The great thing about this is that you can edit it as you go along.

At that point, I started looking for pictures to go with each section. You’ll see more about what I mean shortly. 

So, what's next? What do you do after you figure out what you want to say?

4)  Powerpoint.

Make a Powerpoint presentation using the layout and pictures you found. Adjust sizes of the images and font, and make sure you have even spaces on both sides of the slide. An image that is slightly off on the pages is like a crooked picture. Even an untrained eye will catch it. Oh, and please, please, please give credit to photographers, composers and book cover artists in the 'Credits' page.

You should have a pretty good presentation going for you. If you like, you can save the presentation for future reference. In fact, I encourage it. Do something else for me now. Also save the presentation as a jpg. 

“What? Why in the world would you do that, Marie?”

Just trust me. Powerpoint will ask you if you want to save all the slides as jpegs. Say ‘yes’. You can close out of your presentation. And what's next, you may ask. 

5)  Forget Authorstream. When you do a search online for how to convert Powerpoint presentations to video, it will probably be mentioned. It's just a useless tool, in my opinion. So let's forget it please.

6)  Open Windows Movie Maker. You should have it somewhere in your programs. If you aren't aware of it, you have most likely overlooked it in your day to day operations. I know I did. And if you don't have it, it's free to download from Microsoft.

From that point, you will see a white space on Movie Maker that looks like a whiteboard. Locate your jpgs from your presentation. Powerpoint would have saved them in a folder for you on your computer. Open the folder and then select all of the jpgs. That's CTRL +A for a shortcut. You can drag them in or you can import them in as files.

Movie Maker will place them in the white area. Then, you need to drag each slide (in chronological order, of course) into the storyboard below. You can also click the button 'show timeline' after you've finished. This shows your whole movie as it's progressing.

Now, do you want to add music to your video? I found it was damn near impossible with Powerpoint, but easy with this software.  Let's say you have your own MP3, or at least one song you want to use. You will click "import audio file" or just "import" and select the file from wherever you saved it. That should add the file to your timeline as well.

You will see two lines:  the first shows your slides and the second is your music. There is also a play button on the right side of the screen where you can monitor your progress of the video by playing it back.

So, from here you want to decide how long to make each slide and how you want to match it up to the music. This, my friends, could take awhile because you'll most likely have to listen to the clip over and over again. However, if you like the song you selected, it's not really that bad. To lengthen the slides, just click on one and drag it to the right. Above all of that, you will see a minute and second counter that tells you how long each slide will last in your video.

Once you have your video the way you want it, you can add end credits or titles. That would be in the 'tools' section. And to finish your video, you have to select where you want it to end on the timeline (minutes and seconds or at the end of slides) and then go to the tab at the top that says "clip". You will find this thing that says "set end trim point". This will effectively end your video wherever you put the line so make sure you know where you're ending it first.

But, really how long should your trailer be? The ideal length of most effective trailers are between 45 seconds and one minute, 10 seconds.

“Wow, so short!”

It’s true. So, my basic rule? I try to keep them to about a minute. If it goes a bit over, fine. But then, I go back and look at the whole video critically. Does it seem to be lagging anywhere? Did I express all that I needed to say without giving too much away? Does the music match to each section, or flow well? Think about emotions that might come from the music too. That will determine a lot of it. Still, you don't want to exceed about a minute and a half. Any longer, and you'll just lose your audience.

If you feel you're done building your video (or book trailer), you will want to save it. Click "save movie file" under "File". It will ask if you want to save it to your computer or elsewhere. Just save it to your computer, name it and let it do it's thing. Movie Maker will also create a folder for your video so you will have to locate it that way. What's next?

Well, what do you want to do with your video? Let's say you want to publish it to Youtube or just add as a video on your website or Facebook. You can do that.

7) Find your movie file. 

It should have a .wmv extension. For the purposes of this article, let's say you want to upload it to Youtube.

8) Make sure you have an account on Youtube (this is usually a Google or Gmail-related account). 

There should be an option to upload on your account. It will be at the top of the page.

Add the file and name it. Add a description and tags (keywords related to the trailer or video). It should save itself, but give it time to load your video entirely.

Youtube will also give you a URL for your video. Notate that somewhere.

Within a few minutes, you should be in business.

So, you’re probably wondering if I even know what I’m talking about. Well, why wouldn’t you? I’m not an expert by any means, but I get by well enough by creating my own trailers. Below, I am including all of the book trailers I have designed. They are also on my Youtube channel and the 'videos' page of my author website. The trailer for my new release should be added soon.

Upon Your Return (book one of the Heiresses in Love Series)

genre: Historical Romance, Victorian

Magick & Moonlight (book one of the Magick Series)

genre: Lighthearted Romantic Fantasy

Upon Your Honor (book one of the Heiresses in Love Series)

genre:  Historical Romance, Victorian

Second Nature (book one of the Blood at First Sight Series)

genre:  Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy

A Little Magick (book two of the Magick Series)

genre:  Children's Fantasy

Second Chance Heart

genre:  Contemporary Romance

Blue Vision (book one of the Code of Endhivar Series)

genre:  Science Fiction Romance

Upon Your Love (book three of the Heiresses in Love Series)

genre:  Historical Romance/Family Saga, Victorian

Directions of the Heart

genre:  Contemporary Romance, Drama

Well, that’s how you can create your own trailer or video for promotional purposes. I hope I have helped you figure it all out. 

9) Other Options.

But, let’s say you’ve decided, “Nah, this isn’t for me. I’m going to let someone else design it.”

Well, there is certainly no shame in that. So, where would you go to find someone who designs a good book trailer?

First, you must decide on your budget. What are you willing to spend for a decent trailer that will help you market your book effectively? What is out of your price range? And what is a fair amount? That will narrow down your choices considerably. There are some good options out there. As with any purchase, make an informed decision. Research the services you find. Are there reviews? What do other people say about that designer?

Obviously, some of the options can get rather expensive. Doing it myself, I save tons of money and usually only spend no more than $20 total on the whole project.

Here are a few companies that offer book trailer production.

“Wow, pricey!”

I’m not saying there are only expensive options out there, just that a lot of them exist.

“So, where can I still find an affordable trailer?”

Here are a few.

Beyond that, all I can say is…just start looking. Check online on Google, even look on social media. I know a lot of them have Facebook pages. You never know. You may find a really great place that does it professionally and affordably! ;)

Whatever you decide, whether you want to risk attempting this book trailer thing on your own or you want to pay someone to do it for you, I’m sure you have it all in hand. With the right tools, why, we are capable of anything as human beings, aren’t we?

