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"Troubles In My Way" is a FICTION Hit Rock Bottom Near Death Drama Suspense Thriller yet Inspirational. It take ONE THING to shatter your dream into tiny small pieces and then you ask yourself, WHAT DO I DO NOW? 

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My Personal Biography

So here I am, checking my email and lo and behold I find a link to this wonderful social network.  I'm pretty excited about it for its not often that there are networks that I assume cater to authors or artists, so this is quite nice.  I first wanted to take the time to introduce myself.  

Once upon a time there was this crazy broad named Julie.  Yep, she was crazy but in a good way.  People had this tendency to call her 'Jewelz, Julie-bird, The Jeweled Canary' etc. which she didn't mind so much.  Pet names I suppose but the final nickname became a sort of totem for her.  This girl loved to sing as much as she loved to write.  Dancing around her house, in the shower, in the middle of Wal-Mart produce section with her two children in tow she'd belt out a song that would resonate through the entire building.  She's never had security called on her for it...yet...but she has received countless stares, giggles, and shaking of heads as the common folk of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan walk past.  

This woman has such a story to tell though.  If you give her the chance, she'd be apt to talk your ear off.  She'll tell you the tales and woes of her past battling the monster called Divorce and severing the ties that bound her into a miserable existence.  Of her forthcoming rebirth within the arms of her knight in vomit colored PJ's.  She'll talk of her struggles through distance and time apart from her love, and how soon her soldier will be returning for good this time.  This girl is a dreamer, you see, creating blankets with the yarns that unravel through her subconscious.  From pen to paper she draws the reader in like a deep breath and with quite a hypocritical stance on the subject, she has nary a whisper of a care for grammatical faux pas, but meticulously grinds down, and polishes the rough edges of others' work.  She takes her time much like a samurai perfecting his form, though she is much too quick in her thoughts to spend too much time on the trivial; always in a hurry and rush in her own life.  For others, though, she gives so much time.  

Creator of a reinvented household where she learned the tools of her trade and went far beyond that in the literal sense; she reinvented her house and transformed it into a whimsical world full of pleasantries, paint jobs, new cupboards and walk-in closets.  From there, architecture and renovation was simply not good enough for her, no, she wanted more (and she was bored) so she started a company with a namesake that plagues the writers of history.  The proverbial cinder block to the head upon where the silent dead and dumb reside behind.  Writerz Block.  From there, she would transform the work of independent authors and dreamers such as herself with the help of her magical friend, Caffeine.  These two became inseparable; accomplishing so much that even Time became quite jealous.  With their powers combined they wrote, compiled, edited, formatted, and published a book of poetry with none other than Aramey, another kindred spirit.  Once the dynamic duo (this Julie chick and Caffeine) had finished this venture, they began on others including following Irony, Karma, and Fate around observing how these three goddesses tormented a tryster among others in epic poetic fashion.  They swam within the Faces in Still Waters and became haunted by the spirits and souls within them.  They ventured hand in hand in two other books while during a third, reflected upon the past while doling out advice during a warped mental time-traveling excursion (memoir).  Unfortunately, they went without a TARDIS and had to foot it.  They also didn't have an interpreter available to decipher the scrawling but they made away with it anyway and remembered the peculiarities.  They also developed a sort of warped codex.  On their adventures, they happened upon other adventurers with their own mega bosses to defeat.  So they stopped along these side-quests and lent a hand.  

Now, currently this adventurous, perhaps slightly twitchy and overworked individual manages to live her caffeinated life much like a cyborg (it has been said that her energy level far exceeds that of a fictitious pink bunny rabbit who apparently spent copious amounts of time being the wall-flower bandgeek in school, sporting shades and dancing about drumming his drum as she skips to its beat.  She and that bunny go waaaaaaay back not unlike Alice as well (no, not the future-seeing sparkly vampire Alice although she's kinda cool too and probably the best out of the lot of them.  Well...Jasper's cool too.).  Aside from her day job raising two angels (angels in disguise,mind you.  Terrible twos and sanity severing six's) she finds other ways of keeping herself too busy to breathe such as taking a few courses on to further develop her craft or bragging  about (Development and Marketing Director) a miraculous literary magazine, Miracle E-zine.  

She looks forward to sleeping roughly once a month which is about two seconds after she collapses into a heap and power naps for 12 hours then wakes up ready to go it again!  At 32 years young, tattooed, pierced, and 32 flavors of all kinds of funky, this honestly quite modest yet obscenely quirky.  When she does something, she opts for flair because subtlety isn't exactly 'her thing' or so she says.   

So this Jeweled Canary takes flight and soars through the mind, body, and soul in search of adventure, personal ethical philosophy and wisdom whether its domesticated adventures or following the jet-stream within the mind.  If you close your eyes and listen really closely though, you can probably hear her belting out 'The Sound of Music' as she does the dishes.  

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We have been in existence since 2002 and we have posted over 6000 reviews and over 750 author interviews.

Our members come from all walks of life and from all over the globe.

