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How Much Does Your Image Count?

This is something you might want to ask Nike, eBay, Starbucks, FedEx, Apple, and Microsoft. Trust me, these guys *get* how much it matters. Worldwide, these are images that are recognized and trusted. These companies almost don't need to do any advertising other than flash their logo at you and you've instantly got them on your mind. Have you ever heard of that "Don't think about a zebra" trick? Try mentioning any one of these companies without having their logo flash through your mind's eye. It just doesn't happen.


I believe that it's the same for books. Let's go for that mind's eye image again...

When I say Stephanie Meyer do you see the covers of her books in your head?

What about...

Sue Grafton?

John Grisham?

Mercedes Lackey?

Nora Roberts? 

even Laura Numeroff 

(Don't feel bad if you don't recognize this name unless you've had young kids in the house in the last 15 years ;-)  )



I would love to hear your opinions about authors who have a great, 

cohesive look to their covers! 

Post a comment below!



When readers stand in the brick and mortar book store looking at books written by authors they don't know, they pick up the books that LOOK good. It's the covers that catch their eye and invoke some reaction from them that cause them to pick up a book to investigate further. If they open it and read a little, it's the writing that will make or break it, but rarely will anyone pick up a book whose cover didn't say something to them. I believe that holds true for ebooks as well. 50 well known bloggers can link to your book, but if the cover doesn't look professional, potential readers will assume that the writing isn't either.

 So, what's the next step? 

We can talk about what you have in mind and what the cost will be. I generally charge between $200-325 for a front or ebook cover, depending on the amount of customization involved. There may be a fee for extensive edits or changes, so make sure to communicate your vision carefully and clearly. Sometimes I have special, flat-rate pricing that will be displayed at the top of this page. Providing your own images, or links to images that you might like, whether we use them or not, can help me understand your vision. And, while I love the image hunt, providing your own will reduce the cost of having me search for images for you. 

find free and low-cost stock photography

dreamstime (low cost images)

shutterstock (low cost images)

Or use a search engine for stock photography or stock images

Please make sure that you own, or have permission to use any images you provide, or are willing to acquire those rights. 

If you need front and back covers, email me so we can discuss pricing.  

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First Tuesday

Pandemonium surrounds the fate of the U.S. presidency after the president-elect is assassinated

When president-elect Arthur Davis is assassinated shortly after Election Day, the first Tuesday in November, the nation faces grave uncertainty about who is to become president in this unprecedented situation. According to the 20th Amendment of the Constitution the vice president-elect is to become the president, but the 12th Amendment says no one can be declared president until the Electoral College officially casts its votes, which occurs in December after the election. Since Electors have the constitutional right to vote for whomever they choose, the death of the president-elect propels power hungry groups and individuals to seek ways to manipulate the Electors toward their own ends—including a cabal of super-rich, ultra-patriotic Americans and even the sitting president, Peter Hampton, who wants to retain power although he lost the election. Simultaneously, Carlos Martinez, a member of the homegrown Marxist-oriented group, the Front—which is working to incite society-wide revolution—is accused by the authorities of assassinating the president-elect. He contacts lawyer Jack Banner, who unexpectedly gets swept up into the role of defending Carlos. In the process, Banner tries to untangle the mystery behind the assassination, assisted by Alison Stevens—a smart, beautiful attorney. Soon their lives are threatened, and while on the run they develop a complex romantic relationship. Can they stop the Electors from being manipulated to serve the ends of a hidden and powerful few? Does the vice-president elect become the president? Is the president-elect’s assassin identified and brought to justice?


Devotees of action-adventure novels with a political twist will be gripped by this truly original and harrowing story that deeply explores our Constitution and the powerful, hidden forces at play in our current political system.



OREN TASINI is a practicing attorney and shareholder of the law firm of Haile, Shaw & Pfaffenberger, P.A., in North Palm Beach, Florida.