Happy creating! And, as always, happy reading! :)

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Last Lunch by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

I stopped at a restaurant to have lunch. It was not the best of my world. Most of the chairs were rickety and there were cracks here and there on the walls. I almost went round the restaurant as if I was on an inspection of some dilapidated structures. When I finally found a seat that was befitting, I was almost exhausted. Life is cruel if you have too many sad choices to make.
The owner of the restaurant looked pale. There were wrinkles on her face. Many years of activities was taking its toll. At a glance, she was like a woman in the pool of old age!
I took my seat in the extreme and ordered for a meal that would last forever in my stomach. Considering the times, it was honourable to do what is right and not what you like. Eating because you need to eat is good. For a man of little means, food is a luxury. All that matters to him is to find a meal that could keep him out of the pool of hunger long enough. Do I care if all eyes were on me? It was hard times. The recession was biting hard. To me, eating a meal meant for three or more people alone was no crime. It was only a bargain. Who knows, it could be my last in this miserable world. Let us wine and dine. Tomorrow we shall live. If there was a better time to be mindful of my rations, especially as it concerns the quantity of food that I consume every time that I stumble on the chance to have a meal, it was now.
The meal, when it was served was like a mountain. I could barely see the people at the other side of the table. One of the men gazed at me as if I was going to kill myself with the “fufu and egusi” soup that occupied nearly half my table. When our eyes met, I flashed an exaggerated smile at him. But he did not return a smile. Instead, he wore a frown. He swallowed hard and began to chew his thin lips that were hidden under a heavy line of moustache!
I lowered my head and faced the meal. Let him kill himself because I want to have my lunch…
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I am Miki Sever from Israel, The CEO of Tiktakti. We build & publish books that sells them directly from the books..

is our state of the art system, with which we build for you, within 24 hours, a 3D digital book whose readers are able to flip its pages as if they were reading a printed booknewspapercatalog or magazine. Tiktakti works in any language and without limitation regarding the number of pages, to be read in any browser on any device - desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile.
Tiktakti's books are sold by themselves from the publication.

We can add incomparable value to your book:
General sound for the whole publication or for specific pages
Video or YouTube
Sign in password for confidential publications
Links to any place in the publication or all over the Internet
Sharing on Facebook, Twitter
Zoom in and out, printing, downloading, etc.
Interactive tree leveled TOC (table of content) of the publication
Variety of designs
Smartphones & tablet version
Comprehensive security against piracy
Full SEO for Google search 

It is as simple as this:
You email us your designed PDF file and within 24 hours you receive by e-mail the link to your new publication and also its files (should you want to easily upload it to your Internet site.

You can immediately e-mail the link to your customers, employees and your business contacts, display it on your Facebook page, Twitter, books sites, blogs, etc.

Please look at some of our recent works in the following Links:

Rabin-20 years after by Robert Slater

Melatonin The Key Of Life             

The Golden path to natural healing 

The Black Sun                                

Israel Aerospace Industry                

Robin Ruth - Paris                          

GW magazine                                

Ruben Cukier - fine art book         

The Big Brass band                        book with sound and music with "The book that sells it self" feature.

My cat Virginia                                Children book with sound and music with "The book that sells it self" feature.

UFW- Comics book                        

The Adventurs of Eshe- audioBook  Children's Audiobook

Our special prices for eBooks/publications are as follows
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Building an up to 20 pages 3D book-              $150 
Additional up to 10 pages-                                        $ 20 (However, maximum $100)
                                                                                  It means that the maximum price for a 70 page, book or more is $250.

Inserting sound/video/YouTube files-                       $10 each
Building an Interactive Table of content-                  $ 20 (up to approx.50 lines of content)
Tablet/mobile version-                                              $ 15 (Same internet link of the book)
Security/ purchase of the book from the book-         $ 20
App(EXE) version-no need for internet connection- $ 20

We host the book's files on our servers free of any charge, for the first 60 days.
Thereafter, you have 2 possibilities:
a. To Host the book in your site's server. For that we shall send you the files(zipped) with a short and simple explanation on how to upload the files to your site.
b. To continue hosting the book's files on our server, which involves a cost of $4 per month on a prepaid yearly basis.

Payment is made by  PayPal upon uploading the eBook to the Internet and competing your remarks/requests as much as possible.

Selling your eBook:
Because we can embed a password in our product, it becomes easier to sell it by email with no complicated solution requiring e-Commerce.
The password can be activated in the first page or following few pages (for example, on page 11), which will enable readers to read the first 10 pages for free, but then requires them to buy the book if they want to continue reading. We can embed a stronger security editable user's list in your book, which includes the reader’s email address + a unique password; only a correct combination of the two will allow a reader to open the book.

Shopping Cart: The book that sells itself
We shall include in your book a direct purchase feature of your book, where payment is made direct to your PayPal account.

The link of the book is your sales manager.
Include it in your site, other sites and blogs, Facebook, Twitter Etc.
5-10 pages are free and then the purchase is done directly. You get 100% of the income!!!

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us regarding any information or questions you might have.

Looking forward to building your coming 3D digital book, with our true "Green" system.

Yours truly,

Miki Sever
CEO of Tiktakti
Magash General Services Ltd.
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Sweet Earth, an extract

The intense years punctuated lives with a totality which is difficult for the ignorant to understand, and the intervening calm became another type of pause. While we are in the moment we cannot escape the force of its presence, but after we extricate ourselves time alters our impression and dilutes its intensity. For some the nightmares return unexpectedly, unleashed by an unintentional word or question.

As each of the women became part of a different place and made different lives their letters to each other became less frequent. Each was always pleased to hear from her friend and glad that all was well. They never lost touch completely, even if a memory was the only thing left; there was comfort in the sense of place they had shared.

Eveline had taken over the running of her cousin’s farm house in the country side near Limoges and had made it into a chambres d’hotes. Her simple, classic country dishes satisfied and delighted the weary traveller, who was at liberty to make the garden their own and relax amongst the plethora of vegetation and free flowing flora.

Her style was quietly sociable with a slightly shy reserve; some might have described it as wary. She spoke to those whom she automatically trusted.

Her salad of tomatoes in its subtlety of olive oil, parsley and garlic, was a talking point. Its simplicity evoked a continuum of conversation around the table; one could almost feel the absent company in the empty chairs. She spoke of a fire in a church where people had been imprisoned and a woman separated from her child she could never reach again.

She could not stop her testament until she had regurgitated the whole, all the while standing quietly and with uncanny stillness. It seemed a necessary catharsis and yet one knew she would tell the tale again trying to make sense of the past and the repetition of history.

At breakfast the next morning she would say she had had bad dreams.

Simone had walked away with the others, carrying a suitcase, having abandoned the belongings she had put on the neighbour’s cart.

And as she continued along the road towards Paris even her valise became heavy and awkward. She sat down by the side of the road and searched for what she could do without, and having done so, left the sundry articles behind amongst the other items people had jettisoned for similar reasons. She walked on amongst the rejected shoes and bric a brac that were strewn intermittently about the route. The straggling line of a displaced population, leaving because that was the only thing to do, continuing its long progress.

If one was to visit those northern towns fifty years on, how clean and neat they would appear. Enterprise and new enthusiasm ribboning through the fields and former sights of battle. New roads carrying the new Europeans across the continents consuming the landscape in a different fashion. Only the ever watchful shades and nuances between the sight lines in the wide sky above you, a silent carrier of what had been done and said.

In a cellar somewhere removed in time and space from that first war, Martine thought of the lady in her drab dress and apron sweeping the ruins in the church. She had been trying to keep her concentration and not allow her nerves to overwhelm her. Waiting in this tiny hole for several hours, with nothing to eat or drink, had begun to disorientate and weaken resolve.