Members of the community receive email requests concerning books to be reviewed and they choose only those that are of interest to them and then write a review (minimum 400 words and 250 words for children's books).

This is a great way to network, improve your writing skills, and receive gift books to pass on or books to receive in all genres from fiction to non-fiction.

Check us out and if interested contact me at


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Scattered Pieces 5 Star Review


5.0 out of 5 stars Broken,
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Scattered Pieces (Paperback)

Janet Robinson is on the verge of self-destruction. With her husband now living with another woman and with no means of financial support from him, it is not only a mental strain but also a financial one. Being a stay at home mother for so long leaves her inexperience in the working world, which has her on edge because she realizes that she will not qualify for most jobs. With her savings dwindling down to nothing, Janet has to find a way to not only pay the bills but to put food on the table for her children. Being backed into a corner, she has either try to find employment so she can take care of her kids or go down to the welfare office. After a long day she comes home "tired" of it all, taking too many pills just to rest, Janet accidentally overdoes.

When she awakens, Janet now has a new worry. With her accidental overdose, her husband may try to take the children from her, and Janet is determined not to let that happen. Ordered to see a psychiatrist, she soon blossoms into the strong woman she had inside her that she did not realize was there and refuses to let anyone take away her joy again. She even manages to teach a little something to the one that counsels her.

Scattered Pieces by Nanette Buchanan was a beautifully written novel. Anyone can relate to this novel, especially single mothers trying to take care of their kids on their own with no help. Sometimes life can get so overwhelming, we all need to rest at some point. Sometimes you may want to sleep the pain or troubles you may be going through away. Sometimes it may be a fleeting thought, but you may even consider suicide as being better. Ms. Buchanan captures the emotional aspect of a woman and her pain at feeling alone in the world and the fact that indeed things do look better with time. And all you need is just to hold on a little longer and reach down inside yourself and pull the inner strength that you have and you will come out of whatever it is you are going through ok. Depression is not a weakness it is just a state of something you may be going through but remember with the right people in your life and maybe with some counseling you will get through it. Don't give up! Something better is waiting for you around the corner. I highly recommend this novel to anyone that ever if just a fleeting thought, felt like giving up! Although this is only a work of fiction it was an excellent novel that will leave a lasting impression even after you finish.

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Mirror, Mirror - Self Reflections




Date:  March 28, 2013
Name:  Nanette Buchanan
Title: Reflections

“Mirror, mirror on the wall….” Checking our appearance is a part of our routine as we ready ourselves for the day. Standing before a mirror, we look for minor imperfections.

We think others will judge a blemish, pimple, or mole, changes that may reflect our age, the lack of sleep or stress. Our concern is how others see us. The opinion of others and the impression we will leave with them becomes our reason for change.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall….” If the mirror could truly speak, would it simply look at the face repeating the flaws day after day or delve into ones character. In the fairytale, Sleeping Beauty was the “fairest one of all’. She was beautiful, a princess to be, without physical imperfections. Her beauty was a gift. Her personality and appearance accented her natural beauty, beauty the mirror couldn’t ignore.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall…” We will change our style in clothing, make-up, diet, hair color and so much more hoping the mirror will yell, “Yes, that’s you!! You are the fairest one of all.” Do we seek to change who we really are? Beauty starts within. The foundation to our character or our personality begins within us. Confidence, self-esteem, motivation, determination are layers we must possess if we are to be truly beautiful. We must harbor love, respect, understanding, and forgiveness. Our spirits must be connected to; morals, values, and responsibilities. These qualities don’t align with appearances but are never unattractive. Checking our personality should be included as we primp and pose making sure no hair is out of place each day.  

We give that first impression attention hoping others will remember us by what they see. However, it is what they don’t see that will be on display as we become comfortable in our daily relationships. Comfort can bring out the worse…. and that’s what the mirror saw when comparing the witch to those in the land.

So what are the steps to checking ourselves, being sure we are “beautiful” when we check the mirror. Ask these questions. Answer them truthfully:

