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 My novel The Tragedy of Fidel Castro, published by River Grove Books 10916212878?profile=original was chosen the third best translation published in America in 2013 by the literary magazine ForewordReviews. https://botya.forewordreviews.com/books/the-tragedy-of-fidel-castro/ 

Please see some reviews:

"The Tragedy of Fidel Castro" is very much recommended reading for those who like religious and alternative history reads, not to be missed''
Midwest Book Review http://www.midwestbookreview.com/sbw/feb_13.htm

''This memorable satire features fictional versions of JFK, Fidel,
God, and Jesus maneuvering to influence events.''
ForewordReviews   https://botya.forewordreviews.com/books/the-tragedy-of-fidel-castro/

''''This book is worth a read and I recommend it''
Wilderness House Literary Review http://www.whlreview.com/no-8.2/review/IreneKoronas.pdf

'THE TRAGEDY OF FIDEL CASTRO is satire at its finest.  It’s
thought-provoking, sardonic, ridiculous, engaging, outragerous and
Latina Book Club   http://www.latinabookclub.com/2013/08/book-of-month-tragedy-of-fidel-castro.html

‘’Novels like The Tragedy of Fidel Castro are the untamed mustangs of
fiction that, unlike most other books, run wild and free, contemptuous
of the confinement that the corral of ordinary classification would
imprison them in."
The American Culture http://stkarnick.com/?p=23920

"This book has amazing depth and connections that bear repeated
scrutiny and investigation. The Tragedy of Fidel Castro is highly
relevant to our society today, and I highly recommend it."
Portland Book Review

''The seesaw effect and wandering plot line is what keeps this from being a work of genius; as it is, it should become a cult favorite.''


‘’João Cerqueira’s novel is an energetic, bizarre, and extremely
clever take on two heavily fictionalized leaders’ attempts to cling to
power. Check it out!’’
Bullet Reviews - http://www.bulletreviews.com/the-tragedy-of-fidel-castro-2012/

''The books deals with capitalism, socialism, religion and human
potential, and while written from a satirical viewpoint, the witty and
refreshing language and world viewpoint really draws you in.''
The Ofi Press http://theofipress.webs.com/cerqueirajoao.htm

"The author brilliantly balances the formal tone and themes of
capitalism, socialism and religion with an appropriate dose of the
Rabid Readers Review

'’The book possesses a lean beauty and a humane perspective,
Fellini-esque in its carnival of excess.''
The Driftless Area Review

‘’As the story developed the writers humour really comes through on a
par with Tom Sharpe. This is an excellent and enthralling read and I
really hope that I can obtain or purchase the authors other
Beck Valley Books

''If like me you are someone who grew up on Monty Python, love magic
realism and enjoy contemplating ideas, then I urge you to go out and
buy this book immediately. ''
Magical Realism Books

''Due to the fantastic elements of this satire, the temptation of some
has been to file Cerqueira's book in the tradition of magical realism.
The mantle quite not fit. The novel echoes Homer more than Marquez''.
 Bibliotekos - https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxlYmlibGlvdGVrb3N8Z3g6MWY4ZDZkZjFkMmNhNGJlYw

‘’I've read some great satirical novels, from the Hitchhiker's Guide
by Douglas Adams to Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne. To this list I
can now add The Tragedy of Fidel Castro by João Cerqueira.''
Amazon http://www.amazon.com/review/R369I8FKD92SMX/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1938416163&linkCode=&nodeID=&tag=

''La Tragedia di Fidel Castro è, dunque, un romanzo che incorpora alla
perfezione diversi generi, senza mai risultare né noioso né banale, e
che dimostra come si possa fare dell’ottima letteratura anche
ironizzando su argomenti complessi e profondi come il capitalismo, la
rivoluzione e la religione.’’
Fucinemute Magazine

"Joao Cerqueira's Tragedy of Fidel Castro is a phantasmagoric odyssey
through a highly imaginative prose universe of discovery and inquest.
It's a magic realism hybrid of sacrificial lambs and Revolution,
capitalistic decadence, and celestial consequence--in a dimension
where the cogs of time got jammed. I expect that this rich and unique
narrative voice will illuminate a phosphorescent trajectory in the
future annals of the New Millennial World Lit!"
Mark Spitzer - Toad Suck Review Editor, Professor of Writing at the
University of Central Arkansas

''Cerqueira shows potential to be a big name in the future.''
Contemporary Literary Review India

''Joao Cerqueira's writing style is irreverent and full of fun for the
sophisticated reader.''
Reader's Favorite http://readoersfavorite.com/book-review/8648

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