When they had come for them early that morning it was an inelegant arousal and the German officers had not allowed much time for preparation or the collection of luggage; that did not happen in these circumstances. In spite of being told at the outset what lay ahead in the event of discovery, the shock was palpable. The coldness of the assailant, and his intention to inflict violence and cruelty upon his victims, exuded like a foul sourness from every part of his being. The air was redolent with the decomposition of humanity and Martine felt numb.

She tried to will herself to die now, it would avoid what was to come, which in itself would result in being shot after hours of torture and interrogation. She heard the faint sound of what seemed like two gun shots somewhere to the right of her and above her head. As she looked upwards, in automatic response, she could make out the outline of a square grill in the wall where faint traces of light penetrated through the dirt. Footsteps faded on the ground, then the sound of different footsteps, closer and much louder approached.

Picardy seemed a long way away now. Simone and some of the others had taken shelter for the night in a farmer’s barn. By chance, in the form of miscellaneous trucks and discarded bicycles, they found themselves just north of Paris at Senlis.

The journey south had been circuitous and the need for avoidance techniques, and a degree of nonchalance when potential dangers presented themselves, a necessary requirement in such strained circumstances.

The days travelling had given her time to think, why Paris? She did not know anyone there. Would there be a possibility of melting into the crowd and becoming part of a wartime community under occupation?

Jacqui, a younger woman with whom she had struck up a good day to day relationship, knew people there and she seemed happy enough for Simone to accompany her. Having made the effort so far she might as well carry on she thought, there would be cafés and bars she could find work in, who knew? It would be summer soon and that meant life would feel easier to contemplate. It was extraordinary how a person adapted to this nomadic way of life and that some days just seemed like any other.

She lay against some wooden pallets, their shallow layer of straw providing some comfort, and fell asleep, the quiet chatter of the others around her soothing her into oblivion with its softly enunciated cadences.

When she awoke the next morning the rest of the group had already gone across to the house where the farmer had provided a simple breakfast of bread and coffee. She joined them and apologised hurriedly for being so late. The table made a focal point in the plain room, and her eyes glanced at the lofty ceiling towering above the assembled group; how welcome these functional surroundings were she thought. There was even some homemade cherry jam on offer; life in the countryside retained its rhythm and ritual come what may it seemed. She should write this all down for future generations.

When they finally got to Paris the group had diminished, many had decided not to go as far as that and had decided to try their luck on the outskirts. Jacqui had insisted that Simone stay with her and she would find a place for both of them. Her cousin, Monique, lived near Place de Clichy and there was bound to be room at her place for a while. She thought Simone might fit in well, in fact there might be the possibility of some work, depending on her tastes for excitement. Simone caught the whiff of something too dark here that might need to be carefully avoided.

Monique’s apartment was situated in one of the myriad of streets that congregated around that busy quartier. Even in these times life went on and the proximity of clubs and bars meant that the occupying population was as well served as the indigenous inhabitants always had been. The apartment, on the second floor, was accessible by lift and stairs. The lift tended to be temperamental so it was advisable to use the stairs. A woman had been found badly beaten inside it recently which was an indication that life continued, but at a price.

Simone eventually found work at a laundry a few blocks away near Montmartre. Monique had quickly introduced Jacqui into a twilight world, to which she had taken to easily and without much hesitation. Simone had avoided being persuaded into following suit, preferring to take up a more neutral way of life. She never enquired much and saw Monique and Jacqui only briefly, usually on their way out in the evening. Sometimes she was aware of voices and laughter, people arriving and then leaving again hours later. Once there was the sound of arguments in the street, doors slamming and the scent of cigar smoke penetrating the room from the corridor.

One Saturday morning she was aware of a couple of men watching the block, gazing at the apartment windows, then walking away into the main boulevard again.

Her life was solitary for the most part, her routine at the laundry brought her into contact with a variety of people, some as out of place as she, but this was an out of place time so she did not appear that unusual. A conversation shared over a cigarette and a glass of wine, listening carefully and empathetically to the warp and weft of the everyday slog. Simone fitted in quietly, without drawing attention to herself, and lived her life as simply as she could.

The walk back to the apartment at her usual, leisurely pace took about half an hour. The late September afternoon made the way down from Montmartre a gentle and almost nostalgic event. It was as if time had turned back upon itself and life was as carefree as it had been a few years ago. The little picture house she passed, a slither of a place, was a popular venue and she had to dodge the people queuing to get in.

By the time she had turned into Rue Le Mercier she had almost forgotten the times in which she was living, and as she walked into the vestibule she greeted the concierge as usual, who looked up from her knitting and nodded without expression, as usual; Simone remembered where she was.

She could hear the low beat of the jazz and the soulful voice behind it as she reached the top of the stairs. She went in quietly, the door to the main room at the top of the corridor was open slightly and the smell of perfume, brandy and cigarettes permeated the place; she saw through the half opening and took in the scene. Monique, Jacqui and three men were in various states of undress, asleep and full of the good brandy they had been consuming. They lay spread upon the chairs and settee, dead to the world for the moment, a soft snore of a fart emanated from someone.

The door to one of the bedrooms opened and a woman came out to visit the bathroom. She pulled the straps of her silk petticoat up over her shoulders as she walked by and Simone noticed a bruise on her upper arm as she did so. The occupant of the bedroom shouted something indistinct at her from behind the door as it shut.

Simone went as quietly as she could to her own room where a couple lay entwined and asleep on the bed. She went to the little kitchen and made coffee, lighting her own cigarette and forgetting any sense of the nostalgia she had previously felt.

Much later, when the party broke up and its pleasure-makers had left, the men, quietly triumphant and sated with sex and alcohol, far too absorbed in themselves to notice any observer, Simone caught sight of one of them and recognised him as the man she had seen some weeks ago, looking up at the apartment. She listened to their footsteps clumsily descending the stairs and the sound of a car pulling away.

Monique was tidying up the residue of the debauched hours and saw Simone at the kitchen table. She placed the glasses in the sink and returned to collect more items in need of restoration which she would then replace, unsullied, in the cabinet.

The sounds of furniture being put back in its rightful place and the music ending were audible from the salon. Jacqui was attending to that. The door to the other bedroom was still shut, presumably the third woman was asleep.

“They pay, they call the tune,we comply. We see the bright lights and the pizzazz, and give them what they ask for. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes not, but the alternative, well there isn’t one now, truthfully you’re better out of it.”

She sat down, asked Simone for a cigarette and stared into space.

The girl had been a pretty thing, blonde and slim. The dark, full nipples strikingly prominent. The vulnerability in her eyes stared out at one as she lay lifeless on the bed.

Her body was half covered by the sheet and there was a series of red marks on her face and neck, one of her breasts had been slashed underneath its nipple. There were layers of marks on her back, the result of being repeatedly beaten as she lay unable to escape her attacker. There were also bite marks on her right ear.

