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Impress us. Tell us the most intriguing things about you, and your novel.

At ParaDon Books Publishing, we take care of our customers with high quality professional services personalized for their unique needs. Our staff members are professional, courteous and efficient. 

We are currently accepting submissions.

ParaDon Books Publishing welcome writers of all style willing to publish with us. If you are already an accomplished writer, we welcome your writing as well. We accept Fictions and Non-Fictions; horror, sci-fi, adventure, mystery, suspense-thriller, hard-boiled, erotica, romance, regional, poetry-chapbook, fantasy, espionage, urban fiction, chick-lit, western, African topic, short-stories, experimental, young adult, graphic novel, children book, memoir, cook-book, how-to, travel, religion, history, and true crimes.

All proposal package should include your contact info, a query letter, synopsis, bio, and the first 50 pages of the finished manuscript.

We accept multiple submissions.
Agent submitted manuscripts are accepted as well.

All manuscripts must be typed, well formatted, have a good story/subject line, edited, and be at least 150 pages long (except for children books, poetry chap-books, and graphic novels).

Once a manuscript passes our reading test and is accepted, the material will be quickly edited by one of our editorial staffs and then converted in an e-Book and Audiobook. The title will be made available through ALL of our distributing channels (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Audible, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Android, etc.) for a regulatory of six months, and the rating of how well your e-Book and audio-book sells within this period will determine the Advance Payment that will be offer for the Paperback and Hardcover production of your title.

You may submit to us electronically by visiting our website Our Acquisition Editor, Celina Marka (, will contact immediately afterward. She may also be contacted directly via LinkedIn.

We are currently looking for a lot of quality stories to catalog.

'Welcome to the Future of Publishing'

Here are the great advantages of publishing with ParaDon Books Publishing:
1) We offer high royalty pay. 
2) We'll assign you your very own editor, to collaborate with.
3) We'll design a stunning book cover for your title. 
4) We'll send out PR newsletter to all our email subscribers/followers/friends and connections about your title once it is published. 
5) We will distribute your title to all of the available e-Book webstores. 
6) Your paperback title will be available nation-wide, including Amazon and Barnes&Noble. 
7) We will promote your book on Google Search, Yahoo, Bing and every other search engine databases on a regular bases.
8) We will promote your book (as a coupon printout with your book cover) at Walgreens, Walmart, Target, Food4Less, Albertson, etc.
9) We will schedule you for book-signing appearances (if you are up to it) on a regular bases. 
10) We will convert your title to an audio-book, and make it available at all audio-book webstores. 
11) You will be regularly mentioned on our social media websites. 
12) We will design a full-length book trailer for your title. 
13) We will assign you a permanent phone number with an extension number to our public office line, so that we, and your customers, can contact you about business matters. 
14) We will give you 500 business cards to advertise yourself. 
15) We will issue you your own customizable debit card so you can receive your royalty payments via wire transfers. 
16) We will even give you your own customizable email address (YourFirst&LastName)

ParaDon Books Publishing is a privately-owned establishment, with distribution deals that reach all over the globe.
We are a B2B - B2C company, and we offer great services that comes with a professional touches. We have a fine team of qualified editors, the best book cover graphic artists in the industry, affordable book prices, great stories, great promotions, world-wide distribution, high-royalty pay, and we publish our books in all six formats (Hardcover, paperback, e-Book, Mp3 Downloads, CD and Audiotape).

We publish fiction and nonfictional literatures, and provide these services to our authors: 

  • e-Book Publishing
  • Book Publishing
  • Audiobook Publishing
  • Book Marketing
  • e-Book Distribution/Conversion
  • Video Production 
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Press-Release Advertisement
  • B2B Consulting
  • B2C Marketing

We encourage all writers to submit their work to us.

A full list of our signed authors will be release on March 19, 2016
Any writer willing to join this authors' list can still do so. 
Read our submission guideline above before sending your proposal to us.
We do not charge to publish Authors.
Let us become your publisher.
Welcome to the most engaging publisher in the world.
Welcome to the Future of Publishing.

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Softwares for Writers and Internet Marketeers

Quick Backlinks Builder Software

Download this Backlinks Submitter Software that automatically submit your websites to over 8,000 backlink sites. It's very easy to use, just put your website url (or your amazon page with your book title), click submit button and let the tool submit your site automatically! Backlink building is great for driving traffics back to your site, and making your website rank rank on search engines and amazon title search.
When you order, you will be taken to the download page immediately after the payment is processed.
If for any reason you did not receive the download, write to
Go here to get the Backlinks Submitter Software; ($15).

Websites Article Submitting Software

Generating traffic is the hardest part of running a site and this directory submission software can dramatically increase links to your website, and should be a part of every SEO program.  This software ordinarily sells for $157.  When you get this software, you will stand the chance of enjoying the following
     5000 Directories without any dead links.

  • 80% of the directories listed are free submission up to PR 7.
  • Submit your sites, articles or bibliography to hundreds of SEO friendly web directories.
  • Free software updates & monthly New Directory Updates for life.

Get the software here; ($157)

Mass Emailing Software

This software can send up to a million mails daily. It also extracts mailing list from any sites in the world, and from any country. It verifies email lists to check if they valid or not. In addition to ordering this software, we will provide you with 5,000 email contact list that you can use to market your book to. Get it at; ($12)

Book Cover Designing Software

Easily create stunning sales inducing book graphic covers for your Amazon & Nook publications in less than 5 minutes flat. Generate more sales, better reviews and more credibility with professional eye-catching book covers that you can create in minutes. Get it at; ($35)

Watch the tutorial video of this software here;

List of 4,000 Barnes&Noble members

Get a list of 4155 Barnes&Noble registered book reviewers; (for $5.00)

Audiobook authors pay attention!!!

Audiobooks are becoming even more popular nowadays with the accessibility of mobile devices (iPods, iPads, smart phones, etc.).  We have done some research for you (Writers, Authors), and we will like to introduce you to some audiobook lovers who will love to know about your audiobook and possibly download it.

People listen to audiobooks when...

  1. Spending hours in your car on long trips or on a daily commute to work/school.
  2. Exercising.
  3. Waiting in doctor’s offices, waiting to pick your kids up from school, etc.
  4. Cleaning.
  5. Any other time that fits into your life and schedule.

Get a contact list of 891 audiobook lovers / buyers. Must make a donation here; to get the automated download site. The file will be provided to you automatically, immediately after your order is processed.

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5 Sites to Promote Your Book on a Shoestring Budget

10916216654?profile=originalWhen it comes to promoting your book, you have to spend money to make money.

How many of you have been told that?

The first time I heard it, my heart filled with desolation. I live in the real world where disposable income is as rare as the unicorn–in other words, it doesn’t exist. What chance do I have of being successful with my marketing endeavours without the coin to back it?

The answer is: I don’t know. My book is relatively new (just over a month old at the time of my writing this) and it’s really too soon to tell. Nevertheless, I thought I’d share some of the places I’ve found online that allow me to advertise my book for free. Here are the 5 sites that top my list so far.