  • What are the smudges or blemishes in your character? Are your flaws causing you to act or react negatively towards people? Being able to understand that the world is not against you is the first step to change a negative attitude. The energy you put out often ignites what you will receive in return. You can’t expect others to treat you well when you ignore extensions of courtesy or respect.
  • What are some of the compliments others have made about you? Everyone wants to be recognized for what they know or do. However, assuming you deserve a compliment doesn’t mean you will be given one. Acknowledging your efforts should prompt you to build your character. Be sure to rise above accusations. Assuming you don’t get compliments because of jealousy or naysayers feeds your spirit negative roots. Yes, roots grow.
  • Do you allow yourself to listen when others talk about your flaws? Don’t take everything to heart. You can learn a lot about the energy you emit by listening to what others feel about your actions. Listening does not mean you must change, but thinking about it, receiving their outlook may change your life forever. Your experiences in life make your life….. friendship and love is an experience.
  • Do you change your appearance for yourself more than for others? Do you need to fit in? If so, why? Coming to your own is a lifetime effort. You have to love who you are for you before you please others.
  • Does what others say about you bother you? You want to change for them, but it’s not who you are. Most of the time this is what we do for family. Regardless of their title, mother, father, best friend, sister you have to live happy with who you are for you. Loving yourself doesn’t mean secluding yourself. Through communication, understanding and respect from you and them your character will blossom.
  • Do you ask others for their opinion about you and then ignore it? Seeking advice, you have to remember they are not living the life you are living.
  • Are you looking to complete you? Find your passion. Let your fantasies, dreams and visions come to life.
  • Do you know what it will take? Do a little research. You will be surprised how close you are to your dreams. Take the steps, don’t rush it, be thorough and complete yourself.
  • Do you think that changing what others see in you will make a difference for you? Learning about yourself should be the ultimate goal. You will learn about yourself and others when you look through another set of eyes.  
  • Do you truly believe that beauty begins within? Evaluate yourself; when you feel better about who you are, your health will change. Most of our illnesses are the result of how we feel about our lives. Stress, depression, lack of sleep, bad health habits lead to skin conditions and other minor flaws in our appearance.
  • Do you think that you can mask the “ugly” or the “beauty” you possess? No one needs to know how you really feel. You can hide your feelings about others but how you feel about yourself shows in your character. Others see it and so do you. Look in the mirror.

Finding who we truly are or our purpose can’t be found in a make-up kit or by simply collecting the compliments made by others. It’s private, it’s personal. It’s that mirror, mirror moment and when you find what you are missing or should get rid of… it’s an “Aha” moment. Discovering the real you can have both a negative and positive affect on your life. You may lose friends or family, but you will gain self-skills that will last a lifetime. You can’t please everyone, so don’t try. When you connect with your inner spirit and remove the negative, your beauty will prevail.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?” You are.
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NEW BOOK RELEASE: Spiritus Mundi, by Robert Sheppard is Now Available for Immediate Online Purchase on Smashwords!-----TO BUY NOW



Introducing Spiritus Mundi, a Novel by Robert Sheppard

Author’s E-mail:

Related Links and Websites: Spiritus Mundi, Novel by Robert Sheppard

For Introduction and Overview of the Novel:

For Updates on the Upcoming Movie Version of the Novel, Spiritus Mundi & Casting of Actors and Actresses for Leading Roles See:

For Author’s Blog:

To Read Abut the Occupy Wall Street Movement in Spiritus Mundi:

To Read a Sample Chapter from Spiritus Mundi:

To Read Fantasy, Myth and Magical Realism Excerpts from Spiritus Mundi:

To Read Sexual Excerpts from Spiritus Mundi: The Varieties of Sexul Experience:

To Read Spy, Espionage and Counter-terrorism Thriller Excerpts from Spiritus Mundi:

To Read Geopolitical and World War Three Excerpts from Spiritus Mundi:

To Read Spiritual and Religious Excerpts from Spiritus Mundi:

To Read about the Global Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly in Spiritus Mundi:

To Read Poetry from Spiritus Mundi:

For Discussions on World Literature and Literary Criticism in Spiritus Mundi:

For Discussions of World History and World Civilization in Spiritus Mundi:

To Read the Blog of Eva Strong from Spiritus Mundi:

To Read the Blog of Andreas Sarkozy from Spiritus Mundi:

To Read the Blog of Yoriko Oe from Spiritus Mundi:

To Read the Blog of Robert Sartorius from Spiritus Mundi:





“Read Robert Sheppard's sprawling, supple novel, Spiritus Mundi, an epic story of global intrigue and sexual and spiritual revelation. Compelling characters, wisdom, insight, and beautiful depictions of locations all over the world will power you through the book. You'll exit wishing the story lines would go on and on.” May 13, 2012   Robert McDowell, Editor, Writer, Marketer, Editorial Cra, The Nature of Words


“Robert Sheppard's novel, "Spiritus Mundi," has everything. "Spiritus Mundi" is Latin, meaning "spirit" or "soul of the world." According to the Norton Anthology of English Literature, the phrase refers to "the spirit or soul of the universe" with which all individual souls are connected through the "Great Memory." This amazing novel is all inclusive and unceasingly riveting. If you are interested in politics, philosophy, human relationships, sex, intrigue, betrayal, poetry and even philosophy --- buy and read "Spiritus Mundi"!”November 18, 2012

Raymond P. Keen, School Psychologist, Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DODDS)


“Robert Sheppard's new novel “Spiritus Mundi” is a new twist on a well-loved genre. Robert leaves no stone unturned in this compelling page turner you’ll experience mystery, suspense, thrills, and excitement. Robert touches on sexuality and spirituality in such a way that the reader is compelled to ask themselves “what would you do if faced with these trials?” Robert is a master at taking the reader out of their own lives and into the world he created. If you’re looking for a “can’t put down” read pick up Spiritus Mundi!” May 20, 2012   Nicole Breanne, Content Coordinator, _____________________________________________________

“Longing for a thrilling experience of the sexual and spiritual world? Expecting a thorough summoning of your inner heart? Aspiring to find an extraordinary voice to enlighten your understanding heart? Then you can’t miss this extraordinary novel, Spiritus Mundi by Robert Sheppard. The author will spirit you into a exciting world filled with fantasy, myth, conflicts and wisdom from a fresh perspective. Don’t hesitate, just turn to the 1st page and start out enjoying this marvellous journey.”November 17, 2012

Alina Mu Liu, Official Interpreter, Editor & Translator, HM Courts & Tribunal Service, London UK & the United Nations

------------------------------------------------------------------------------  “Robert Sheppard's Spiritus Mundi is a literary novel for those with an extensive vocabulary, and who believe how you tell a story is as important as what occurs in it. It is as current as today's headlines.