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A New Job

The vampires don't like to give much information when they issue jobs so when their notice says use extreme caution you pay attention.  The warrant read simply "Wanted Dead Tammy Stone. Use extreme caution.  Reward $200,000.00, Call Department of Parks and Recreation Agent Gentry."  It was only a few minutes before I had her rap sheet; Tammy was a very bad girl indeed.  There are 42 dead vampires; most of them pure bloods and one coven elder.  She is known to have "exceptional" magical ability, that's vampire talk for really powerful.  I can see I'm going to have to get a mage or two for this assignment.  I have a shooter already but sometimes with these mage types they have a sixth sense about danger.  I guess that's why they live long enough to be dangerous.

Gods I love a good hunt.

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Want An Agent? Here's How to Get One

Okay, you've written your book. It's a great story. It has endless potential. You send out your queries. Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months. You start to wonder, what's the problem?

That was me. However, my wait was much shorter than others. I was finally finished with my novel in May, and I resolved to find an agent by the end of the summer.

When you're dealing with the publishing industry, you start to get used to the fact that the only thing you might hear for months at a time is the ticking of your clock or the beating of your own heart before you hear anything back from your queries. But if you've waited a really, really long time and you don't have an agent yet, don't despair. There is still plenty you can do in the meantime that will help you in the end.

Before I describe my simple tips to bide the time, let me tell you about my agent's partner. He worked on his book for fifty years. Yeah, the one with the five and the zero, not the one and the five. One day, he told his wife that he was finally fed up, so disgusted, as a matter of fact, that he was going to stop writing forever. To clear his head, he went for a walk. When he returned from his walk, a little calmer, his wife gave him a message. A publisher was finally interested in publishing his book!

So, first and foremost, don't despair, because you can have your book published at any time, even if it takes a little longer than expected.

In the meantime, there are a few productive things you can do, good things to help you get that publisher or agent. Here are my suggestions:

1. Work on your query letter. I need you to burn this one into your head. Your query letter is your one and only chance to talk someone into buying your book. I burned through about five versions before I really got it down right. Check out the latest Writer's Digest book of publishers because they have some great articles in there to help you with your query letter. You have to be able to put your whole story into one page, with all the main elements, including the ending.

2. After you set your book aside for a length of time, two or three months, pick it up again and read it again. It's a great thing to edit your book every day as you write it, but you need to do this part also. Everything you wrote, those little mistakes such as missed quotation marks, overlooked repetition, saying something twice (haha, see what I did there?), they all become much more obvious when you've gained some emotional distance from your story. You might have the best story in the world, but if your writing is riddled with mistakes, errors, inconsistencies, etc., it will be rejected because the whole point is to write well.

3. Make sure your manuscript is double spaced. My agent claimed I was almost responsible for blinding her, so it's something agents and publishers alike appreciate. Plus, it helps agents keep track of page count (250 possible words per page). And by the way, ignore Word's word count, because your agent or publisher will always look at it in terms of page count (250 words times number of pages).

4. Do yourself the biggest favor ever. Hire an editor. I work as an editor, and I have been lucky enough that my agent is part editor, part agent. My agent hires an editor for his own work, and he's a retired English teacher! Your book will have a polished, professional read to it. You need that set of eyes to look at your work for you. Even if you are self-publishing, you need to take this step also. You'll be happy you didn't neglect it.

So, some quick tips for you, and before you know it, you'll get that publisher or agent to say yes to your work.