Jacqui had discovered the body and had made a phone call. Some men came and removed it. Who they were, or where they took the dead girl, was not clear and no questions were asked. It seemed that in the present climate, in certain contexts, this procedure was one that took place in an understated and silent manner. “Le silence” prevailed.

Simone left the apartment without notice and searched for work and accommodation elsewhere, always wary that the face of the man she had recognised at the apartment might appear again.

There were always men who would behave like that given half the chance, but somehow the circumstances which facilitated licence to procure and punish with such terminal consequences, erupted in profuse intensity in some quarters at that time. Calm, cold, eyeless and booted, they haunted the street corners and drank champagne in the star dust inns of the corrupt, entrapping their pretty things all the way.


ParaDon Books Publishing

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Raising Money to Publish Books

This Raising Money to Publish Books pdf document will show you where the money is and how to get it. There are grants, government programs, creative ways to borrow and lots of good financing advice. If you need money to publish your next book, this report will help you get it. 6 pages.

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ParaDon Books Publishing

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How to increase your Goodreads readership

goodreads_f4.png is a very popular social media platform for book lovers, with over 40,000,000 members. Now, the question is, how do you tap into this open field of avid readers? The first step if you are an author, is to create a profile, and then add your book's ISBN to the network, if it is not already entered yet. For authors, you want to make sure that your book is listed in the Goodreads network, you'll be surprise how many readers and new fans you can gain from this network.

Some of the benefits of Goodreads is that it also allows you to add your RSS blogs feeds into your profile, and gives you the ability to create / host a public reading group. For authors, adding RSS blog feeds and creating a fanpage public group on Goodreads is very important, especially if you wish to gain a lot of followers and visibility.

This is a long teaching, but if you read through and follows the step written below, you will learn how to you can reach 20,000 out of the millions of Goodreads readers today. 

Author Program — Use Goodreads to Promote Yourself and Your Books

What Is the Goodreads Author Program?

The Goodreads Author Program is a completely free feature designed to help authors reach their target audience — passionate readers. This is the perfect place for new and established authors to promote their books. 

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  • Sign up to advertise your book to the Goodreads Community—40 million readers!
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  2. Search for yourself and click on your published author name. The author name is listed below the title of your book in the search results. If you do not find your book in our database of published works, please see section below (“Who Can Join”).
  3. Clicking on your name takes you to your basic author profile page. This page has your name at the top and “author profile” to the right of your name. This page is part of our database of books and authors and is separate from your member profile page (which lists your bookshelves and friends).
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click “Is this you?” to send a request to join the Author Program. Please give us a few days to process your request. You will receive email confirmation when we successfully upgrade your user account to an author account. Joining the program merges your author page with your member page. The email will also contain further instructions for managing your author profile.

Who Can Join Author Program?

The Author Program is designed for people with published books, or who are in the process of publishing a book. It's best if your work is on a bookseller's website, such as or, but we will accept any author who has published a book. This includes authors from other countries as well as authors who are self-published (such as through Barnes & Noble NOOK Press or services like Lulu). If your book is self-published and is not yet in the Goodreads database, you may manually add it

If you are a writer but have not yet published a book, you may want to check out the writing section of your profile where you can post your writing for others to read and review. 

How to add your RSS blog feeds to Goodreads
  1. Go to your Goodreads Author profile;
  2. Scroll down, click on your BLOG. Look to the right side of the page, click on BLOG SETTINGS.
  3. See "External blog feed url"? Click on that. (It might say something like "add a feed url" if you do not currently stream anything to your GR blog.
  4. Ready to import your RSS feed? Paste your RSS feed (from step #7 above) into the "External blog feed url" box. Hit "ADD FEED".
  5. You will go to a Goodreads page asking you if "YES, this is your blog" and "NO, try another feed url". You may also get a check box on the left side under "YES, this is your blog," where you can opt to save your previous blog posts. I recommend clicking that box and saving your previous blog posts. I believe they will just integrate in with your new feed. Click YES to save, NO to try again.
  6. Go to your Goodreads page and check out your new blog. It is now your Facebook fanpage feed, straight to your Goodreads blog.
It should look like this:

How to make your Facebook fanpage an RSS stream for your Amazon & Goodreads Profile

TIP: How to make your Facebook page an RSS stream for Author Central & Goodreads.

I came across a pretty straightforward way to stream your Facebook page onto Author Central. Since FB is where I am most active, I've been looking for a way to integrate it into Author Central since Amazon does not offer and option like they do for a Twitter feed. I am not a huge blogger, so I feel like I am not making the most of those spots on Amazon & Goodreads where a blog is supposed to go. I think it is important to keep all your online profiles/pages updated - I hate it when I'm all geared up about a book, click on the author's page, and it looks like nothing has been updated for over a year. :-[ I know it's not fair to judge ('cause we are not all bloggers, me included!), but it makes me think I might never see the next book and it sometimes makes me lose interest, that's just how I look at it. Feeding my Facebook fanpage into those two sites is a great way to keep things updated without doing anything more than I usually do.  

Here is the method for those who would like to give it a shot:

For Amazon Author Centrol Profile


  1. Go to and enter your FB fanpage URL. EXAMPLE:
  2. You will get the ID number for your page. COPY that number.
  3. PASTE your number into the following URL in place of the long string of numbers at the end. EXAMPLE:
  4. If you are logged into your Facebook fan page at this point, switch over to using Facebook as your personal page.
  5. Now COPY the URL your created in STEP #3. PASTE it into your browser and GO.
  6. You should see a page that looks like this:
  7. Copy the URL for your new RSS feed.
  8. Go to your Author Central account
  9. Under the PROFILE tab, scroll down to BLOGS and click on ADD BLOG.
  10. PASTE in your URL (the one you COPIED in step #7).

Look for your Facebook fanpage feed to appear in about a day on your Author Central Profile. Mine took only a few hours, but updates to Author Central sometimes take longer.


  1. COPY the Facebook RSS feed you created in Step #7 above. EXAMPLE:
  2. Go to your Goodreads Author profile. EXAMPLE:
  3. Scroll down, click on your BLOG. Look to the right side of the page, click on BLOG SETTINGS.
  4. See "External blog feed url"? Click on that. (It might say something like "add a feed url" if you do not currently stream anything to your GR blog.

WARNING: Once you add in your own RSS feed, your previous blog will be DELETED. Your Facebook fanpage RSS feed will REPLACE your previous Goodreads blog. If you wish to save your original Goodreads blog posts, I recommend copying them to another place before you add in your new RSS feed. I was bummed to discover I deleted all my previous Goodreads blog posts, so don't make the same mistake I did!

  1. Ready to import your RSS feed? Paste your RSS feed (from step #7 above) into the "External blog feed url" box. Hit "ADD FEED".
  2. You will go to a Goodreads page asking you if "YES, this is your blog" and "NO, try another feed url". You may also get a check box on the left side under "YES, this is your blog," where you can opt to save your previous blog posts. I recommend clicking that box and saving your previous blog posts. I believe they will just integrate in with your new feed. Click YES to save, NO to try again.
  3. Go to your Goodreads page and check out your new blog. It is now your Facebook fanpage feed, straight to your Goodreads blog.

