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Glenn Langohr’s New Books- Roll Call & Lock Up Diaries, Expose the True Story of How the Son of a Sheriff and His Buddies Videoed the Gang Raping of an Underage Girl

New Books-”Roll Call” & “Lock Up Diaries,” Expose the True Story of How the Son of a Sheriff and His Buddies Videoed the Gang Raping of an Underage Girl.

In Glenn Langohr’s novel Roll Call, the Haidl rape case unravels in gruesome detail and exposes all the dirty little secrets. The case drew national attention in part because Haidl’s father was the assistant sheriff of Orange County, California. In Glenn Langohr’s, Lock Up Diaries, he takes the reader inside of California’s hardest core prison where prison vigilante justice on sex offenders is a matter of honor for many inmates who have been abused in childhood themselves.

Quote start“Those without sin cast the first stone” A district attorney receives video evidence of his son dealing drugs from a released Pelican Bay inmate.Quote end

Roll Call by Glenn Langohr takes the reader into the story behind the story of the Haidl rape case. In prison on drug charges during the writing of “Roll Call”, Glenn Langohr felt the rape victim’s pain and further embarrassment of being labeled, “a promiscuous girl who aspired to be a porn star”, by private investigators and attorneys intent to clear the son of the sheriff of rape charges.

“I was sick of the hypocrisy of our criminal justice system,” Glenn stated.

Though “Roll Call” is a drug war novel with the intent to bring compassion and smart on crime back to the Justice System, the thread with the Haidl rape case is one of many twist and turns of corruption uncovered for social justice in his books. $16.99 paperback or 2.99 with kindle on Amazon.

Kirkus Discoveries- “A Master Director of modern pulp thrillers and a harrowing down-and-dirty depiction of the War on Drugs, sometimes reminiscent of Solderburgh’s Traffic, by former dealer, California artist Langohr.”

Also by Glenn Langohr- “Lock Up Diaries- A California Pelican Bay Prison Story Series

A depiction of life inside of prison and a look at the political landscape between races, segregated by cell after being released from the Pelican Bay SHU in California. The amazing details of prison life – code words that prisoners use, explanations of how they communicate from cell to cell – really make you feel you have entered a different world, or like you are watching a movie. 2.99 with kindle, 7.99 in print and 6.97 in audio book on Amazon and other outlets.

“A raw, breathless descent through the inner circle of the California Penal Hell. Fraught with detail that only someone who’s been there could know.” Review by Phillip Doran, author of A Reluctant Tuscan

After a decade in prison on drug charges, Glenn Langohr’s vision is to help other drug addicted and lost prisoners find their voice through writing and art. He uses prison art for some of his book covers and started a publishing company, lockdownpublishing.com to open a new avenue for prison authors. Past radio interviews include KSBR 88.5 in Orange County and Buy Back America in Utah

For Glenn Langohr's complete list of books in print, kindle and audio book in the U.S. go here~ http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00571NY5A For the U.K. go here~ http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B00571NY5A

Available for interviews and reviews at rollcallthebook@gmail.com http://www.audiobookprisonstories.com

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Glenn Langohr

Author Glenn Langohrabout his book: I wrote Race Riot to show the world that by sending people to prison for being addicted to drugs, we are breeding bigger criminals where gangs and violence are the calling cards. In prison a drug addict is bred into a displaced human being once released. While in prison, it gets politically racial and everything is solved with violence and gangs are bred. Race Riots over things like drug debts, alcohol, disrespect and any trivial reason are regular things. In Race Riots, BJ, a young convicted drug dealer struggles to survive a race war between the Black and White inmates.

• “A raw, breathless descent through the inner circle of the California Penal Hell. Fraught with detail that only someone who’s been there could know.” — TV Producer Phillip Doran

Infamous convicts like Gary Gilmore, Jack Henry Abbott, and Charles Manson would agree with the rough-and-ready story that is this book. Glenn Langohr’s “Race Riot” ranks right up there with the best in nonfiction prison literature available today.

All of Glenn Langohr’s drug war and prison books are available in print, kindle and audio book to listen to a free sample here- http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00571NY5A



For Glenn Langohr's complete list of books in print, kindle and audio book in the U.S. go here~ http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00571NY5A For the U.K. go here~ http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B00571NY5A

Available for interviews and reviews at rollcallthebook@gmail.com http://www.audiobookprisonstories.com


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Author Glenn Langohrabout his book: Lock Up Abroad contacted me to be on their show this year as they focus on Prison Life in the U.S. They want me to be in one of the final episodes to end with a redemptive theme. While being interviewed they asked me, “How much of your books are fiction?” I told them, “Society can’t handle all of the truth!” With this in mind, I wrote Prison Riot.

Prison Riot is a true crime memoir where BJ, a young and battle tested inmate serving time on drug charges, gets caught up in a Mexican gang war over gangland tattoos. The prison explodes into chaos as each building erupts in deadly violence. For BJ, the war isn’t over when he and over a hundred inmates get housed in solitary confinement, it’s just beginning. For getting involved, he’s labeled a southern Mexican gangster.

• “Wow! I read this book in one sitting, I couldn’t put it down. The way Mr. Langhor writes this book, made me feel like I was in that cell woth B.J. and Giant, I actually felt claustrophobic and trapped and could almost feel the pepper spray burning me.” — MSMAD 2009

• “I am reading all of this authors books and this one is incredible. I can’t even imagine having to survive through what this guy has lived through. Prison war riot, Solitary confinement, respect, pride, survival. Forget reality TV, this is much better, it is reality!” — JDOG

To check out all 8 of Glenn Langohr’s prison books in print, kindle or audio book ( Listen for a free sample ) go here http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00571NY5A



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