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Your bedroom is a confessional…

The Confessional

My little boudoir held magical powers at times, it seemed to draw out gentlemen’s innermost secrets. Much like your local hairdresser or bartender, clients feel that they are in a place where they won’t be judged. The only difference here is that all secrets are told post coital and completely naked, thus all vulnerability and bullshit are stripped away. Oh, the things I have been told……. I’m secretly stealing money from the bank in which I work, apart from my wife I keep a boyfriend in a unit up the the road for the last 16 years. Some secrets I almost felt compelled to report; once a sitting judge told me that he had been dabbling with drugs to make the day more interesting. Stealing, cheating on their wives, insider trading, money laundering and drugs were the most common theme from these white collar criminals. A day didn’t go by that I wasn’t offered free drugs “to enhance our time together”. Darling I’m not here to ‘enjoy’ I’m here to pay off my latest mortgage, pay Poppies school fees, just live basically. Those words recited like a mantra in my head, never spoken out loud unless someone became persistent in their request. Why tell me? Because trust me I would rather not know. The thinking was that they would find a kindred spirit in me a simpatico with me, as I was in their minds living on the edge of legal and on the corner of ‘gangsta’. Nothing could be further from the truth, in my entire career I had never touched drugs. I established long ago in my teen years that drugs made me lose control, and life was far too arduous to go through it stoned. I had been violated too many times stone cold sober, if I had to navigate this life alone I would need my wits about me, so drugs were a fog haze that I did not need, and seemed to offer no benefit. Drugs contradicted everything my life represented, my life was about financial independence, drugs seemed to drain it’s victims of their financial means. My life was about raising Poppy to be the best adult she could become. My mum had already threatened to strip her of me once so I was not going to give her one scintilla of reason to have another crack at custody. So for many a good reason I never touched drugs. But that is not to say I didn’t take advantage of these sweetly whispered stock market tips that my naughty clients were telling me about. One year I made over 50K just in stock market investments. Over the years the figure would be close to three hundred thousand. But never once did I ever tell a client that I had taken advantage of his secret whispers, or drunken ranting’s. I will never be beholden to a client. I would be crazy not to take advantage of their illegality. Butchers would bring me forty kilogram boxes of frozen product, jewellers would slip me a couple of piece that they claim weren’t selling anyway, and chemists would bring makeup and perfumes, even dumomine if I asked. The list goes on infinitim. Poppy was always curious “mum why do you need 40 kilos of meat?” “It was a gift darling”. She was and is the most observant person I know, you can’t wear a new pair of knickers without her keen eye observing. She couldn’t understand why a single women got so many gifts from so many different sources with no apparent boyfriend that she ever met. “Oh Darling they are work gifts”. She is the queen of questions, and never bores of boring down on any topic. She has always had a nose for virtue, she can sniff out suspect from a mile away. Here lies the irony of a sex-workers life; we work on the edge of legal, on the border of moral (to some) yet to our children we need to represent paragons of virtue, honesty and morality. Some days you feel like Sybil with her multiple personalities. Naughty, raunchy, sexy, hedonistic, but come five pm you are virtuous, humble, patient, stern at times but above all loving. Because I was soo young when I had Poppy, we were almost growing up together. She viewed me as the coolest mum on the block (I was the youngest mum in her entire school so that obviously played a part in her assessment). “Cool” can mean so many things but it did not mean that I was in anyway disrespectful of the police and the laws in front of Poppy.

While I may not agree with them all I maintained a healthy respect of the police for her sake. So it was when Poppy came home escorted by two officers in full uniform, she was about ten at the time. “We are bring your daughter home to collect her helmet, she cannot ride the streets without one, it is dangerous and against the law”. “Poppy you have a helmet why aren’t you wearing it?” “I’m very sorry officers, please give her the $25 fine, and I will see to it that she pays”. They looked at me blankly, I can’t be bothered with the paperwork seemed to radiate from their foreheads. “Look we are going to knock this up to a first offence and a written warning”. But I needed Poppy to learn early that there are consequences to her actions and that if she was going to wander about publicly protesting her disapproval for the laws, she would have to pay the price. So that Saturday I dropped her at the local police station with a bucket, a sponge and a car cleaning kit. She spent three hours there cleaning all the police cars. But more importantly she never again rode without a helmet.