Jaime Martinez-Tolentino, Writer” November 19, 2012




“Robert Sheppard's exciting new novel, Spiritus Mundi, is an unforgettable read and epic journey of high adventure and self-discovery across the scarred landscape of the modern world and into the mysteries beyond. Its compelling saga reveals the sexual and spiritual lives of struggling global protesters and idealists overcoming despair, nuclear terrorism, espionage and a threatened World War III to bring the world together from the brink of destruction with a revolutionary United Nations Parliamentary Assembly and spiritual rebirth. This modern epic is a must read and compelling vision of the future for all Citizens of the Modern World and a beacon of hope pointing us all towards a better world struggling against all odds to be born.” May 19, 2012   Lara Biyuts, Reviewer and Blogger at and Revue Blanche




“Robert Sheppard's "Spiritus Mundi" is a book of major importance and depth. A must read for any thinking, compassionate human being living in these perilous times. I highly recommend this powerful testament of the current course of our so-called life on his planet. April 25, 2012

Doug Draime Writer, Freelance



“This new novel 'Spiritus Mundi' brings together history, politics, future society, and blends with a plausible World War Three scenario. I have read it and find it over the top fascinating. I am very glad to see Robert share his creativity with the world through this work of fiction, and know it will be a huge hit.” April 28, 2012

Jim Rogers, Owner and Director, AXL


“Robert Sheppard is an exceptional thinker! His work should be read and made the subject of critical study.”May 26, 2012

Georgia Banks-Martin, Editor, New Mirage Journal


“This novel rocks the reader with its supple strength. You want to say "No, No," and you end up saying, "Maybe." Political science fiction at its highest, most memorable level.”November 17, 2012

Carl Macki, Owner, Carl Macki Social Media


“Robert Sheppard's Novel Spiritus Mundi confronts politics and philosophies of the world. He's examined multiple layers of personality in his characters; male, female, Chinese, Arab, English, and American melding them into a story of possible outcomes. How else can I convey the intelligent presentation of fiction woven with sensitivity to our world's governments, religious influences and sectarian principles? We must not forget the influence of a largely secular world. Robert tirelessly checked, rechecked and triple checked his resources in order to bring a fiction of occurrence, and psychological impact as set forth in his novel Spiritus Mundi.”November 18, 2012

Glenda Fralin, Author, Organization NWG


“Robert was one of my best guests. His novel is as wide ranging as are his interests and expertise. He can explain his various ideas with great clarity and he does this with compassion. Novel is worthwhile reading.”November 18, 2012

Dr. Robert Rose, Radio Show Host,



I write to introduce to your attention my double novel Spiritus Mundi, consisting of Spiritus Mundi, the Novel—Book I, and Spiritus Mundi, the Romance—Book II. Book I’s espionage-terror-political-religious thriller-action criss-crosses the globe from Beijing to London to Washington, Mexico City and Jerusalem presenting a vast panorama of the contemporary international world, including compelling action, deep and realistic characters and surreal adventures, while Book II dialates the setting and scope into a fantasy (though still rooted in the real) adventure where the protagonists embark on a quest to the realms of Middle Earth and its Crystal Bead Game and through a wormhole to the Council of the Immortals in the Amphitheater in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in search of the crucial Silmaril Crystal, and to plead for the continuance of the human race in the face of threatened extinction from a nuclear World War III, all followed by a triple-somersault thriller ending in which a common garden-variety terrorist attack is first uncovered by MI6 and the CIA as the opening gambit a Greatpower Game of States threatening World War III and then, incredibly, as the nexus of a Time Travel conspiracy involving an attempt by fascist forces of the 23rd Century to alter a benign World History by a time-travelling raid on their past and our present to provoke that World War III, foiled by the heroic efforts of the democratic 23rd Century world government, the Senate of the United States of Earth, to hunt down the fascist interlopers before their history is irrevocably altered for evil.

When activist Robert Sartorius, leading a global campaign to create a European Parliament-style world-wide United Nations Parliamentary Assembly presses the proposal in New York on his old friend the UN Secretary-General and is rebuffed due to the hostile pressure of the conservative American administration, his Committee resolves to fight back by launching a celebrity-driven Bono-Geldof-Band Aid/Live 8-style “People Power” media campaign and telethon spearheaded by rock superstars Isis and Osiris and former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to mobilize global public support and pressure in alliance with the Occupy Wall Street Movements worldwide. The Blogs of Sartorius, activist Eva Strong and Committee Chairman Andreas Sarkozy reveal the campaign’s working struggle, their tangled love affairs, a loss of faith, attempted suicide, reconciliation of father and son after divorce, and recovery of personal love and faith.