I think it will be great for someone like me who is not an active blogger, since it will keep your Goodreads and Amazon Central pages looking fresh and updated. Happy RSS feed making!

How do I create a Public Group?

1) Click on "Groups" in the header.

2) Click create a group just above the "browse by tag" section on the right.

How to Import emails to your Gmail

In order to take to take full advantage of Gmail's vulnerability, you will want to send out over 400 emails a day to those individual readers who may get excited about your published book(s). To begin, it is always wise to export and save your current contacts, and then import the new contacts (recipients) to your email contact list from day to day. To export your current contacts you'll need to;

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Gmail at the top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts.
    Gmail drop-down
  3. From the More drop-down menu, select Export....
  4. Choose whether to export all contacts or only one group.
  5. Select the format in which you'd like to export your contacts' information. Please note, some of these formats can lose some contact information.
    • To transfer contacts between Google accounts, use the Google CSV format. This is the recommended way to back up your Google Contacts.
    • To transfer contacts to Outlook, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, or various other apps, use theOutlook CSV format.
    • To transfer contacts to Apple Address Book, use the vCard format.
  6. Click Export.
  7. Choose Save to Disk then click OK.
  8. Select a location to save your file, and click OK.

To import contacts to Gmail:

  1. Create a custom CSV file (from the email list we provide you) with Sign up and Sign in, Click on the List menu, Click on the Create a list icon, Enter a name, and then your list of emails,either manually or from a file. This will export and format the email list that you just created as a CSV file that can be saved to your computer.
  2. Sign in to Gmail.
  3. Click Gmail at the top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts.
  4. Click the More button above the contacts list and select Import....
  5. Click the Choose File button.
  6. Select the file you'd like to upload and click theImport button.

When it's done, Gmail will display the number of contacts imported.
Next step is to compose your Newsletter / HTML Book-page into the email body. To learn more about how you can create an email-bodied-book-page in minutes, follow these steps;

How to automatically increase your readership and reach 20,000 Goodreads members in one day.

Now, you are ready to meet your fans of 20,000+ Goodreads members. Good.
By following the Gmail instructions above, you can import our 20,000 Goodreads-members-emails that we provide our customers from this link,
Then, you may use the new Gmail contacts you just created to make new friends.
Go to this link to start adding friends to your Goodreads network;
From there, on the right bar, you would be given a choice to add friends from GmailyahooTwitterFriends of friends etc. Use the Gmail.

By using the Goodreads invitation system, it will send an invitation to each and everyone of the contact list in your Gmail account to either become your Friend or Join your Public Group - depending on which of the two you purpose decide you use the email contacts for.
These Goodreads members are ready to make new friends like you.

The file (with the 20,000 Goodreads emails) can be downloaded at, It will be immediately provided to you. 

List of 20,000 Goodreads Members;

ParaDon Books Publishing

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on Peter Ackroyed's The life of Thomas More

Peter Ackroyd's book "The Life of Thomas More" is not the one many readers would chose to take on holidays unless they love history and are interested in reading about the changes that occurred after King Henry VIII succeeded with his self-serving plan to set up his own church of England. A good friend of mine, talking about his ancestors and Thomas More recommended this biography to me.
It was not an easy book to read. My basic knowledge of Latin and the Early Modern English was not sufficient enough to completely understand (without using a dictionary) the writings and dialogues of Thomas More and his contemporaries. Ackroyd uses them sporadically as in the originally spoken languages in order to give the reader a more accurate picture of Thomas More and the way he interacted with others.

Ackroyd writes very little about the intimate, family life of Thomas More, except about the way he was educated; his absolute admiration for his father and the love for his son and daughters, especially the eldest, Margaret.
More insisted that all three daughters receive the same education as his son. In Henry VIII's time, the education of girls was the privilege of the royal and the rich. It was not intended to educate women as independent thinkers though.
Ackroyd pictures Thomas More as a brilliant scholar of 16th century England who died rather than betray the Catholic church.  As a young man, More seriously contemplated becoming a priest, but went on to become one of the most successful politicians of his time. He studied Latin and Greek literature at Oxford University for two years and continued his education by studying common law in London .
More's lifelong friend was Erasmus of Rotterdam, the Dutch Renaissance humanist with whom he shared similar views on social affairs, the Bible teaching, and Latin translations of Lucian's works. Although very busy practicing law, More continued with his literary and spiritual interests. He wrote Utopia, a work of fiction and political philosophy.
As a prominent attorney, Thomas More acted as a secretary and confidant to King Henry VIII in 1518 . With the assistance of More, King Henry VIII wrote the "Defense of the Seven Sacraments" as a response to Martin Luther's attack on Catholic doctrine of salvation and other practices. From there on Thomas More occupied a series of important posts such as Treasurer of England's Exchequer, Chancellor of Lancaster and speaker of the House of Commons.  In 1529 he replaced Cardinal Thomas Wolsey as Lord Chancellor, which was the most important government position in England .
But the fate of Thomas More will soon change and he will lose all the privileges he enjoyed, when More refuses to sign, under oath to recognise King Henry VIII as the Supreme head of the Church of England. More refused to undermine the authority of Pope.
Ackroyd constructs the last period of life of Thomas More in a masterful way. This is the best part of the book in that Ackroyd's writing prowess comes to the fore. Just as he describes the London's streets which More took daily while studying law at Lincoln's Inn , so detailed is Ackroyd's description of Thomas More's last dwelling quarter where he spent as a prisoner in the Tower of London, his trial for treason , the heartbreaking partaking from his family and daughter Margaret and Thomas More's execution (on July 6, 1535).
Ackroyd's book The Life of Thomas More is accompanied by a couple of pages of illustrations and portraits of More's family members, close friends and of Thomas More himself. On his portrait as Lord Chancellor of England, More wears a golden chain with S-S as an emblem of the service to the King. The letters stand for the expression:  "Souvent me souvien" (Think of me often).  Five hundred and eighty years has passed since his execution, yet Thomas More remains one of England ’s most celebrated historical figures. Ackroyd's biography of Thomas More adds more light to More's shining star.


ParaDon Books Publishing

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The Mirror of Her Soul

The Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos Show:

Author Jasmina Agrillo Scherr on “Resilience” and the “Mirror of Her Soul.”


Click the link below to listen to an incredible radio show that will fill your heart with emotion and love.

Jasmina Agrillo Scherr knows about resilience. Her life has never been easy. But her challenges as a child molded the spirit of the strong woman into one of love and healing.

As a child, she felt different from the get-go because she sensed and saw what others couldn’t. Her mother--manic, depressed and irrational--wanted to take her to “head doctors.” Jasmina suffered through illness and appendicitis—while living with a mother who was “a walking time bomb.”

 As a teen, her best friend suffered a mental breakdown.

On the Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos Radio Show aired every Wednesday from 6:00-6:30pm on the Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod Radio Network, Jasmina shares with the listeners why:

  • she left home early
  • and made  her way in Maine to earn a fine arts degree –putting herself through college while working a variety of jobs.

But the challenges did not stop there.  Next came:

  • a rocky and unfulfilling marriage.
  • a brain tumor that nearly killed her and made her fight to regain her full mental and motor skills.
  • And lastly, a heartbreaking divorce.