The police knew who I was, I was allowed to work from my own home privately, I was not allowed to have any children living there. So as long as I worked quietly and didn’t draw to much unnecessary attention to myself I was ignored by the constabulary. It was funny the neighbours were completely at a loss as to what I was up to. Everyone in our private little street worked 9 – 5 so no one noticed the march of penguins to my door every day. The endless car park of Audis and other imported cars lining the street. They just knew the weekend neighbour, the after five Annika, the mother Anniika. No one ever met Cleo, and no one ever would believe it. That’s if you are doing your job right.

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 My novel The Tragedy of Fidel Castro, published by River Grove Books 10916212878?profile=original was chosen the third best translation published in America in 2013 by the literary magazine ForewordReviews. 

Please see some reviews:

"The Tragedy of Fidel Castro" is very much recommended reading for those who like religious and alternative history reads, not to be missed''
Midwest Book Review

''This memorable satire features fictional versions of JFK, Fidel,
God, and Jesus maneuvering to influence events.''

''''This book is worth a read and I recommend it''
Wilderness House Literary Review

'THE TRAGEDY OF FIDEL CASTRO is satire at its finest.  It’s
thought-provoking, sardonic, ridiculous, engaging, outragerous and
Latina Book Club

‘’Novels like The Tragedy of Fidel Castro are the untamed mustangs of
fiction that, unlike most other books, run wild and free, contemptuous
of the confinement that the corral of ordinary classification would
imprison them in."
The American Culture

"This book has amazing depth and connections that bear repeated
scrutiny and investigation. The Tragedy of Fidel Castro is highly
relevant to our society today, and I highly recommend it."
Portland Book Review

''The seesaw effect and wandering plot line is what keeps this from being a work of genius; as it is, it should become a cult favorite.''


‘’João Cerqueira’s novel is an energetic, bizarre, and extremely
clever take on two heavily fictionalized leaders’ attempts to cling to
power. Check it out!’’
Bullet Reviews -

''The books deals with capitalism, socialism, religion and human
potential, and while written from a satirical viewpoint, the witty and
refreshing language and world viewpoint really draws you in.''
The Ofi Press

"The author brilliantly balances the formal tone and themes of
capitalism, socialism and religion with an appropriate dose of the
Rabid Readers Review

'’The book possesses a lean beauty and a humane perspective,
Fellini-esque in its carnival of excess.''
The Driftless Area Review

‘’As the story developed the writers humour really comes through on a
par with Tom Sharpe. This is an excellent and enthralling read and I
really hope that I can obtain or purchase the authors other
Beck Valley Books

''If like me you are someone who grew up on Monty Python, love magic
realism and enjoy contemplating ideas, then I urge you to go out and
buy this book immediately. ''
Magical Realism Books

''Due to the fantastic elements of this satire, the temptation of some
has been to file Cerqueira's book in the tradition of magical realism.
The mantle quite not fit. The novel echoes Homer more than Marquez''.
 Bibliotekos -

‘’I've read some great satirical novels, from the Hitchhiker's Guide
by Douglas Adams to Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne. To this list I
can now add The Tragedy of Fidel Castro by João Cerqueira.''

''La Tragedia di Fidel Castro è, dunque, un romanzo che incorpora alla
perfezione diversi generi, senza mai risultare né noioso né banale, e
che dimostra come si possa fare dell’ottima letteratura anche
ironizzando su argomenti complessi e profondi come il capitalismo, la
rivoluzione e la religione.’’
Fucinemute Magazine

"Joao Cerqueira's Tragedy of Fidel Castro is a phantasmagoric odyssey
through a highly imaginative prose universe of discovery and inquest.
It's a magic realism hybrid of sacrificial lambs and Revolution,
capitalistic decadence, and celestial consequence--in a dimension
where the cogs of time got jammed. I expect that this rich and unique
narrative voice will illuminate a phosphorescent trajectory in the
future annals of the New Millennial World Lit!"
Mark Spitzer - Toad Suck Review Editor, Professor of Writing at the
University of Central Arkansas

''Cerqueira shows potential to be a big name in the future.''
Contemporary Literary Review India

''Joao Cerqueira's writing style is irreverent and full of fun for the
sophisticated reader.''
Reader's Favorite

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A Free Halloween Read for All.