Indies Unlimited

The vetting process on this site is incredibly helpful. I submitted my novel for their free promotion. About 6 weeks later, the site contacted me with an excellent critique of my book description as well as suggestions on how to improve it. I made the corrections and received a second critique and even more suggestions–all for free! As far as I’m concerned, this site is indie author gold, for that reason alone.

Online PR News

This site provides a free place to post and distribute a press release. You have to write the press release yourself, but this is an excellent opportunity to reach people to which you might not otherwise have access.

New Book Journal

Free author announcements for anything author related. Announce your book release or a book signing…the possibilities are endless.

Adventures in Sci Fi Publishing

This website posts a list of new Sci Fi releases each week. I sent an email to the site administrator asking if my book could be included in the next list and he was happy to oblige. This taught me never to be afraid to send a query to anything online I’d like to be a part of. The worst that could happen is my request will either be ignored or rejected. To my surprise, that rarely happens.

My Book Addiction’s zOctober Event

I read about zOctober on a news feed site I frequent and sent an email and was accepted right away. I am posting a “Mad Lib” style puzzle and a short story on My Book Addiction’s site in October. Great publicity for my book and my brand, all of it absolutely free!

That’s my list so far, opaline pearls in a sea of seemingly barren oysters.  Do you have any other hidden gems you are willing to share? Post them here and I’ll feature them on my next post with a link to your online pages–another great, free place to publicize!

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Facebook Tricks for Published Writers

Facebook as we all know it is a massive trafficking tool for internet users. In today's lesson, I will show you all the tricks that Facebook has to offer to published writers.

I will show you the six most important procedures of setting up your facebook's marketing platform, and the first step is 'Setting up your Fan-Page.' If you already have a Fan Page, skip to step 11 below to learn how to optimize the Fan page for better results.

"Setting up your Fan Page"

1. Log-in to

2. Visit this link to set-up a page:

3. Choose the “Artist, Band, or Public Figure” tile—it’s in the lower-left corner

4. Select either “author” or “writer” from the drop-down menu and enter your name (see note below)

NOTE:  Other Facebook Pages that may appeal to writers include:  “book,” “book store,” “fictional character,” “library,” or “magazine” under the “Entertainment” category (the lower middle tile), and “media, news, and publishing” under the “Company, Organization, or Institution” category (upper middle tile)

5. Check the box to agree to Facebook’s Pages Terms

6. You will be greeted by the “Get Started” page, just to the right of this text, there will be a like button, click it.

7. You’ll see a numbered list of steps. Step 1: Upload a picture. People are more likely to trust a page with a picture, I think (even if it’s merely a book cover or an avatar)

8. Steps 2 and 3—invite your friends and import your contacts. When you click to invite your friends a screen will pop up with all of your existing Facebook contacts, you can search for particular friends that you think may be interested, filter your friends by the lists you’ve set up, or just go through everybody and click who you want to invite. To import your contacts, you’ll have to upload a contact list or enter your email account ID and password.

9. An alternative/supplemental approach to tap your existing fan base:  Scroll to the bottom of the left-hand column and click “share.” This will post a promo of your new site to your Facebook feed. Write a comment asking your friends to like your new page.

10. Fill in the info for your page. You’ll need to provide as much information as you can (concisely written so as not to overwhelm the page-viewer). For an author page, this will include:  name, address, affiliation, birthday, about, description, biography, awards, favorite books, gender, personal information, personal interests, email, phone, and website—obviously some of this information may be too personal to share and other categories are a bit redundant. Only fill in what you want to fill in.

"Optimizing your Fan Page"

11. Click on the “Edit Page” button located in the top right corner.

12. Go to “Apps,” it’s located on the left side-bar

13. The first app listed is “Events.” Set up an event called “Please like my author page.” Specify a longer time period like one week or one month for where list the link to your new fan page. Under the description, write something like “Won’t you please like my new author page? It will only take you a second, but it would mean the world to me. Thank you J” You may also want to write in a bit about how to like your page, step-by-step instructions—this may be required if you want your less tech-savvy friends (like your Grandma or Great Uncle Herman) to like you. Invite all of your friends to this event. This is the number one best way to get followers.

14. If you want to include discussion boards on your site, which I highly recommend for an author’s page. Go back to the “Edit Page” screen and return to the “Apps” page. Scroll down to the discussion boards and click “edit settings,” then click “add.” You can also do this to add in other standard apps like notes, videos, events, photos, and links—yes, you have to add all of that manually now, thanks to the new layout.

15. I also highly (HIGHLY) recommend adding “RSS Graffiti” to your Facebook page. I prefer this to the other, more popular “Social RSS,” because it is far more reliable. It will run your RSS feed directly to your Facebook wall. As I’ve said before, Twitter is the best way to find new followers for your blog or website; Facebook is how you’re going to keep them coming back.

16. Another app for your Fan Page that gets my shining endorsement is the aptly named “Fan Appz.” You can use it to set up quizzes, polls, give-aways and much more.

17. Link your Facebook page to your other social networks.  Add a “like me” button to the sidebar of your blog or website. Ask your Twitter family to like your page (bonus tip: if you say something like “I only need X more fans to customize my Facebook author page URL. Please “like” me. I follow back!” you are much more likely to get people to head on over to your page—don’t forget to add a link to your tweet).

18. Once you’ve secured your first 25 fans, you’ll be able to customize your page URL. To do this you need to go to your desired page name, and if it’s available it’ll become yours! Make sure you choose a good name, because you won’t be able to change it once it’s set. Customizing your URL means that your link will look something like this:

19. Add favorite pages. Go to any page you want to add as a favorite to your page. In the left column, you’ll find “add this to my page’s favorites” listed directly after the number of users who like that page. Add the page, and if you’re smart, you’ll post on its wall, saying “hey, I added your page to my page’s favorites. Any chance you’d be willing to return the favor?” Make sure to include your link with your request.

"Create Your Author-App with your Fan Page"

Perhaps one of the most crucial of all facebook apps for writers, this application will build an Amazon Buy Link for your published books with options for readers to join your mailing list or sample the book, but only after they Liked it (pressing the like button). This app is so exciting. All you will have to do is enter your ISBN numbers and the facebook app will link with your published books on The step on how to set up this AuthorApp is further explained below.

1. After creating your Fan Page, go to this facebook site; and a page will show up that says 'The Author Marketing App.' Click on the 'Let's get started-" button and the page will direct you to your established Fan Page.

2. The application will ask you to use your fan Page, and after choosing so, you will see the Author-App as an app button. It is a big red button, titled “Read My Book”. When you click it, the app takes you to a separate tabbed page. Under the Author-App tab, you can create an author profile which includes a mailing list, and an option for you to put your books for sale.

3. You can provide each book you list with the buying link URL (to Amazon or similar), price, description, cover shot image, and two fields that allow you to input an URL or upload a PDF file of your book's excerpt.  This can be entered manually, or you can add a book simply using an ISBN number.  This feature also allows you to bring in details of other books not published by you. Yes, I know, it is exciting.

Here is a Author-App page created by one of our members here at Indie Writers Support. Check it out and see what your Author-App with facebook will look like after you're finished. View the sample here;

We hope that you enjoy this lecture, and look forward to reading more as we continue.