Things fall apart as the idealists’ global crusade is infiltrated by a cell of jihadist terrorists using it as a cover, then counter-infiltrated by CIA agent Jack McKinsey and British MI6 agent Etienne Dearlove. A cat-and-mouse game of espionage and intrigue ensues pitting them against the Chinese MSS espionage network allied with the Iranian Quds Force crossing Beijing, London, Moscow, Washington and Jerusalem unleashing an uncontrollable series of events which sees the American Olympic Track and Field Team bombed on an airplane in London, uncovers a secret conspiracy of China, Russia and Iran to jointly seize the oil reserves of the Middle-East, and witnesses Presidents Clinton and Carter taken hostage with Sartorius, McKinsey, Eva and other activists at a Jerusalem telethon rally cut short by the explosion of a concealed atomic device in a loaned Chinese Terracotta Warrior, then flown by capturing terrorists to Qom, Iran as “human shields” to deter a retaliatory nuclear attack.

In Book II, Spiritus Mundi, the Romance they encounter Iran’s Supreme Leader in Qom as the world teeters on the brink of nuclear confrontation and World War III, while mysterious events unfold leading Sartorius and McKinsey from their captivity in the underground nuclear facilities of Qom into a hidden neo-mythic dimension that takes them to a vast ocean and land at the center of the world, Middle Earth, Inner Shambhala, and to involvement in a mysterious Castalian “Crystal Bead Game” linked to the destiny of the human race on earth. They then embark on a quest for the Silmaril, or Missing Seed Crystal to the central island of Omphalos in the Great Central Sea in the middle of the globe, aided by Goethe, the Chinese Monkey King, Captain Nemo, the African God-Hero Ogun, and a Sufi mystic they traverse a ‘wormhole’ at the center of the earth guarded by ‘The Mothers’ and the fallen angel tribe of the Grigori (Genesis 6:1-4) which leads the way to critical meeting of the “Council of the Immortals” at the Black Hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy to determine the final fate of the human species. The heroes battle and overcome the treacherous opposition of Mephisto and his satanic subaltern Mundus through their Underworld and Otherworld adventures and successfully plead the cause of the continuation of the human species before the Immortals, returning with the critical Silmaril Crystal, resolving the Crystal Bead Game and thereby inspiring through the Archangel Gabriel a dream in the mind of Iran’s Supreme Leader which brings a new Revelation causing him to release the hostages and an end the crisis. China and Russia stand down from aiding Iran in seizing the Mid-East oil reserves, but in a treacherous blow the Chinese instead utilize their forward-positioned armies to attack their former ally Russia and seize Siberia with its large oil and gas reserves instead. President Barret Osama, America’s newly-elected first black President then invites Russia, Japan and South Korea to join NATO and together they succeed in expelling the Chinese from Siberia and usher in a new Eurasian and global balance of power and a New World Order.

Rock Superstar Osiris meanwhile, after undertaking a narcissistic Messianic mission in the wake of the Jerusalem atomic blast is dramatically assassinated on live world-wide television on Jerusalem’s Via Dolorosa by a disillusioned follower. His wife and rock-star partner Isis then leads a spiritual movement to reconcile and unite the clashing religions and catalyze a common global spiritual Renaissance through a Global Progressive Spiritual Alliance which seeks to construct an Inter-faith Temple on the ruins of the atomic blast in Jerusalem. In counter-reaction to the cataclysmic events the world finally implements Sartorius’ crusade for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, but not before Sartorius has himself has died, Moses-like of a heart attack while helping to foil a metaconspiracy mediated by Time Travel in which a fascist agent from the 23rd Century who has time-transited back to our time to alter a benign history by causing WWIII and thus preventing the evolution of a democratic world government, the United States of Earth, which follows him through time and nabs him just in the “nick of time” to prevent Aramgeddon. The book ends with the opening ceremony of the UN Parliamentary Assembly which is attended in Sartorius’ name by his widow Eva Strong, whom Sartorius had fallen in love with and married in the course of the novel, and by their son Euphy, newborn after Sartorius’ death. They are joined in cinematic climax at the ceremony by newly chosen UN Secretary-General Clinton, President Osama and UN Parliamentary Assembly Committee Chairman Andreas Sarkozy who have just received the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in creation of the world’s first world parliamentary assembly within the United Nations, bringing together the representative voices of the peoples of the world in face-to-face assembly and dialogue for the first time in world history.