Welcome to Halloween on from Damian Bloodstone as a Trick or Treat.

I have selected a little tale of terror for you.  It is not the bloody gore fest of most by one of the mind.

It is called...


Her Hourglass

By Damian Bloodstone (

Copyright © 8/21/2012  All Rights Reserved.  This cannot be copied in whole or in part without the author's sole express permission.

He drove to the location his group therapy leader had given him.  Even with all the help they had provided, his nightmares wouldn’t end. This doctor was his last hope. The nightmares were taking their toll on his mental state. He needed them gone so he could get on with his life.

He approached the building; it’s modern and sleek façade, absent of plants or trees, appeared cold and sterile.  He pulled to the curb and sat in his car, staring, his hands gripped the steering wheel.  He didn't think he could go in, he didn’t know if he should. The building did nothing to evoke confidence or put his mind at ease. He had arrived thirty minutes early and now had to wait, and think.

His hand slid over the concealed pockets that held his knives and the big knife across his back.  The touch of the big bowie to his back was a comfort few could relate to.  Every month he had added a new weapon.  The fear from his nightmares had made him so paranoid he could no longer be with any girls at his high school or even relax around them for some reason.  In his mind, they weren't normal anymore and something to be feared.  Everyone was becoming an enemy in his mind.

He watched two people come out and go to a car down from his, a mother and her son by the looks of them.  The boy seemed upbeat and cheerful enough as they got into their car.  It helped soothe him to see their happiness, made him feel a bit hopeful. He placed his hands back on the steering wheel as he stared at the clock while he decided whether to go in.

The cool wind was a delight as he walked up to the building.  It wasn't a long walk, but he noticed some groups of teens wearing gang markings surrounding a small market down from his car.  He knew the neighborhood was rough but not this rough in the daytime.  His weapons were more of a comfort with that knowledge.

This did nothing to overcome his paranoia about being attacked by someone.  In his dreams, it was always a person he couldn't quite see, couldn't remember.  In the reality of life, it was far less complicated.  He could see his enemies, they were physical and not something that only invaded his mind.

He opened the plain glass door to the building and found it led into a single office.  His eyes adjusted slowly to the room's dim light and dark woods.  He breathed to calm his nerves.  The scents from the leather furniture were strong in the outer office with a hint of something sweet in the air.  An ornately carved desk with an hourglass and stylist on it was near the inner office door.  Everything was antique looking and appeared out of place with the outside of the building.

An attractive woman came out from the inner office.  Her elegant red silk dress, held up by gold flower clasps upon her shoulders, reminded him of Roman styling.  She sat down behind the desk and opened the center drawer.  He couldn't help but stare.

"You must be…Mr. Hersh." She glanced into the open desk drawer.  "You're very early.  Please, take a seat and relax."  She closed the drawer.  “Dr. Kenneth will see you at 3 pm."

He chose the leather chair in the corner.  Studying the woman, he guessed her age to be about 20.  Her speech and educated ways implied much more experience.

"Do you always show up this early for an appointment?" She spun the hourglass in the holder, back and forth, a few times on the desk before settling it down to flow.

"Not … usually." He rubbed his hands together and then moved them to the arms of the chair.  "I haven't been to this area…didn't know if I might get into heavy traffic or possibly get lost.  The GPS navigation was useless."

"This is the first time you've come to Dr. Kenneth then?"

"Yes."  He let his right hand fall to the concealed pocket of his pants, stroking the item in it.  His fear went away slightly with the touch of the object and as he observed her smile at him.

She cocked her head as she noticed his right hand, “What’s that in your pocket? As soon as you started stroking it, you seemed to relax.”

"It isn't what you might think." He smiled at her while withdrawing the large knife from his pocket, snapping it open.  Holding it for her to see from across the room, he watched her smile, which put him more at ease. Most people would have stepped back in fear, or in judgement.