"How do I invite people to like my Page via email? "

If less than 5,000 people like your Page, you can invite your email contacts to like your Page. You can upload a file containing your email contacts and Facebook will securely import them. You can also import your contacts by providing your web email address and password. You can then suggest your Page to your contacts.

To invite your email contacts:

  1. Click Build Audience at the top of your Page
  2. Select Invite Email Contacts...
  3. Upload a contact list file or choose your email service and follow the instructions

Facebook won't store your password after importing your contacts. They may use the email addresses you upload to help people connect on Facebook. If you don't want them to store this information, you can manage your imported contacts.

Note: You can import contacts up to five times for a maximum of 7,000 contacts per day per Page. Read more about this from the facebook help center;


Get a list of 900,000 Facebook members in the U.S.A with profile links and email addresses at

Use this tool,, to extract the email addresses from the 900,000 list effortlessly. Extract up to 10,000 at a time.


"Run a Facebook Contest with Fan Page"

Creating a contest hosted on your business page is a great way to create buzz about your fan page. You can run a contest through a Facebook app such as rafflecopter. You can also now run a contest directly through your business page as long as the rules and restrictions are properly outlined and that the ways to win are made clear.

"Add a Fan Gate"

What is a Fan Gate? Fan gates (also referred to as like gates) have users “Like” a page before they can see the posts, contests, or products that are offered on an application inside of your fan page. You do this by adding an app to your page. If you want to display different information to fans you can use ShortStack; if you are looking to promote a Facebook store or a daily deal you should use an app specifically for that such as ShopTab for your Facebook store or SharedDeal for your daily deal. All these apps are equipped with optional fan gates that will prompt users to like your page before they can view your deals or products.

Get a list of 900,000 Facebook members in the U.S.A with profile links and email addresses at

Use this tool,, to extract the email addresses from the 900,000 list effortlessly. Extract up to 10,000 at a time.

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Ten Things Every Writer Should Do

I’ve gotten asked by a lot of other authors about any sort of hints or tips of tricks that I could tell them to help them along.  If you’ve read my earlier posts, you know that I think that writing is a very personal experience, and therefore the process changes dramatically from person to person.  But, at this point, I have gotten asked enough that I finally decided to culminate all of the tips that I have found most helpful.

The following is a list of the top 10 things I believe a fiction writer should do. Most of these probably apply to all you nonfiction writers out there as well, but I’ll leave the official version of that list for one of you to develop. So, without further ado, here are the most crucial things every writer should do from my perspective:

Know the basics

Every writer must know the basics of grammar, spelling and punctuation. This is not to impress readers with how well we learned in school. If readers are paying more attention to mistakes than to plot, they will not be your readers for long.

Be original

Imitating another author’s style or rehashing an overused plot line is an easy way to lose readers. We have been blessed with only one Socrates, one Mary Shelley, one Stephen King. Many have tried to imitate them. Can you name one? While imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, it is also a certain path to obscurity.

Want to write

Writers write. It’s what they have to do. Writing requires long hours, tedious edits and rewrites and rarely pays enough to give up the day job. Many have tried writing because it seems a quick and easy path to success. After a few attempts, most find the day job is not so bad by comparison.

Accept obscurity

Writing is a lonely job. Writers spend many long hours hidden away, pecking a keyboard. For a short time, most writers will experience some notice, even admiration, from their social circle. However, as time passes and none of their work shows up on the New York Times bestseller list, friends and family smile knowingly when you claim the title of writer.


Find your audience

Not everyone will like what you write. It’s a fact. Few people south of the Mason-Dixon Line liked the Gettysburg Address. It is extremely difficult to persuade someone to like your work who does not like the genre you write. There are countless groups with interests in everything imaginable. A quick Google search is a good start. From there, try to develop connections that will grow your social circle.

Find a support structure

Writing requires far more self-motivation than the average day job. Writers have only themselves and whatever cheering squad they can put together. Most other professionals are surrounded by coworkers who know and understand the perks and stresses of their jobs. Writers have to seek others who share their compulsion and cultivate a support structure where they can find it.

Get feedback

Few writers can see all the inaccuracies or implications of their work with no feedback. As writers, we see our stories from within. Part of us or someone we have known goes into each character. Places we have seen or imagined have gone into each scene description. However, do they work for our target audience? We will never know unless we make ourselves accessible.

Accept criticism

Not all criticism is negative or valid, but all has the potential for being beneficial. Writers are mostly human. As such, we tend to learn from our mistakes. However, this only happens if we know what our mistakes are. None of us sits down to intentionally throw in a dangling plotline or a contradiction in place or time. Once in, the writer often fails to notice them, but few readers are as oblivious of our mistakes.

Have a thick skin

Because they have to remain accessible, writers are easy targets. They are criticized by those who do not agree with the believability of their characters, the probability of their plots or the choice of genre for their tale. They are subjected to abuse for not eagerly accepting every first draft offered for their opinion. They are vilified as greedy for not accepting a fifty-fifty split for every idea as long as they do all the writing, editing and promotion.

And of course, HAVE FUN!

As long as writing is inner driven, it is only attitude that keeps even its most onerous aspects from being fun. We all know the mental high of the first rush of creativity. Most of us dread the hours of rewrites and editing. Yet, if we are honest with ourselves, we do not do it for the readers. We write because it’s what we like to do. All jobs have aspects that are less fun than others, but that does not mean that all aspects are not fun.

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In order for any independent author to make it to the best-sellers list, he or she will need at least five professionally written reviews of the published book. And nothing is more pleasing to an author than he or she reading the published reviews of their readers.

Reviews also help a book’s ranking on Amazon.  

“Do you know that a succinct review of your book can boost your book-sales dramatically? In fact, that very review could be the reason you make it to the best-sellers’ list.”

If your book receives more than 20 positive reviews on Amazon, the book title would be automatically recommended to others browsing through the same category of titles your book belong to. And if the book receives more than 50 positive reviews, Amazon would list the title in its daily newsletter and recommend it to new readers who just completed a similar read.

Amazon has its own leaderboard of reviewers that receives credit for every book that they review, and you can view all of them from this link, You may even write them directly and ask them to review your book via the email address that they provide you on their profile page.

The best way to have your book quickly review is to approach these reviewers via their email addresses and propose your book(s) to them for free in exchange for their honest review(s). It is important that you approach the right reviewer that would be interested in your book's genre, as others (who are not a fan of your genre) may consider your approach as an abuse.

We know how critical it is for authors to get their book reviewed, so we have stepped up to help our Indie Writers Support members with the quest. And with our compiled list of 1000s of reviewers, any one of our AUTHORS can receive up to 10 new reviews within the next month.

List of Amazon Book Reviewers by Genres

Audible audiobook Reviewers;

Barnes & Noble Book Reviewers;

A full list of Independent Bookstores in the U.S.A Selling eReaders and eBooks;

Good luck. These lists are accessible by logging into the Indie Writers Support network ( Sign in at

Read more… is a well kept secret to a lot of people, including writers and publishers, because it is supposedly the top publishing brand of While the KDP Direct is open to the general public - to publish their ebooks - APub is directly the opposite. In order for any writer to become a member of APub, he or she must first be a bestselling author, whether independently or traditionally. And the advantage of becoming an APub author is tremendous. Why? Because will promote your book for you, to their millions of subscribers. 