All the Highlights of the novel cannot be contained in such a short Introduction, but a few of them would include:

1. Spiritus Mundi is the first novel in world history to portray the creation of a United Nations Parliamentary Assemblyon the working model, inter alia, of the European Parliament and the first novel to portray the Occupy Wall Street Movement and related movements worldwide;

2. Spiritus Mundi is a prophetic geo-political WWIII novel of the near future forseeing a conflict and conspiratorial surprise attack by a resurgent “Axis” of China, Russia and Iran seeking by a decisive blow in jointly seizing the Middle-East oil fields to radically alter the global balance of power vis-a-vis the West in the world and Eurasia. Like Clancy’s The Bear and the Dragon, it forsees the inclusion of Russia in NATO, and goes far beyond in forseeing the inclusion of South Korea and Japan, following a joint Chinese-Russian occupation of a collapsing North Korea and the Axis strike at the Middle-Eastern oil fields;

3. Spiritus Mundi is an exciting espionage thriller involving the American CIA. British MI6, the Chinese MSS, or Ministry of State Security and the Russian SVR contending in a deul of intrigue and espionage;

4. Spiritus Mundi is a Spellbinding Terrorism/Counterterrorism novel involving a global plot to conceal an atomic bomb in a Chinese Teracotta Warrior to be detonated in Jerusalem;

5. Features the romantic and sexual searching and encounters of dozens of idealist activists, rock-stars, CIA and MI6 agents, public-relations spinmeisters and billionaires with a detour into the bi-sexual and gay scenes of Beijing, New York, California, London and Tokyo:

6. Establishes and grounds the new genre of the Global Novel written in Global English, the international language of the world,

7. Spiritus Mundi is a novel of Spiritual Searching featuring the religious searching of Sufi mystic Mohammad ala Rushdie, as well as the loss of faith, depression, attempted suicide and recovery of faith in life of protagonist Sartorius. Follows bogus religious cult leaders and the Messiah-Complex megalomanic-narcissistic mission of rock superstar Osiris that leads to his dramatic assassination on worldwide television in Jerusalem, followed by the religious conversion of his wife and rock-star parner Isis;

8. Features the search for love and sexual fulfillment of Eva Strong, a deeply and realistically portrayed divorced single mother involved in the United Nations campaign, who reveals her tortured heart and soul in her Blog throughout several disastrous sexual affairs and ultimately through her final attainment of love and marriage to Sartorius;

9. Features Sartorius’ experience of a bitter divorce, alienation and reconciliation with his son, his loss of faith and attempted suicide, his battle against drugs and alcoholism, his surreal and sexual adventures in Mexico City, and his subsequent redeeming love and marriage to Eva Strong;

10. Contains the in–depth literary conversations of Sartorius and his best friend, Literature Nobel Laureate Günther Gross, as they conduct worldwide interviews and research for at book they are jointly writing on the emergence of the new institution of World Literature, building on Goethe’s original concept of “Weltliteratur” and its foundations and contributions from all the world’s traditions and cultures;

11. Predicts the emergence of the institution and quest of “The Great Global Novel” as a successor to the prior quest after “The Great American Novel” in the newer age of the globalization of literature in Global English and generally;

12. Features the cross-cultural experiences and search for roots, sexual and spiritual fulfillment and authenticity of Asian-American character Jennie Zheng, and Pari Kasiwar of India;

13. For the first time incorporates in the dramatic narrative flow of action the mythic traditions of all the cultures and literatures of the world, including such figures as Goethe, The Chinese Monkey King, the African God-Hero Ogun, surreal adventures in the ‘Theatro Magico’ in Mexico City bringing to life figures from the Mayan-Aztec Popul Vuh, Hanuman from the Indian classic the Ramayana, and many more;

14. Book Two, Spiritus Mundi, the Romance is a fantastic Fantasy, Myth and Magical Realism Rollercoaster Ride: The more mythic Book Two utilizes a Wellsian motif of Time Travel to explore the making of history and its attempted unmaking (a la Terminator) by a hositile raid from the future on the past, our present, and the foiling of the fascist attempt by an alliance of men and women of goodwill and courage from past, present and future generations united in a Commonwealth of Human Destiny; Like Thomas Pynchon’s Against the Day and Welles’ Journey to the Center of the Earth it involves a journey to an interior realm of the “Middle Earth;” it also contains a futuristic travel through a wormhole to the center of our Milky Way Galaxy for a meeting with the “Council of the Immortals” where the fate of the human race will be decided;

15. Is a fantastic read on a roller-coaster ride of high adventure and self-exploration!

C  Copyright 2013  Robert Sheppard  All Rights Reserved


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Triple Excitement!!!

So excited! Crucifying Angel, Book One: Future Imperfect was released in February in paperback and yesterday just received word from my publisher that Book Two, Miraculous Deception is about to be released as well!! Print edits underway tomorrow! Final Deceit Book Three coming...!!

FYI, I should tell you, Future Imperfect is my crime thriller trilogy set in 2032 Las Vegas!

Oh, oh oh! I should tell you also that I will be at the LA Times Festival of Books on Sunday, April 21 signing at the Sisters-In-Crime booth if you are in the area or are attending the festival, please please please stop by and say hello!! It would be so much fun to see you there!!

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E.Van Johnson

I have just recieved the proof copy of my latest novel 'Lost to the Sea' and will now stop writing till next winter and concentrate on my other activity which is running my creative writers courses on Mallorca.