 Jasmina knows about resilience, but she also knows a life filled with spiritual blessings that include:

  • a loving son and late in life,
  • an adoring husband.
  • the beauty of connecting to the world beyond this reality,
  • serving others,
  • and being guided toward the light whenever at a crossroads.

Jasmina Agrillo Scherr has walked a difficult path and then held her hand out to others. Her book Mirror of My Soul, Sanctum of My Heart will lead you on an International Odyssey that offers healing and wonder.


Her book Mirror of My Soul, Sanctum of My Heart, is a spiritual memoir and inspiring treatise on how heart-resonance, intuition and resilience can get you past the tough times and into the thrive times!


Mirror of My Soul, Sanctum of My Heart brings readers to a new level of awareness for their own potential. Readers discover:

• How to pay attention to their dreams and other signs of guidance

• How to make life easier and less intimidating through heart resonance and Heart Time

• How to recover from divorce with grace, strength, forgiveness and self-love

• How to find inner strength, wisdom and guidance to persevere in the face of adversity

• How to find resilience and buoyancy -- to thrive though and after the difficult times.

For more about Jasmina Agrillo Scherr and her programs, visit:

Mirror of My Soul, Sanctum of My Heart, $15.95, is available at

Jasmina’s passion for helping others is born of her compassion for the pain and suffering in others.

 Having lived through personal upheaval, illness and stressful conditions throughout much of her life, she wants to aid others in finding their path to peace, joy, health and spiritual connection.

About the author and radio show guest: Spiritual pilgrim, yogi mystic, HeartMath® Licensed Coach, and Light Energy Healer, Jasmina Agrillo Scherr has more than 25 years of experience inspiring people the world over on how to access and use the power of their heart to impact consciousness, health, performance, creativity and relationships. Her client case studies are cited in the 2003 New Harbinger publication, Transforming Anger and the 2006 New Harbinger publication, Transforming Anxiety. She is also quoted in the 2008 HeartMath publication, the emWave Solution for Enhancing Meditation, Prayer & Self-Help. Jasmina is the author of the Amazon bestseller, Mirror of My Soul, Sanctum of My Heart.

CLICK the link below to listen to an incredible show that will fill your heart with emotion and love.



ABOUT THE HOST: Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos is a TV Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives ON Cape Cod Radio and TV Author of International Bestseller & Multi-award winner SurvivingCancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing, and a 3x Breast Cancer Survivor whose dreams diagnosed her illness. She’s published in medical journals. Kat believes dreams diagnose your life. “Did you have a déjà- vu or dream come true?” Kat’s interpretations are in American Express Open Forum. She’s a Coach & “Go-to authority” on Beauty, Health, Wealth & Relationships, Keynote Speaker/Panelist/Presenter at International Associations, Columnist, co-authored Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions & blogs on many professional sites. Kat taught Special Education and Psychology at USF.

ParaDon Books Publishing

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Newest in my Christmas Series


I am way beyond excited!
My newest book, SnowMan, has been published!
The third volume in my Christmas series.
The sweetest story of all:

Driving a busload of happy, young scouters on rain-slick roads John Benjamin Frosst is faced suddenly with the unimaginable. In a fraction of a moment, he makes a decision, selflessly offering his life in exchange for the lives of innocents.
Now confronted with the knowledge that the comfortable existence he had expected is in tatters, Ben realizes that, instead of doing the serving he loves, he must now humbly receive it from others.
Hampered by this new reality, the fine man that is still Ben Frosst discovers the term ‘handicapped’ is only a starting point from which to find new ways to give and to help.
That service comes in many forms.
And, with enough love and support, anything is possible.
Diane Stringam Tolley’s newest Christmas novel is a charming, heart-warming story of sacrifice, love and the strength of family and community.                                                                                                                                     

Sometimes, life simply doesn’t turn out the way you plan.And that’s just fine.

You can order SnowMan now.
In plenty of time for Christmas! :)
Buy several. They'll make great gifts!
Order here!
Or, if you want to start reading immediately, here is the Kindle edition:
And please pass the word . . .

ParaDon Books Publishing

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Let’s Talk About Rejections

Let’s Talk About Rejections

Let’s face it, we all hate receiving the words, “Thank you for sending in your submission, but we didn’t accept it.”
You might get an explanation for the reason why, or you may not. If you received the reason then check it over carefully. Do you understand what they are trying to tell you about your story? Did you try to make sense of it, or did you just get mad and throw it away?
Hopefully you didn’t get mad and throw it away. At least save it. Put it with a copy of your story and put it away for now. Here are a few tips to help you with rejections.
• Take a deep cleansing breath and GET OVER IT! Don’t let it take over your every thought. Don’t let it stigmatize your thoughts and fingers to continue writing. Don’t speak negatively to yourself. Think positive thoughts… “That’s just one person’s opinion.”
• Did you follow the instructions to the key? Did they ask for a Cover Letter and you didn’t comply? You must make sure you follow instructions that each publisher requests. Now all publishers are the same. Maybe it was rejected because it didn’t fit their magazine/ezine. Did you see if they have a theme you must write about?
• Think positive. You’ve rewritten your story and it’s perfect. Now look for a home for it. There are many online paying markets you can find. Here’s one for freelancers: If you want fiction markets: I like Fiction Factor because they have a plethora of different genres to choose from.
• Send to more than one publisher the same story. But make sure the publisher will accept submissions to other publishers. You can probably bet that someone will like your story or article. If not, keep submitting until one does accept it, or you write a new story/article. Sometimes, it’s just getting it in on the right day, when the editor is in a good mood. *smile*
• REJECTION – Is just a nine-letter word that can either stunt you from your writing or push you to better heights. I’m betting you’ll be pushed to your highest level and move on. Don’t fear that word, but learn from the editor’s that may take the time to give you great feedback. We can only hope!
Keep writing and submitting. You’ll forget that nine-letter word when you receive a better word, ACCEPTED.

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10916224488?profile=originalHaving an edited, ready-for-publication manuscript is paramount when searching for a publisher or an agent. Some vanity publishers—like EMSA Publishing—will provide editing in exchange for a percentage of the royalties. Others will provide you with a list of approved editors and ask you to pay from your own pocket for their services. Similarly, when self-publishing, the onus is on you to self-edit and/or hire an editor to get your manuscript up to standards.

In today’s economy, hiring an editor isn’t financially feasible for most of us. Authors are forced to become jacks-of-all-trades as a result, writing, publishing, advertising and editing on their own. Out of that array, editing is perhaps the most difficult to master, especially when it’s on your own manuscript.

Two reasons why self-editing is hard

Reason One – lack of education

Whether your highest level of education is a high school diploma or graduate degree, chances are you were never formally taught grammar in school. This is especially true if only a decade or so has passed since your graduation. I remember, in middle school,  having to parse sentences to pick out the subject, object, predicate, etc. I was never very good at it because I was never formally taught any of the rules. My knowledge of grammar is more intuitive than practical—if it sounds good, it’s probably grammatically correct. When in doubt, I can always look it up online, a luxury I didn’t have in middle school.