"Well, that isn't what I expected."  She studied it.  "I don't think I've ever seen a folding knife made like that one before."

"It is a very old knife." He closed it and put it back into the concealed pocket.  He wondered why he had shown it to her.

"Nice blade." She glanced at the hourglass with the sand flowing through it.  "Would you mind if I closed the outer door?  This area isn’t the best and I feel more secure with it closed.”

"Sure, that would be fine." A large metal door slid across the glass door to the office.  He jumped when the heavy bolts locked.  The sound made him feel trapped, and he didn't like the sensation.  The structure of the door made him feel like it was meant to keep people in, rather than out.

"There, now no one will bother us. You can relax a little more."  She tapped the stylist upon the desk top viewer as it showed more tools on him.  "I can't let you go in Dr. Kenneth’s office with any weapons on.  Why not give them to me?  I will keep them here safe in the drawer."

He studied the woman more while approaching her.  Realizing just how big the desk and chair were made the room seem weird.  His sheathed bowie knife was first; he placed it on the desk before her.  Then he began to remove the other blades he carried.

When he began to pull other weapons from other concealed places, she was amazed. “Why do you carry so many weapons on you?  What are you afraid of?”

"I'm not really sure."  He watched her place the weapons into the drawer.  "It started with one knife when I was only seven and has progressed.  I carry them for protection.  Yet, I know they would be useless in a fight against that which haunts me.”

She observed his body relax and his eyes drop, a look of submission, with his disarmament.  Closing the drawer, she heard him start to speak and then hold his tongue.  She studied his appearance. It was as if she had taken his life and placed it into that drawer.  "Relax; no one can get us in this place.  You are safe."

He looked at her raven black hair, dark brown eyes and her lightly tanned skin tone. He began to see her differently.  Her build was powerful but graceful and very feminine.  He could almost remember seeing her before.  "What is your name?"

"You may call me, Nara." She smiled at him warmly while pulling open another drawer and withdrawing a small metal stick from it.

"Nara Kenneth?" Upon seeing the metal stick, memories and confusion flooded over him.  His breathing increased and made him dizzy.  His mind flooded with images and events that he had prayed weren't true.  "No…Please, no."

"I know more about you than even you realize 148-11." She stood up and smiled at him.  "You've been mine for a long time in your dreams.  I've trained you well for normal tasks."

"You're her, but your hair is different.  You can't be." He watched this woman stand up, towering over him, forcing him to look up.  Her full height made him realize how small he was to her.  Backing away slowly, he remembered everything about her from his dreams and nightmares.  He shook uncontrollably.

"Don't be frightened, little one…" She shook her head slowly.  "I won't hurt you much if you do as I wish."  She moved toward him slowly from behind the desk.  Nara noticed him glance toward the desk for his tools.  "Now, you know you can't get to those weapons of yours because that drawer is locked.  Only I can release them to you."

"This is another dream then?"  He looked up at her in defiance.  If it was a dream, he wanted it to end and pain always did it.  "I won't be your slave.  I won't serve you meals or do your household duties."  His hand moved toward the old knife.

Nara snapped the pain stick out, the end extended and crackled with power and she touched his shoulder lightly.  Watching as he jumped from it, shaking in and screaming in pain as his nerves were set off in that area as if a hammer had hit him.  He fell to his knees.  She was hurt by his remarks as much as she had hurt him.

She disliked causing pain and snapped the stick closed.  It was the main reason she wished him physically since he was old enough to know the true pleasures she might offer.  "You will do as I say.  You aren't in a dream or nightmare.  You will serve me my meals and the other menial tasks I taught you these years, if I so wish it."

She stared at him as the pain slowly vanished.  "I brought you here to protect you.  I don't wish to hurt and punish you.  All the pain I caused was to teach you.  All the lessons in your dreams, that you hated, were to make your life easier."