Listed below are the 14 book publishing imprints currently operating under APub:

  • AmazonEncore (Rediscovered Works)
  • AmazonCrossing (Translated Works)
  • Thomas & Mercer (Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense)
  • Montlake Romance (Romance)
  • 47North (Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror)
  • Little A (Literary Fiction)
  • Skyscape (Teen and Young Adult)
  • Two Lions (Children's Picture Books, Chapter Books, and Novels)
  • Jet City Comics (Comics and Graphic Novels)
  • Lake Union Publishing (Contemporary and Historical Fiction, Memoir and Popular Nonfiction)
  • StoryFront (Short Fiction)
  • Grand Harbor Press (Personal Growth and Self-Help)
  • Waterfall Press (Christian Nonfiction and Fiction)
  • Amazon Publishing (Nonfiction, Memoirs, and General Fiction)

The whole is still under development, and Amazon is currently looking for writers fill its spots; meaning that they are looking for the next potential bestsellers to sign.

Below is a sample proposal that Amazon has been sending to potential writers who may qualify for this new apub program, be mindful that this is not KDP related at all.

"We want you to be one of the first authors to hear about a new program that will help you kick-start your book and potentially earn a new publishing contract with Amazon - in 45 days or less. We'll be officially announcing this program soon. In the meantime we wanted to share how it will work.

Authors will be asked to submit their complete, never-before-published book and cover.

After a few days, we will post the first pages of each book on a new website for readers to preview and nominate their favorites.

Books with the most nominations will be reviewed by our team for potential publication.

Should you be selected for publication you will receive benefits that include:

Guaranteed advance & competitive royalties: You will receive a guaranteed $1,500 advance and 50% royalties on net eBook revenue.
Focused formats: We acquire worldwide publication rights for eBook and audio formats in all languages. You retain all other rights, including print.
5-year renewable terms, $5,000 in royalties: If your book doesn’t earn $5,000 in royalties during your initial 5-year contract term, and any 5-year renewal term after that, you can choose to stop publishing with us.
Easy reversions: After two years, your rights in any format or language that remains unpublished, or all rights for any book that earns less than $500 in total royalties in the preceding 12-month period, can be reverted upon request – no questions asked.
Early downloads & reviews: One week prior to release date, everyone who nominated your book will receive a free, early copy to help build momentum and customer reviews."

To receive a copy of this notification letter from and apply for the apub program go here, Click on the subscribe button to sign up.

Read more…


I want to show you how we can make Amazon Book Clubs the biggest Facebook Group in the world. If you follow the instruction given below, you will be able to get a lot Facebook likes, friend requests, and followers without any cost.

The overall process will take less than two minutes to carry out, and you must first be a JOINED MEMBER of Amazon Book Clubs on Facebook.

This Trick can work using the Google Chrome Web Browser or Mozilla FireFox.

  1. Login into
  2. Open / go to the Amazon Book Clubs Facebook group;
  3. Press the Ctrl, Shift and J button on your keyboard at the same time if you are using a Google Chrome browser. Or press Ctrl, Shift and K if you are using a Mozilla FireFox. A Console will show at the foot or side of your Facebook page.
  • You may see some precautionary clause that will warn you to stop. If this occur, refresh the webpage and see if it clears up. The warning is a script-code written by facebook developers to deter Hackers, given that he or she have - and is using - your fb email and password. Be aware that this is a top-secret code, known only to skilled web developers like myself. It is a loophole that cannot be change because of the facebook's built-in algorithm used by the developers themselves. Your account will never be detected, and you will receive massive exposure every time you post on the Amazon Book Clubs Facebook Group. Proceed to the next step if the warning continued or clears up.

4. Download & or Open this -> Script-Code, from, (

5. Select and Copy All of the texts / numbers.
6. After copying, Paste the script-code Into the Facebook Console box, and then press ENTER.
8. The Facebook automated system will take care of the invites.      


This process may take about a minute or less.

After you've done this, you will automatically start receiving friend requests and followers from the Amazon Book Clubs group every time you post a book-related message on its wall. All of your Facebook friends & followers will also be notified - as the very first subject on their newsfeed - every time you post your book-events, reviews, covers, blurbs, excerpts etc.

Join the Amazon Book Clubs Facebook Poll, and tell our group members who you are; Author, Reader, Editor, Reviewer, Publisher, Book-Seller, Amazon affiliate, or Networker? Every time you post here, the messages will automatically stream on,,,, and 10 others, effortlessly.

Check it out & See you there.

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Special Discounted Offer!!

With the secret revealed by AnyAudience, and the combined skills gathered from KdXray, we can now effectively advertise any book to at least 100,000 active Facebook users (members of Amazon Book ClubsReviewers RoundupBooks, Books and more BooksFREE Ebooks -- Reviews & Promotion etc) for as low as $50. Guaranteed downloads and sales. Even Facebook's advertising rate can not match what we are offering you, and that's because we know how to crack and greatly reduce their advertising rates. If you are a long-time follower of our network, Indie Writers Support, then you will know that we have cracked a few other codes of Facebook, and other networks, FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF INDIE WRITERS. 

Some proofs and methods of this Facebook advertising loopholes are provided in this Youtube video,

The pictures below will show you two different samples of our Facebook Ad for Author Donalie Beltran, 'Murder is a Family Affair.'



Don't be surprise if you see a similar advert like this one on your Facebook page when you log in, because we have included all members of Indie Writers Support (who also have an account with Facebook) to our targeted list - for our Facebook adverts.

The circled portions of the pictures above show the book displays, and will be replace with your book cover for the Facebook Users to see. We will handle the design and typesetting of the your Facebook advert, and even provide a weekly analysis of the promotion so that you will know how many clicks and news-feeds-impressions were made of your book-cover.

Developers Can Now Target Amazon Fire Tablet Users With Facebook’s App Install Ads


Learn how to use this Facebook + Amazon app here

The way we'll categorize your promotion (if you hire us) is so special, that your chance of becoming a bestseller can become very real with continual usage. Okay, let's say your book or eBook is titled, 'Android Robot'. What we will do to promote 'Android Robot' is extract 100,000 UIDs and Facebook emails from Facebook groups and Pages such as ( Sci-Fi,Horror,Fantasy,Paranormal,Fiction,true Story Authors, Lovers,  Sci fi fantasy and book lovers,  Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America etc) who are very much interested in your book's genre. We will then run an advert of your book to all members of this groups and pages. Your book-cover, along with its buy link, will display on their news-feed and homepage every time they log into Facebook. You will see the advertising evident yourself, because we will include your UID (Facebook User ID) in the promotion before it starts.

We want to make this promotion affordable for every writer, so we have lowered it to $50 to get your book promoted to 1,000s of Facebook users everyday for a duration of one month. If you want to be promoted for six month, then you should change the quantity of your order to 6. A one year's promotion will means 12 quantity order. Get started and apply at;

Want a fuller exposure, to at least 500,000 readers? Upgrade to our V.I.P Services, provided at,

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Google, Bing, Ask and many other search engines are visited by millions of readers every day in search of reliable information, and in today's lesson, I am going to show you how to increase your keyword search results on these search engines with Pinging and Indexing

Pinging / Indexing is a method by which a website is distributed to a server, or loads of servers, to notify them that a website's content has been updated.