Reason Two – it’s not how our brains work

As a writer, you’re too close to your work. Nick Stockton’s article, What’s Up With That: Why It’s So Hard to Catch Your Own Typos, says writing is a critical thinking task. When you challenge you brain with higher-level thinking, it tends to generalize. You remember where you wanted to take the story and  your brain fills in the blanks, glossing over the errors. It’s hard to edit your own work, not because you can’t or don’t know how to fix the issues, but rather, because you know what should be on the page so well that your brain doesn’t realize it’s not there.

Even with the cards seemingly stacked against you, there are still techniques you can use to help with this aspect of the publication process.

Read about the 5 ways you can make editing easier at EMSA Publishing.

ParaDon Books Publishing

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Imagine being able to post your book-links to hundreds of book-related blogging sites all at once, and get massive follow back from their audiences and the search engines. That's right, this tool will guarantee you a high SEO (search engine optimization) ranking according to your book subject, and make your keywords, author's name, and book websites show 1st on the every search engines, including google, bing, ask.

For example, if you wrote a political thriller novel about a Presidental assasination, your keywords for this backlinking tool will be 'political thriller' 'Presidents assasination' 'author so and so' etc. The software will handle the rest of finding the correct blog sites to post your inputs (keywords and book links).

This tool would be provided to all of our active Premium Members within the next few days. To upgrade your account to our Premium Membership, you may apply at Please check to make sure that your premium membership hasn't expire, or else you won't receive this tool.

Non Premium Members may apply for this tool up at

You can watch the full tutorial about this automated backlinking Tool from this Youtube video above.

This software is:

  • Fully automated - incredibly easy to use
  • Searches and posts to 50+ different platforms
  • Highly customisable
  • Effortlessly improve your search rankings

There has never been such an easy back-linking tool to use. Right from the start everything is made as easy as possible, and if you are new to SEO and backlinking, you will only need to enter in 3 pieces of information to start generating back-links and improving your search rankings.

What makes No Hands SEO so special?

Unlike other backlinking tools that rely on you to constantly feed them. With this fully automated No Hands SEO Tool, all you do is enter your profiles, and let it work. You literally just press start!

For Windows Computer and Laptops only. Pick it up at

We have more tools to introduce to our upgraded members.

You don't want to miss them.

Learn more, and join this exclusive membership at,

ParaDon Books Publishing

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Data needed: Self-pub vs Traditional

Hi Everyone,

  I writing an article listing the pros and cons of self-pub vs traditional publishing through a legitimate publishing house. I'm asking for basic information. NO exact numbers but truthful insight on whether or not the professional author trying to make a living is actually making a living with their writing career.

Below are a list of questions. If you have a moment and don't mind answering, I'd be grateful.



To all my self-pub author friends, I've got a few questions. If you've got the time please email me at with the answers to the following:

1. What is the average cost spent per book in editorial fees?

2. How much of your time is spent formatting the book, prepping it to publish as in minutes, hours?

3. What is the average cost spent per professional book cover?

4. What is the average cost spent promoting each new release?

5. In truth, how much of a return on your investment do you actually see? Do you simply break even or are you actually making money?

6. How many hours are spent from start to finish on the self-pub process, obtaining a proper editor, picking the perfect cover, formatting for every venue, etc?

I'd greatly appreciate anyone who has a moment to truthfully answer these questions by posting their comments below.

ParaDon Books Publishing

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Our mission at Indie Writers Support is to expose talented writers, either self-published to not, to a mass of book readers. To upgrade your account go to 

As of May 2016, Indie Writers Support has become a donation functioning media, meaning that you would have to make a monthly, or permanent donation in order to fully access all of our networking features, including the newly added ones. While our website is still viewable, some of the internal features have been restricted to paid-subscription only.

We have created many GATEWAYS for Indie authors to promote and showcase their books online and offline, through the usage of many networking programs like K-Dashboard (accessible by permanent members only), Publishing Connections (now added alongside your profile), Desktop MarketingFacebook Advertising, and many others that'd be reveal in the upcoming weeks. All of these services, along with your review sites and web-pages would be automatically promoted to new readers everyday via our networking algorithms once you have upgraded your Indie Writers Support account. 

Permanent members would have the pleasure of having their very own profile page remodel by our developers, to their full satisfaction

In our upcoming tutorialsThe Bestseller's Training Courses - we will teach you how to dominate the book business by unraveling (and demonstrating) the proper usage of the resourceful subjects listed below, and much more. We have acquired the help of many experts for this yearlong courses.

  1. Using Stripe & Twitter integration to become a POD publisher / author.
  2. LinkedIn Marketing for Authors.
  3. Maximizing your Kirkus Review.
  4. Literary Agents, who they are, and their contacts.
  5. IndieBound to the rescue - getting your books shelved in bookshops nationwide.
  6. Crowdsourcing - organizing a successful book-signing event.
  7. Createspace vs. IngramSpark vs. NookPress, which is best at what.
  8. Understanding the basics of Metadata, for publishers, and Indie authors.
  9. Auctioning your autographed books, the best way.
  10. Creating sampling pages for readers, the best methods.
  11. Twitter and tweeting to increase book revenues and author's exposure.
  12. How to create your audiobooks, and the best markets for them.
  13. Harnessing the power of Google+ media for authors.
  14. The many tricks of SEO boasting for authors.
  15. Styling the story's overview on your Amazon book-page, used by NYT bestsellers.
  16. BISAC Codes; what authors and publishers need to know.
  17. Using Goodreads media to attract daily readers.
  18. Pinterest best use for authors.
  19. Arranging a book-reading appearance at your local library, how to.
  20. Podcasting, finding your airwave audiences, best methods
  21. The many facets of Amazon, and their functions for writers.
  • and much more. A total of 279 courses. Starting next week.

These subjects would be exclusively accessible by Upgraded Members only. To partaken, all you'll have to do is login.

To find out what category of membership you currently belong to, check out the list below.

The Tier Categories of Indie Writers Support membership 

  • Tier #1 - Free Membership: Ability to read blogs, receive newsletters, and access the public database of Indie Writers Support website. 


  • Tier #2 - Monthly Membership: Ability to login, post discussions, publish blogs, form groups, edit your profile, schedule public events, make friends, chat etc. Plus full abilities of Tier #1.


  • Tier #3 - Premium Membership: Full enrollment to receive PDF tutorial documents, writing software, editing software, marketing software, video software, graphic design software, article distribution software, social media advertising software, pinging & indexing software, publishing software etc. Must also be a Tier #2 member.




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Today, I am going to show you how you can host a very productive book promotion that will allow customers to download your kindle book for free, or at a discounted price, for any duration of time, and the quantity amount of individual downloads you desire, without applying for the amazon-book-lending KDP-Select program. If you can drive more sales to your Kindle edition by getting others to give it as a gift, the rank for your book’s sales page will improve and will ultimately lead to more visibility on Amazon, thus increasing your overall sales.