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Lily Sawyers Book Blog Tuesday, March 5, 2013-Welcome Author Jo Anne Myers to my blog I'd like to give a warm welcome to Jo Anne Myers. She has written a book of poetry. Let's find out more about her.

1-How long have you been writing? Since childhood.

2- What is your favorite genre to write? Probable paranormal since it is so creepy and mystifying

3-What are you working on now? I just finished a biography true-crime that occurred in my hometown in 1982, and took 25 years to solve.

4-When you begin a story do you start with character or plot? Character, so I know what type of story, fantasy, paranormal etc, to write about.

5-Tell us about your latest/upcoming release. What inspired it? “The Crime of the Century,” My inspiration came from it being a true case and took so long to solve, also the man convicted was innocent, which was a whole other story in itself.

JoAnne's poetry collection "Poems About LIfe, Love, and Everything in Between," is available at:

"Murder Most Foul," a four story anthology is found on Amazon Books in print or Kindle.

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An Interview With Drug War And Prison Author Glenn Langohr

What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? -I am blessed with the ability to fly in my dreams. The act rarely happens, but when it does, it is so awesome and vivid, like I really can fly. When I am able to fly in my dreams, it happens night after night, but eventually, I stop being able to. When that happens I have bad dreams of impending doom where I’m being chased and have to remember how to fly. Image

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? —-I trust God and love Jesus. Before I started writing I ran away from a broken home at 13 years old. I got into some reckless behavior and experimented with drugs. That turned into selling them and 10 years later that turned into organized crime charges. I spent 10 years in prison with 4 years in solitary confinement. From a cell, I started writing drug war and prison books. I was released from prison in 2008 and started a publishing company, , and published my first novel, Roll Call, A True Crime Prison Story of Corruption and Redemption. Since then I published Upon Release From Prison, Race Riot, Lock Up Diaries, Gladiator, Underdog and Prison Riot. I married my dream girl, Sanette, who plays Annette in one of my novels. Most recently, I learned how to narrate my own books and started I believe what Jesus said in the Bible, that when you are helping the least fortunate, you are doing God’s work. 
What do you do when you are not writing? —–Part of my publishing company’s mission is to help other prisoners turn their lives around through writing and art. I write a lot of prisoners and have received some amazing stories and art work. I also had the opportunity to speak to 100 students at the University of California Irvine in a Criminal Justice class about prison life and how solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment as it intersects with the 8th Amendment. Image
Do you have a day job as well? —-I work part time in a restaurant. 
When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book? —-I started writing from a prison cell in solitary confinement in 2002. It took me 7 years to perfect my drug war novel Roll Call. Image
How did you choose the genre you write in? —–The genre chose me. The drug war and prison life are gritty, true life entertainment. Plus the spiritual aspects of good versus evil in characters on both sides of the law make for a great plot line. Image
Where do you get your ideas? —-Almost all of my ideas are based on life experiences. In some cases, I paint with the true colors of life on a fictional landscape. 
Do you ever experience writer’s block, if so, how do you deal with it? ——I do experience writers block at times. Usually during sections of the book that are in a transition from one scene to another. When that happens, I stress out and pace back and forth. It really helps! I start seeing the scene come to life in my imagination and run back to the computer. 
Do you work with an outline, or just write? —--I just write. But I always keep in mind that a story has a beginning, middle and end. 
Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult? —–First and foremost, the Bible. The stories have the perfect balance of God over evil and how He uses imperfect characters. A lot of other authors have shaped my writing style. My books are similar to James Patterson’s in that I have fast moving scenes and short chapters. Image
How do you market your work? What avenues have you found to work best for your genre?—— Marketing is an art I would rather have someone else do for me! I found that getting big name reviews are a great selling tool. I went after Nielson Media’s review service, Kirkus Discoveries for my first novel Roll Call and got, “A harrowing, down-and-dirty depiction–sometimes reminiscent of Steven Soderbergh’s Traffic–of America’s war on drugs, by former dealer and California artist Langohr. Locked up for a decade on drugs charges and immersed in both philosophical tomes and modern pulp thrillers, Langohr penned Roll Call. A vivid, clamorous account of the war on drugs. –Kirkus Discoveries, Nielsen Business Media, 770 Broadway, N.Y Yk For my book Underdog I went after John South from American Media to get- “In his latest novel, “Underdog,” Glenn Langohr takes B.J. back into the dreaded Supermax at Pelican Bay, California’s toughest prison. At first he’s just fighting to survive, hopelessly outnumbered by Mexican and black gang members, but then he goes back to try and help his friend, still inside, ferociously battling to change the penal system.