A Ping Server may notify multiple other services when pinged, including;

Pinging and Indexing are the best and fastest way of getting your published URLs and blogs listed online in the search engines. And in other for the Ping service to work, you would need a set of strong keywords to make the search engine results a manifesto.

If you are a published author, your best keywords would be your BOOK TITLES and AUTHOR'S FULL NAME.

Keywords are very important, especially to a non-fiction writer who may title their book something like 'The Re-enactment of the Civil Right Movement.' This book title on its own (not yet taken) is a powerful set of words, and would definitely get some hits online from curious readers online if the book's URL is properly distributed.

This is why naming your book title is the most important aspect of book publication, because it is the name and book title that your readers would have to remember forever, and share.

These examples below will show you how your book title and name could be used as your set of keyword websites. You will notice that all of these different URLs point to the same sales page on Amazon.

  1. are the keywords in the url, and B007J4T2G8 is the ISBN / ASIN publication number.
  2. Same as the website above, with no alphabetical keywords attached, but leads to the same site.
  3. format of the same website, with the keywords, author's name, and ASIN publication number attached.

There are few other formats, much longer ones, that I could paste here, but these three samples prove the point. If you ever wondered why 'Fifty-Shades-of-Grey' received so many views, apart from the great writing, it is because of this thing call SEO algorithm, used by amazon, BN, Apple, Google and every other aggregate websites..

The four best Pinging / Indexing tools online

  • IMT Website Submitter submits your website/blog to 1,800+ different places. All these 1,800+ websites are mainly "who is", "about us", "website statistic", etc. type of services. This tool creates pages about your website/blog onto every one of these websites, resulting in about 1,800+ different pages in some cases with backlinks pointing back to your website. Yes some of those backlinks are no-follow and some of them are do-follow, but bottom line is that these are well-established websites regularly crawled by Google and other SE, so your pages and backlinks/URLs on those websites will be found and your website/blog will get backlinks/mentions and will be visited and indexed more frequently by Googlebot and many other search engine bots like Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, etc., which is the main purpose of this tool, backlinks are just nice bonus.
  • Index Kings submits your URLs to various statistic sites. These sites give a value of your URLs and also provide a free link back to your site. This rapid indexer sends your URLs to over 15,000 sites that would promote the site link and get you instant backlinks and Rapidly gets your URLs indexed by Google! 
  • Google Webmaster Tool adds new sites to, and updates existing ones, every time the search engine crawls the web.
  • Bing Webmaster Tool submit the URL of your site to Bing, Yahoo, and few other search engines.

Now, these are the three methods that we would recommend you practice if you are interested in indexing your websites. 

  1. Copy your Indie Writers Support profile link (website URL) and submit it to the Indexing / Pinging websites above. The contents published on your profile would automatically become your keywords.
  2. Submit your very own Author's website, if you have one, to the same Indexing / Pinging websites above.
  3. Submit your Barnes&Noble's, Goodreads, and Amazon's keyword-attached URLs (like the three samples provided) to the same Indexing / Pinging websites above. 

ParaDon Books Publishing

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Promote your Book to 500,000+ readers

Give Your Book the Notoriety it Deserves   (GET IT HERE)

My name is Judd Miller, and I am one the top networking Public Relation agents in the world. I have utilized my skills for PayPal, Amazon, Salesforce, St. Martin Press, Harlequin, Simon & Schuster, and many other small press publishers by advertising their books / eBooks to the masses.

I am also one of the developers of over 520 different websites through my marketing website, including my latest here, Indie Writers Support, a writer's website. I specialize in website developments and promotions, and I would love to be the promoter of your book(s) / publishing press.
Give your book the notoriety that it deserves.

If you choose to order our book promotional service at Indie Writers Support I will be in charge of putting your books through our seven-days automated systems at; which includes designing a permanent one-page author's page (sample and then getting it featured to 500,000+ readers via emails and social media postings. Your book title will be introduce as the 'Book-of-the-Day' via email newsletters to 30,000+ Kindle / Nook / iPad / iPhone and Android owners; 50,000+ Goodreads members; 180,000 facebook members to increase the likes; 100s of online book clubs; 100s of book bloggers and reviewers; and then book store owners. You will be repeatedly advertised through facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+ and yahoo for a whole complete day.


We will promote your published book or eBook to 100 verified amazon reviewers. That's 100 reviewers who buy and download stories on the regular and leaves good or average reviews on amazon.

Even better, we will promote your published titles to the reviewers who will most likely take interest in your subject. Example, if your book is an horror story, then the title will be advertised to 100 reviewers who had left published reviews on the genre's category (horror stories).  Mystery fictions will get mystery reviewers. Simple and plain. You published title is guarantee to sell and possibly get reviewed.

We have a software that collect emails of every reviewers directly from amazon, and another mass emailing software that quickly send emails to unlimited amount of recipients daily.

I'll do even more, and by the end of the seventh day your name and the book title you submitted to us at Indie Writers Support will be ubiquitous on the internet.
Online articles pertaining to you and your books written by our staff members will start appearing on the search engines (google, bing, yahoo etc) approximately two to three months after your initial promotion.

Some of our past promoted authors got as much as six or seven published reviews a day on if the story-line is very interesting.

Hire us, and we will guarantee that your published work is viewed by at least 500,000 views within a year! 

This is the best book promotional service in the world compare to these other publicity firms:


Novel Publicity & Co.

Hasmark Services.


Constant Contact




A staff member from will contact you for whatever is needed after receiving your order, and a work-report will be submitted to you when I am done with your order(s). Money cannot be refunded after the first day of order because I'll schedule you immediately, and may began working on your project on the second day.

I work on a first come first serve only.

Get the book promotional service;


For all claims and questions I can be reach at

We want to inform you that we are now giving per day free re-tweet for indie authors. If you are promoting your book via twitter and want us to re-tweet it then please mention @IndieWriterSupp with your promotional tweet and we will re-tweet it for free once a day.

All of our re-tweets will also stream on our homepage!!!