With this practice, you'd be able to create a promo code like the one shown below that can be applied to each of your published book/eBook. Better yet, your giveaway will be publicly displayed for all Amazon visitors at



Creating a Promotion

To create a self-sponsored promotion or sell your own products (autographed-books, tee-spring etc) through amazon, you would first need to create a seller-central account here, (the first month is free).

In your seller account account, under the Advertising link, click Promotions. And then click Create for the promotion type you want to offer.

To create a promotion:

Step 1: Conditions

  1. Buyer purchases: Select the customer purchase threshold that will qualify for the promotion from the drop-down list.
    • At least this quantity of items: Promotion applies when a customer purchases at least X eligible items in a single order. You must enter a whole number.
    • At least amount (in $): Promotion applies when a customer spends $X or more on eligible items in a single order.
    • For every quantity of items purchased: Promotion applies to every X units when a customer purchases eligible items in a single order. This option is only available for the Money Off and Buy One Get One promotion types.
  2. Purchased Items: Select a product list.
    • To create a new list, click Create a new product selection. For more information, see Product Selection Lists for Promotions.
    • To select a list that is not included in the drop-down list, choose Select another.
    • To select every item in your inventory, select Entire catalog.
  3. Buyer gets:
    • Money Off: Select an option from the drop-down list.
      • Percent off
      • Amount off (in $)
      • Fixed price for all items (in $): Promotion gives customers a fixed price for all X units of eligible items purchased in a single order. This option is only available when the promotion is set as "Buyer purchases for every quantity of items purchased."
    • Buy One Get One: Use the default option of Free items.
    • External Benefits: Use the default option of Post-order benefits.
  4. Applies to:
    • Money Off: If you select Qualifying Item, click Select an ASIN to search for the applicable item.
    • Buy One Get One: If you select Qualifying Item, click Select an ASIN to search for the applicable item. Set the quantity of the additional item that will be free when the promotion applies.
    • External Benefits: Use the default option of Purchased Items.
  5. Advanced Options:
    • Tiers (for Money Off only): Create stackable promotions that will apply in increasing order. You can create up to 9 tiers. For example, buy 5 items and get $5 off, and buy $10 items and get $10 off. If you select Applies to Qualifying Item, tiers will not be available as an option.
    • Exclude Items: Select a product list to exclude from the promotion. To select a list that is not included in the drop-down list, choose Select another.

Step 2: Scheduling

  1. Date Range: Set the start and end date and time.
    The start date and time must be at least 4 hours in the future.
  2. Identifier: Create an internal description and Tracking ID.
    The Tracking ID does not appear when buyers redeem a promotion offer. It exists for your use only.

Step 3: Additional Options

  1. Claim code: Select Claim code to require that a claim code be used to redeem the promotion. Click Claim code to expand the setting options.
    • One redemption per customer: Select this option to limit the claim code to be redeemed only once by a customer.
    • Claim code: Click Suggest a code to generate a random claim code or enter a custom claim code. For more information, see Claim Codes and Combinability.
      Note: Promotion Manager saves claim codes in upper-case letters and converts the numbers 0 (zero) and 1 (one) to upper-case letters O and I. This offers customers increased flexibility when entering claim codes. For example, customer entry of claim code "top10tix" or "TOPIOTIX" will both be accepted at checkout.
    • Claim Code Combinability: Select how you want to allow claim codes to be combined from multiple promotions.
  2. Customize messaging: Create and/or customize the required and optional messaging types, including Terms & Conditions, and set the display precedence. Click Customize messaging to expand the setting options.After you complete the information for the promotion, click Review. On the Review Promotion page, review the information for your promotion. To make any changes, click Back. To finish creating your promotion, click Submit.
    • Checkout confirmation text (for External Benefits only): This message will display at the top of the checkout page to describe the benefits a customer will receive after purchase.
    • Checkout display text: The default text is Promotion Applied and will display on the checkout page.
    • Short display text: Provide text to display on the product detail page and in search results. This text will only display for Featured Merchants who win the Buy Box.
    • Detail page display text: Select this option to display the promotion message in the Promotions and Special Offers section on the product detail page. This text will only display for Featured Merchants who win the Buy Box.
    • Purchased items display text: This text will be used as the Standard text option for Detail page display text.
    • Detail page display text: Select the standard text, which is populated with the Purchased items display text, or enter custom text. Be sure your custom text is clear and accurate to help customers understand the promotion.
    • Display precedence: This number governs the order of your promotions on the product detail page, in case you offer multiple promotions for the same item.
    • Terms and conditions

Tiered Promotions

For the Money Off promotion type, you can create an offer that increases based on the amount of items purchased. For example:

Buy 10 reams of paper, and save 20%.
Buy 30 reams of paper, and save 50%.
Note: Tiers are not an available option for External Benefits and Buy One Get One promotions.

To create a tiered Money Off promotion, follow these steps:

  1. In Step 1, expand Advanced Options.
  2. To add a tier, click Add Tier.
  3. Enter the second tier quantities.
  4. Repeat as many times as you want. 
  5. To remove a tier, click Remove Tier.

Have a good day.

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ParaDon Books Publishing

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How Blogging plus Books equal Success

Okay. I'm going to make this quick.

Blogging, also known as online article writing, is a great way of getting backlinks and becoming noticeably throughout many websites, and especially google. Your Facebook or Twitter Posts could only get you a few readers from your circle, but if your aim is to attract a lot of readers to believe in what you're writing, then you may want to become a blogger, and start using the article submitting websites.

If you are submiting your well written articles to many different channels at one time, everytime, you are guarantee to receive a lot of followers in the long run. Why and How? Because your online works would eventually reach its intended readers, those who thought to look up or google an idea like the one you'd composed. 

The more articles and websites you submit to, the more notoriety your writing would become, and you may become a more successful writer if you gain enough the faithful followers who loves and would share your works.

While WebPress may be well known blogging platform, it is not the best writing platfrom for writers looking to attract a lot of like-minded readers, because wordpress works just like facebook and twitters, meaning that your news would only spread to your inner circles, and you would spend more time designing your website more than writing. 

Below is a list of the websites I believe you should start submitting your full-length articles (Blogs) to in other to start gaining instant viewings from everyone. 

Indie Writers Support


Yahoo Group

Google Groups









ParaDon Books Publishing

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10916224087?profile=originalOn 19 June 15, the Ancient Origins website published an article by Mark Miller entitled "Ancient Greeks apparently feared zombies so much they weighed down the dead".  In his article, Miller says ancient inhabitants of the island of Sicily feared zombies so much they used large boulders to weigh down the bodies of the newly buried dead. This, apparently, was the result of the fear of revenants held by the Ancient Greeks. Miller defines revenants as existing in a state between life and death, in which the undead would be able to "ris[e] from their graves to haunt the living."

Both Miller and an article published by Richard Gray on Mail Online quote heavily from a Popular Archaeology article which confirms that "necrophobia, or fear of the dead…has been present in Greek culture from the Neolithic period to the present."   These articles are the result of the excavation of a site in Sicily yielding close to 3,000 bodies. Two of the burials found were covered with heavy amphora fragments and rocks, presumably "to trap [the bodies] in the grave."

To read the full article, please visit

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ParaDon Books Publishing

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