And ex-con Langohr can describe the hell of life inside better than any other writer. His vivid passages on just surviving in prison describe a nightmare we’d rather not know about.
He compares the plight of abandoned dogs, locked and horribly mistreated in rows of cages in animal shelters, to California prison inmates, locked and abused in the same cages.
Not a book for the faint of heart. We who sleep peacefully in our beds at night, unaware of the savagery going on behind prison walls, can only thankfully say: “There, but for the grace of God, go I.” Image

For Race Riot I went after TV Producer and author Phillip Doran to get,  ”A raw, breathless descent through the inner circle of the California Penal Hell. Fraught with detail that only someone who’s been there could know.”  I use all the social media sites and produce a lot videos and pictures. I document things like radio interviews or speaking at the University, to build credibility. I use prison art to represent the culture and flavor. 

Can you tell us about your upcoming book?——– During my prison sentence, I really battled with giving my life completely to God, and surviving in prison through brute force and my own will power. I’m waiting for God to show me how to write it. 
What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?—– I have gotten a few bad reviews from ex prison guards but I’ve also gotten some good reviews from law enforcement as well. I love getting great reviews from lawyers and Professors.
Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers? Do it because you love it. Don’t do it for money, it’s a lot of work! 
Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans? I would like to thank all my fans and readers for the reviews and feedback! A special shout out to my U.K. readers for making Race Riot number 1 in three categories for 3 months! 
Glenn Langohr’s books are available in print, kindle and audio book and are on sale and Free for prime members. Amazon author page in the U.S. Author page in the U.K Link to all of Glenn Langohr’s audio books-

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Hello. I'm a very unprolific author.

I must have around a dozen print-on-demand books but that's not much. I love the service but wish I was a better author. My friend tells me its a craft not a skill. I have written since JR high school and was an avid reader throughout high school. I can't think of a time when I was younger that I had not been reading.

Maybe when I wasn't playing videogames.

Lately, I have been having trouble cracking open a book or struggle to remember important conversations I've had with people in the past. I worry that this is a sign of my illness catching up with me. You see, I was diagnosed in with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder in 2005. Prior to that I had Major Depression in 2000.

I feel that my cognitive skills are going on me along with my memory. I do not know the cause of which but a psychiatrist confirmed that it is part of my illness I have. In the past I journalled all the time. Now, at the very young age of 35, I a fear losing my marbles.

So I tossed together those dozen print on demand books. I'm not trying to sell them.

Just saying, cherish your mind at all costs. You may, like my mother who is in 70s who is battle dementia and myself who has no real clue why he has this illness of the mind, find you're not as sharp as you used to be. Use your wits while you've got them. Don't waste time thinking negative thoughts of yourself or others and do not criticize.

Sharpen those wits, keep your mind & body & spirit healthy. And "Rage, Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light!"

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Do you have a Mobile website?

     10916207273?profile=original Today, you can’t walk down a street in any small town or major city in the United States without observing a person with a mobile device, whether it’s a Smart phone pressed against the ear, tapping with strong thumb action on an IPAD or reading on the Barnes & Nobles Nook Book or the Amazon. Com Kindle.
     We need a new marketing idea to take advantage of this technology market. Authors let’s get out of the box and uncover this new audience for our books. Let’s capture our share of the mobile e-commerce business!
     My solution that is working for me: Mobile Website!
     My website provider ( created a mobile website that is a version of my online website.    This is not a plug for my website provider; it’s just the company that gave me this beneficial service.
Just think of the numbers and the people that can be reached on their mobile devices! Today, consumers don’t have to sit down at a computer or crack open a laptop to get information about your books.
You can reach this mobile audience with a mobile website. This will drive visitors, not only to your website, but to your Facebook, twitter and and other social media outlets.
     We need innovative and fresh ideas to get the message out about our books and a mobile website is another means to gain readership for our books. There are millions and billions of cell phone and mobile device users on planet earth.
      Let’s make our website, our 24-hour marketing tool, available to as many people as possible. Just another idea for marketing our books.
       Check out my mobile website, a version of my website, that you can download on any mobile device.
Mobile Website:
My website:

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Do you have a Mobile website?

        10916207273?profile=originalToday, you can’t walk down a street in any small town or major city in the United States without observing a person with a mobile device, whether it’s a Smart phone pressed against the ear, tapping with strong thumb action on an IPAD or reading on the Barnes & Nobles Nook Book or the Amazon. Com Kindle.
      We need a new marketing idea to take advantage of this technology market. Authors let’s get out of the box and uncover this new audience for our books. Let’s capture our share of the mobile e-commerce business!
      My solution that is working for me: Mobile Website!
      My website provider ( created a mobile website that is a version of my online website. This is not a plug for my website provider; it’s just the company that gave me this beneficial service.
Just think of the numbers and the people that can be reached on their mobile devices! Today, consumers don’t have to sit down at a computer or crack open a laptop to get information about your books.
      You can reach this mobile audience with a mobile website. This will drive visitors, not only to your website, but to your Facebook, twitter and and other social media outlets.
We need innovative and fresh ideas to get the message out about our books and a mobile website is another means to gain readership for our books. There are millions and billions of cell phone and mobile device users on planet earth.
      Let’s make our website, our 24-hour marketing tool, available to as many people as possible. Just another idea for marketing our books.
      Check out my mobile website, a version of my website, that you can download on any mobile device.
Mobile Website:
My website:

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