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Email Marketing from your Desktop

Email marketing is thus far the most important skill that every independent writers should acquire. Unlike the Major House Publishers with their 1,000s of instant connections (libraries, bookstores, public relation firms, subscribers, bloggers etc), the chance of any regular independent writer capturing that best-selling role seems merely impossible. The fact is, many independent writers cannot build an instant audience as many household publishers, but for that persistent writer who's willing to learn, build, and apply his/her skill to online marketing, the goal of achieving that instant audience is not that impossible.
Think about this, there are millions of eReader (Kindle, Nook, Sony, Kobo etc) owners in the United States alone, and many more book lovers around the world. How would they know about your wonderful story if they are not inform? Email and Social Media exposures could be the answer. Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, YouTube, and many other internet giants will seize to exist today without email.  In fact, there can be no such as a social media Viral response without email correspondences.
This is why email marketing is so important to every writer, especially the self-published ones with no backings.
On today's topic, I'm willing to teach you one of the simplest aspect of email marketing, using Google.
As we all know, Gmail is the most commonly used free email domain in the world, and the only one that allow its account holders to send 500 free emails per hour / day. Yahoo, AOL, HotMail and MSN only allow you to send 100 emails per hour & 500 per day. This is very important to remember when you begin your email marketing, because if you go over the sending limits your account may get restricted.
In order to take to take full advantage of Gmail's vulnerability, you will want to send out over 400 emails a day to those individual readers who may get excited about your published book(s). To begin, it is always wise to export and save your current contacts, and then import the new contacts (recipients) to your email contact list from day to day. To export your current contacts you'll need to;

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Gmail at the top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts.
    Gmail drop-down
  3. From the More drop-down menu, select Export....
  4. Choose whether to export all contacts or only one group.
  5. Select the format in which you'd like to export your contacts' information. Please note, some of these formats can lose some contact information.
    • To transfer contacts between Google accounts, use the Google CSV format. This is the recommended way to back up your Google Contacts.
    • To transfer contacts to Outlook, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, or various other apps, use the Outlook CSV format.
    • To transfer contacts to Apple Address Book, use the vCard format.
  6. Click Export.
  7. Choose Save to Disk then click OK.
  8. Select a location to save your file, and click OK.

To import contacts to Gmail:

  1. Create a custom CSV file with Sign up and Sign in, Click on the List menu, Click on the Create a list icon, Enter a name, and then your list of emails,either manually or from a file. This will export and format the email list that you just created as a CSV file that can be saved to your computer.
  2. Sign in to Gmail.
  3. Click Gmail at the top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts.
  4. Click the More button above the contacts list and select Import....
  5. Click the Choose File button.
  6. Select the file you'd like to upload and click the Import button.

When it's done, Gmail will display the number of contacts imported.
Next step is to compose your Newsletter / HTML Book-page into the email body. To learn more about how you can create an email-bodied-book-page in minutes, follow these steps;
If you need help creating a more attractive book-page, you can always contact Judd Miller at for $5 per book-page creation.
Now that you are ready to send out your first promotion emails to the new recipients who doesn't know about your book(s) yet, it is always best to keep in mind that if you offer your eBook for free, the recipient are more than likely to take interest in it (instead of viewing it as spam) and possibly share it with their friends, colleagues and family members. Offering your eBook for free may increase exposure to your other published books.
Another thing that you may want to do is change your Gmail account name, perhaps from 'Richard Hansen' to something like 'Free Kindle Books' or as we prefer it 'Indie Writers Support.'
Follow this guide to learn how to apply this setting;

  1. Click the mail_gear.png gear in the top right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click the Accounts tab.
  4. In the “Send mail as:” section, locate the email address you'd like to edit.
  5. Click edit info next to the address.
  6. In the “Name:” section, specify what you’d like your name to be and click Save changes.

To learn how you can send to all of the contacts at once, go to;

Now, you are ready to go, but the question to many writers is, how do I find the email lists of those readers that I can advertise my books to? Well, we have extracted a lot of social media members who shows strong interest in these related topics based on our search criteria; books, eBooks, novels, writing, reading, magazines, poems, manuscripts, audiobooks, literature etc. Choose from any of the social media lists below and Judd Miller will send you at least 1,000 members of each websites to the email address you provide with your paypal payment(s). The list are 1,000 members emails for $5;  2,000 members for $10; 3,000 members for $15 and so forth. Choose wisely, because these lists could save your writing career.  This practice will also save you a lot of money instead of using email marketing websites such as Constant Contact, aWeber, and iContact who charges up to $25 just to send out 2,500 emails.

Remember that you may also apply this same method to your Yahoo, AOl, MSN and Hotmail account before you start sending. This will increase your sending ability from just 500 emails per hour with Gmail to about about 1,000 emails per hour if you use the other email accounts as well.
You are not restricted to using these emails for only email marketing. You may use them to increase your online visibility as well through social media invitations / connections  (Facebook Fanpage, LinkedIn Connections, Google+ circles etc).
If you interested in our Bulk Emailing Software that sends out unlimited emails per day, email Judd Miller at

We hope you enjoy today's subject.
At Indie Writers Support, our mission is to support every writer, and always bring new materials for people to read/learn. We want to help you writers promote your published book(s) to the maximum, and with these lists and many more to come you will be able to achieve your selling dream, and become more successful in the future.

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Resourceful Lists for Writers

List of 15,000+ HubPages registered members. is an open community of passionate people—writers, explorers, knowledge seekers, conversation starters etc. A place where people write for the joy of it. But writing is just the beginning. At HubPages you can create. You can inform. You can interact. You can converse. Publish a well-edited article, and Share and show your interests in a myriad of ways. Over 35 million people explore HubPages every month

We have extracted over 15,000+ HubPages members who show strong interest in Reading, based on these related topics; books, audiobooks, eBooks, novels, creative writing, essays, magazines, newspapers, poems, manuscript, literature etc.

15,000 HubPages members for $15.


The list will be available for you immediately after your payment is processed, and if for any reason you are not redirected to the download link, leave us a note at and we will send you the file(s).

List of 20,000+ & registered members. is another site that we recently just penetrated. Chances are, if you have ever purchase a Kindle title, then your name and email address were already added to the Amazon Cloud Reader database.

On, anyone can, review and remember more of what you read; follow other interesting readers to see their public notes; manage your read books, highlight your reviews, make notes, and many more.

20,000 & members for $20.


The list will be available for you immediately after your payment is processed, and if for any reason you are not redirected to the download link, leave us a note at and we will send you the file(s).

If you order any of these lists, you can use, or the integrated system that allows you to send up to 5,000 emails at a time without charge. Or you may use this simple instruction given by Judd Miller here;

Order our mass emailing software here, that allows you to send out unlimited amount of emails a day, very quick and cheap;

Simple and effortless, that’s what we strive on.

At Indie Writers Support, our mission is to support every writer, and always bring new materials for people to read/learn. We want to help you writers promote your published book(s) to the maximum, and with these lists and many more to come you will be able to achieve your selling dream, and become a more successful writer in the future.

Have a good day.

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Create your own Crowd-Pleasing Book-tour Events

In today's lesson, I am going to show you how you can effectively create your own book-signing event, effortlessly. This process will take you less than an hour, and the result may attract hundreds, and maybe thousands of visitors to your book-signing events.

Localized book-signing event is critical to every independent authors because of the impacts it can create for author's professionalism and book sales. I don't know if you are aware of this, but your friends and family members are usually your first fans, followed by your community, the city, state, and then eventually the nation or internationally. It's like a simple arithmetic equation, the one with the infinite possibilities called, 'words of mouth.' 

Words are the first evolution of mankind, and any whisper can be heard worldwide nowadays.

Your friends and family member are most likely to be the first to talk about and your book to others, and the others (usually within your community) may spread the word after that. Then before you know it, your book is known outside of your community, into the next city, state, and the whole nation.

This is the kind of impact that book-signing can do for you. It can make an unknown author famously known, starting from the city. While you may hire a publicist to perform these publicity tasks for you, the fact is that, 'you can do these tasks yourself, and save you a lot money and time.'