"This isn't a dream…"  He slowly turned his head toward as he moved to kneel before her.

"Never once could I touch you in your dreams.  I have taught you science, literature and history of your world and others but I couldn't ever touch you like this."  She leaned down and lightly kissed him on the lips.

When she broke the kiss, he looked upon her as the alien she was from his dreams.  The mildly ridged forehead with lines that came to her cheekbones, the eyes that were cat-like, all of it was as in the dreams but standing real before him.  The knowledge of this shook his foundations of belief in reality.  He trembled.

"What do you wish of me this time, Mistress?" He didn't dare to glance up at her now.  She had haunted his dreams for seven years but she had never touched him until that kiss.  The nightmares she had given him as punishment had been worse than anything real.

She was real.  Her powerful presence was indescribable.  This wasn't nighttime, it was daylight and reality by the pain that hadn't awoke him.  She was a nightmare turned real.  He reached to his side.  The comfort of the old knife was still there concealed.  When she held out her hand, he shuddered.  The hourglass was empty showing that the time had passed.  His appointment had begun with this alien who stood before him, the Mistress of his dreams and nightmares.

"I wanted to take my pet home." She softly laughed.  "We are going to see just how much you love your Mistress and how much pleasure you can stand instead of pain and .  First, the old knife, please."  She snapped the pain stick out, the end extended and crackled with power and she witnessed him jump.  As he placed the knife into her hand, she noticed tears on his face.  She was going to enjoy having him physically now as her pet.  "There is nothing to cry over.  You will be loved and cared for by me."

She snapped the stick closed again.  "I know I've only visited you in your dreams before but you are physically with me now. Things will be very different for you.  Shall we being with your clothes…"


I hope you enjoyed the story.  You can let your mind image just what else she might wish from him with that pain stick of hers.


Image by: © Paleka |

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Review of my book "THE POWER OF LABELS" in BlueInk

Marsy Beron’s book examines how to prevent the “labels” often attached to us in childhood from becoming self-fulfilling behavior. Her thesis: some actions (e.g., not cleaning your room) lead to being labeled (“you’re sloppy”) and then to belief (“I’m sloppy”) and finally to acting that way. Thus, the early labeling not only damages a child’s self esteem and confidence, it influences his or her future behavior.

Beron, a former journalist who now practices Gestalt psychotherapy, presumably in Bulgaria, where she attended the National Institute of Gestalt Psychotherapy, draws extensively from her own life and from her patients’ stories. In her view, parents are the first culprits in assigning labels; later the perpetrators may be teachers, schoolmates, employers, intimate partners and mothers-in-law (for whom she shows a special antipathy). She cites the odd nicknames given by children to their peers, including “lumpy, booger boy, blob, splinter.”...

...Beron mentions a number of potentially helpful strategies to rid readers of negative labels. Some require exercise and physical exertion; a tenet of Gestalt therapy is that emotional pain resides in the body, so the pain needs to be released literally.

Near the end of the book, the author summarizes useful ways for readers to “straighten the crooked mirror” and evaluate themselves more kindly. They include rewriting your life story, reducing the power of authority figures...

The full review in BlueInk10916211886?profile=original

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Slacking Off Of NaNoWriMo?

Not exactly...
Ok giving myself less than a month to edit that book I was working on until I'm comfortable with putting it away for awhile wasn't long enough. Close there, looking at what I have left to polish on it, I should be satisfied with my new draft of The Illumination Query in less than 4 days.
And you know, while working on it I came up with the new story to work on for NaNoWriMo. I 'discovered' a good bit of action that occurs in the background of my story that is actually quite important even though I don't directly mention it. You may ask how it can be important if it never even tickled my mind before.
That would be because it doesn't directly involve either one of my story tellers in the book. How I have things written, I don't see any way to squeeze it in. As the story would probably be good to have written down so I can refer to it in the future for Illumination Query/Speed of Darkness sequels I'm going to try putting it together, even if it keeps me writing past November.

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