The very first step to creating a successful book-signing event is to acquire a good position (book shop) for the gathering. You may obtain a list of 850 book-store owners in the United States from this link, is also a good resource for finding the local book-shops around your area. Simply type in the keywords, 'book shop' & 'your city', in the search box, and the result will display the list of the local book businesses around your way, including the Barnes&Nobles, and Borders. After acquiring a list, make contact with them, and try to get the book-store owner's permission (given that you don't a book-rep that will do this for you) to include their location in an article that you are submitting to the local newspaper concerning a book-signing event. Give he or she your professional credential, and a brief summary of what your book is about.  Any free broadcast  of a local business is always good to a local business owner, so the chance that the book-store owner will say no to your newspaper-exposure-proposal is slim. Promise the book-store owner that you will attract at least 100 book buyers of your own to the event, and that you will provide the paperback books that you will be signing & selling that day. Instead of paying cash to the book-store owner for using their location, pay he or she with your books, perhaps 50 to 100 autographed copies that they could sell for their own profit them after your book-signing. Chances are, if you can attract more than 100 people to that initial book-signing, the remaining autographed books will sell.

After you've acquired a deal with a book-store owner, the next step is to contact your local news outlets. The Tribune newspaper is nationwide, and very user friendly.

You will have to write the local newspaper editor, and this is where your professionalism, as far as writing goes, will be tested. Because your writing will not bypass a newspaper editor's approval unless it is appealing. Instead of submitting a fully written proposal to them, you may also call their office and schedule a one-to-one appointment with them. Newspaper editors are known for accepting every literary-based appointments. The rest, as far as convincing the editor to print the book event in the newspaper is up to you. Chances are, if your proposal is accepted, you will not be charge for the advertisement, and the event will be categorized to the 'Local Events' section of the newspaper's print. You work may be tedious, but very worthy. If you are successful with this, many other book shops would be scheduling you for appearances.

There are other ways of promoting your book-signing event offline, for free, with CraigslistUniiverseGrouponGoodreadsBlogTalkRadioI.W.SFacebook & Twitter. is a deal-of-the-day website and subscription system that features and distributes redeemable discounted gift certificates that are usable at the user's desired venues. Groupon is a great crowd sourcing program, and can attract thousand of local visitors / buyers to your venue. To use Groupon, you will first have to create a user account, and then you will want to create a Merchant Account so that you be a seller and not the buyer. You may apply for the merchant account after creating your groupon profile at, From here, you may create an event for the book-store location that you have secured, set the amount for how much you want to sell your autographed books, and then press launch. The Groupon localize system will take care of the rest and email every Groupon members within the state about your book-signing event. Even more, it allows the email recipients to buy a ticket for the event (the autographed book) directly from the email, or the landing page that Groupon will create specifically for the event. With Groupon, I can guarantee that you will gain some audience as long as the price is right.

Another very effective online tool that you can use for your book-signing promotion is Much like the Groupon system, you can create an event, sell admission tickets, and then announce/message the physical location and a 40 words description 'TO ALL OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS, EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS, AND TWITTER FOLLOWERS' with one push of a button. I don't think I need to reiterate this point (that are capitalized) again. So if you have 30,000 twitter followers, this program will deliver your book-event message into all of their inbox, for the ones in your local area to attend. Same goes for Facebook; if you have 2,000 friends, they will all receive the message at the same time. Uniiverse is a must-use system for every author looking to bring their circles to their book events!!

Much like Groupon and Uniiverse, is another crowd pleasing website for attracting the locals to your event. To use craigslist for your book-event promotion, click on the proper link for your city & state listed on the website, and then go to the 'Community' section to compose a general message concerning your book signing appearance.  You may also direct the viewers to pick up their admission ticket for the event from the Groupon (or Uniiverse) landing page that was created

Another effective way of marketing your event's ticket, the one you created on Groupon or Uniiverse for your autographed book, is to advertise them on Facebook groups and Fanpages. The Facebook Graph system is a great tool that allows any Facebook member to find results for any keyword from their homepage. For example, if you schedule book event in San Bernardino, California, all you'll have to do use the Facebook search box for the keywords, San Bernardino, California. A lot of results will pop up that you can choose from. The Facebook results with the likes results are fan-pages, and the one with the members counts are the Facebook groups for that keyword. Join and like the ones that you think will more effective for your event, and then post the link and info about your book-event on the walls, asking for the people in the community to come join you. Chance are, the event will likely spread. is also a good tool for creating a successful book event. Goodreads Events can be used to promote events like book launches, book tours, and author appearances. It can also be used to give away free copies of eBooks. And much like the Facebook graph system, the book event you create with Goodreads can automatically generate new viewers and visitors to your listing with its search tool. To get started with setting up your event on Goodreads go to, is another great avenue to announce your book event. is a web-based platform that allows podcasters and talk show hosts to create live and on-demand talk format content for distribution on the web and podcast distribution channels. What this means is that you can book an online interview with one of the host and announce your book to their audiences usually for free. BlogTalkRadio hosts are mostly happy to have published authors on their station, and will accommodate your book interview. To find the best podcaster for your announcement, simply browse through the graet contents of the website. 

Indie Writers Support is also a great place to promote your book event. Hundreds of readers visit everyday, and the book-signing event you created would be expose to each and every one of them.

There is no shame in letting people know about a book event, so don't let anyone guilt you out about you doing your own promotion.

The best time to set up your book-signing event is usually about 45 days ahead of time, so that you and the bookstore owners may attract as much visitors that you can.

There are things you can do to make your book-signing event more eventful.

  • You may sponsor a book giveaway
  • Do a book reading of the most exciting chapter in the book
  • You may partaken in designing a theme-based-atmospheric attraction for the event, one that would wow the visitors when they arrive. 
  • You may want to invite other known authors within the community to join and collaborate with you at the event. is a new website that our website-developer, Judd Miller, is currently working on. This website will address all of the book-marketing issues addressed in this topic. The website would also be a paid-member-access only, and is expected to launch within the next three months.

At Indie Writers Support, we aim at helping writers become more successful.

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Discover how easy it is to create your very own eye-pleasing book cover with these editable PSD book cover templates by ecoverdesignerpro.

Finally, the quick and easy way to get professionally designed book covers without spending a fortune on expensive Graphic Designers. While the deal is now close to the public, we have reserve the ultimate full copies of these editable, royalty-free, eye-pleasing, book cover templates for our Indie Authors.

THIS is the only place you can get this package right now. You will not find it anywhere else online. You will receive the full list of individual (and editable) book templates shown below.

Note: You must have a photoshop account or software in order to use and edit these book covers to make them your own. This Youtube video ( ) will show you how to dismantle and redo one of the book covers included in this package.

This package is all yours. Pick it up at


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Important Software(s) for Writers

Quick Backlinks Builder Software

Download this Backlinks Submitter Software that automatically submit your websites to over 8,000 backlink sites. It's very easy to use, just put your website url (or your amazon page with your book title), click submit button and let the tool submit your site automatically! Backlink building is great for driving traffics back to your site, and making your website rank rank on search engines and amazon title search.
When you order, you will be taken to the download page immediately after the payment is processed.
If for any reason you did not receive the download, write to
Go here to get the Backlinks Submitter Software; ($15).

Article Submitter Software

Generating traffic is the hardest part of running a site and directory submission software can dramatically increase links to your website, and should be a part of every SEO program.  This software ordinarily sells for $70.  When you get this software, you will stand the chance of enjoying the following
     5000 Directories without any dead links.

  • 80% of the directories listed are free submission up to PR 7.
  • Submit your sites to hundreds of SEO friendly web directories.
  • Free software updates & monthly New Directory Updates for life.

Get the software here; ($30)

Mass Emailing Software

This software can send up to a million mails daily. It also extracts mailing list from any sites in the world, and from any country. It verifies email lists to check if they valid or not. In addition to ordering this software, we will provide you with 5,000 email contact list that you can use to market your book to. Get it at; ($10)

Book Cover Designer Software

Easily create stunning sales inducing book graphic covers for your Amazon & Nook publications in less than 5 minutes flat. Generate more sales, better reviews and more credibility with professional eye-catching book covers that you can create in minutes. Get it at; ($35)

Watch the tutorial video of this software here;

When you order, you will be taken to the download page immediately after the payment is processed.

List of 4,000 Barnes&Noble members

Get a list of 4155 Barnes&Noble registered book reviewers; (for $5.00)

When you order, you will be taken to the download page immediately after the payment is processed.

Get All Five at Discount

Get all five software & list for $50 (a total of $45 deduction);

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Put our Staff of Book Reviewers to work

Hire Our Reviewers (

In order for any independent author to make it to the best-sellers list he or she will need at least one professionally written review of the published book. And nothing is more pleasing to an author than he or she reading the published reviews of their readers.

Do you know that a succinct review of your book can boost your book-sales dramatically? In fact, that very review could be the reason you make it to the best-sellers' list.

Our staff at Indie Writers Support would love to learn about you and your book, and if you order our reviewing service, we will download your Kindle book (with verified purchase), read it within a week, and post an honest review of the story. We will tweet the review everyday on Twitter, and post it on GoodReads and

We will give you a high rating, and if we find minor flaws within your writing we will note them as well - like misspellings, missing words etc. You will still receive our high rating because you are a paid customer.

Let us put your book / eBook to the attention of thousands of readers.
Our review of your book(s) will be published on five different book-blogging sites and throughout all of our social media networks.

All we do at all day is Read and Learn while attending to other matters (gigs). So why not put our skills to work for you.

Want samples? etc

Our full opinionated review of the book will be publish on &, and the book will also be posted on the sites listed below as the Book-of-the-Day;,, etc.

Get the Review Service Here (

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Imagine being able to add five thousand members of the Amazon Book Clubs to your Facebook's close circle (friend list). That's right, since every member (24,000+) of the Amazon Book Clubs are book enthusiast, where else would be the best place to invite/add other like-minded book-loving friends? These people are looking forward to meeting you, that's why they joined. 

Tedious, time consuming, boring, strange etc are words that could be associated with the task of inviting new friends on Facebook, hoping you'll get to know them or they would know you.  In fact, meeting and introducing yourself to new people use to be an old tactic way of book promotion, especially when a firm promise to raise your Facebook presence (friend's list) to 2,000+ fans.

Well. Today, we are now confident in telling you that you can now gain that five thousands book-like-minded new friends on Facebook in a matter of few days, with a task that will only take you 10 minutes to carry out. It is not a trick, it is a software, designed specifically for this purpose and others as well. It could extract the UIDs (user i.d's) of any Facebook group members, and give you the option to invite them as friends. If you are not a member of Amazon Book Clubs you would need join the group first before you can extract the members UIDs.

UIDs are a set of identification numbers assigned to every Facebook users. If you are a Facebook user, this software would show you what your UID is.

This tutorial video would show you how to carry out some of the functionalities of this software;

  • ✔  Auto Mass Friend Requests
  • ✔  Auto Mass Friend Messages
  • ✔  Auto Mass Friend Wall Poster
  • ✔  Auto Mass Friend Poker
  • ✔ Auto Mass Amber Alerts
  • ✔  Auto Mass Captcha Bypass

To broadcast a message to all of your Facebook friends with this software, all you would have to do is extract and save your friends UIDs and use the Messenger tab in the software to send the message into their inbox all at once. For best measure, do not send more than 200 friend request or messages a day using this software. 

Upgraded members (PREMIUMS) of our network were supplied a copy of this software as part of their earned service. You can get yours too, and the many more to come, by joining this Exclusive Group. You may also download the software from this Restricted Page, accessible only with payment.


ParaDon Books Publishing

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We will submit a full-length article pertaining to your book, your life & career, and your upcoming events to the top 55 Article Directory Websites for just $35.

Report will be provided for customer's satisfaction.

Our staff member Judd Miller have been performing SEO services for more than 6 years, and can guarantee your article submission to the top article submission websites.

Shown below are samples of the websites that your article will be published at.

The article, which must be compose by the buyer, should be at least 300 words long, with keywords and URLs.

The full article can contain the author's bibliography, detailed about the published titles, and book excerpt (sample). The live-links, after they published on the world-wide-web, will be pinged so that google, bing and every other search engine websites can pick them up and rank you (and your websites) high online.

Go here to get started:

Below is the sample of our latest submissions for author Geoff Greig:
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Learn how to create an attractive book page like this one ( ) in minutes with these easy steps.


1) Create an account with MailChimp.

2) Log In.

3) On the dashboard click on 'Lists' and create a list of email contacts that you want to receive your book promotions. Learn how to export your contacts here ( )

4) After creating your contact list(s), go back to the dashboard and click on 'Campaigns'

5) On the Campaigns page, click on 'Create Campaign' and scroll down to 'Regular Ol' Campaign'

6) After clicking on Regular Ol' Campaign, a page will shows up asking you to choose the contact list that you want to send the book page to. After choosing, click on 'Next-Step: Setup' at the very bottom.

7) Fill in the campaign's info, the blanks, and then click 'Next-Step: Design' below the page.

8) Choose your template. Select the 'PreDesigned' one.

9) On the PreDesigned page, select the template that says 'Amazon Books' on the first row.

10) Type in the author's name, and then select whichever book you want (if the author has published more than one book).

11) This step is self-explanatory. Simply fill in the info that your readers need to know about you or the book.

12) Now, here is the tricky part. On this last page you will usually see a column that shows *IFACEBOOK:LIKEI* at the bottom, but you want more than just facebook likes, you want twitter and other social media sharing. So, simply edit the whole FACEBOOK text and replace it with this *|MC:TOPSHARE|*

13) At the lowest part of this page, edit the gray columns to make it look like this sample I showed you. You should always leave the (View this email in browser) and (Forward to a friend) links. You may increase the font sizes so they are more visible.

14) Click on 'Next-Step:Plain-Text' at the very bottom and that will take you to the next page.

15) Again, click on 'Next-Step: Confirm'

16) Press 'Send Now'

17) You are done.

We, at Indie Writers Support, hope you have learn a great deal from this article, and don't forget to share it. Have a good day.

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